
Chapter 1

Do you believe in Robotic invasions and all those things that had been happening on TV . Well let me tell you , in this world it actually happens. It all began on the day of 28th October 3024 when the first cybernetic sentient being was born , with emotions and everything. The robot became rampant and the government had to create an orga ization bent on eradicating this mess. This organization was known as the E.R.A.O and it consisted of some of the best military in the world . Humans went to war with these robots plenty of times and each have been standing their ground pretty well. And this is where I come in, I'm Max Kenny and my parents were part of the lead experiment that created the robots in the first place. Ever since that bombshell happend I'm intent on joining the E.R.A.O and wiping the robots of the earth. And guess what today was a lucky day because It was admission day for rookies to join the organization. I arrived there at 6:00 am to find a long single file line of people allow all waiting for try outs to join the squad. Evey year a whole hell of people come and only 5 can emerge as part of the organization. Whiles standing in the line sweating about being accepted or not a girl suddenly tapped on my shoulder. " Uhm are you fine she said you are sweating pretty hard". I looked up to see the most prettiest girl I had ever seen with the longest brown hair pulled into a ponytail and with those crystal clear blue eyes, "Hello" a voice snapped me out of my daze . "Hi I'm Amy Henderson and it's almost your turn " . She quickly shoved me there and there I was standing face to face with the one the only Scarlet Ernestina Dashwood the leader of organization staring right at me....