
Cute little Angel

Alex, a 29-year-old loner facing isolation due to neglect from his parents and job loss, works as a cashier in a convenience store. His life takes an unexpected turn when Lily, a lively 6-year-old neighbor, enters the scene. Despite the challenges, their friendship brings laughter and joy to Alex's once mundane days. This is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of an unexpected connection in the midst of loneliness.

Ash_thirumuru · Realistic
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88 Chs

sweet chocolate for boy's

As the evening unfolded, the cozy atmosphere of the living room was filled with the familiar sounds of a gaming session. Alex and Lily were engrossed in a friendly competition.

"Papa! You're such a noob!" Lily teased, her laughter echoing in the room.

"Oh, really? Take this!" Alex retaliated, making a triumphant move in the game and defeating her.

"Nooo! Let's play again!" Lily insisted, determined to turn the tables.

Amidst the gaming excitement, Emma lounged on the couch, occasionally glancing at the playful banter between father and daughter. Seizing the moment, she decided to interject.

"Hey, Alex!" Emma called out, drawing his attention away from the TV.

"What is it?" Alex responded, still focused on the game.

"Did you ever receive chocolates from girls on Valentine's Day?" Emma inquired, her curiosity evident.

Alex chuckled, his eyes finally shifting from the screen. "Chocolates from girls? Well, I don't really interact with girls that much," he replied with a casual smile.

"Really?" Emma prodded further.

"It's true!" Alex affirmed, sharing a lighthearted moment with Emma in the midst of their cozy evening.

As the sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a soft morning glow in the room, Alex found himself in a battle against the irresistible allure of sleep. Emma's voice broke through the peaceful silence, disrupting his lazy repose.

"Alex!" Emma's voice echoed through the room.

Alex, with a half-hearted attempt to thwart the impending intrusion, opened his eyes to find Emma standing there, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What's going on, Emma?" Alex mumbled, attempting to shield himself from the waking world.

"Can you spend the day with Lily outside?" she requested, a subtle plea in her eyes.

Checking the time, Alex noted that it was a mere 7:30 am. "It's still early! I'll take her out later," he replied, attempting to negotiate a few more minutes of precious sleep.

However, Emma, undeterred by his half-hearted resistance, playfully kicked him out of bed, prompting him to reluctantly rise. "Hey, what's that for?" he protested, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Papa, let's go to the ground!" Lily chimed in, her enthusiasm infectious.

With a sigh, Alex surrendered to the morning adventure that awaited, realizing that resistance was futile against the combined forces of Emma and Lily's playful determination.

After Alex and Lily left the apartment, Mia entered with bags of groceries, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Brought the ingredients?" Issable inquired with a smile.

"I got them!" Mia declared proudly.

"Alright, girls! Let's turn these ingredients into sweet surprises for the boys this Valentine's Day!" Emma announced with enthusiasm.

With a sigh, Alex surrendered to the morning adventure that awaited, realizing that resistance was futile against the combined forces of Emma and Lily's playful determination.

After Alex and Lily left the apartment, Mia entered with bags of groceries, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Brought the ingredients?" Issable inquired with a smile.

"I got them!" Mia declared proudly.

"Alright, girls! Let's turn these ingredients into sweet surprises for the boys this Valentine's Day!" Emma announced with enthusiasm.

They gathered in the kitchen, donned aprons, and began the chocolate-making process. Emma, Mia, and Issable exchanged laughter and stories, creating a warm and joyous atmosphere. Bowls of melted chocolate, trays of molds, and an array of toppings adorned the kitchen counter.

As they dipped strawberries into the velvety chocolate and carefully filled heart-shaped molds, their chatter filled the air. Each chocolate creation became a labor of love.

The kitchen soon filled with the irresistible aroma of melting chocolate, a tantalizing preview of the delightful treats in the making.

Once the chocolates were set and adorned with decorative ribbons, the trio admired their handiwork. Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the upcoming celebration of love.

"Take out your portion, girls!" Emma declared.

The trio carefully separated their portions of chocolates and placed them into colorful gift boxes.

"I can't wait to gift these to Ben tomorrow!" Mia exclaimed with excitement.

"Oliver will be so happy with these chocolates!" Issable chimed in, sharing in the excitement.

"And I've made the best chocolates for Alex!" Emma added, her enthusiasm contagious.

The women admired the neatly arranged chocolates in their respective boxes, imagining the joy their thoughtful creations would bring to their significant others.

With the chocolates ready and the gift boxes adorned with ribbons, they eagerly anticipated the special moments that awaited them on Valentine's Day.

"I'll be heading out now!" Mia declared, holding the box of chocolates she helped create.

"Don't forget to store them in a cool place!" Emma reminded her.

"Thanks for the help!" Mia expressed her gratitude before leaving.

Issable turned to Emma, "Let's put them in the fridge."

"Wait, don't put them in your fridge. Alex might find out. Let's set them in my home," Emma suggested.

"Good idea!" Issable agreed, and they carefully stored the handmade chocolates in Emma's home, ensuring the surprise would remain intact for the special occasion.

As Alex and Lily returned from their afternoon play in the ground, their entrance into the living room was met with Emma's warm welcome.

"We are back!" Alex announced, and Emma greeted them with a welcoming smile.

As Alex took a deep breath, a delightful aroma tickled his senses. Perplexed, he inquired, "Why am I getting a whiff of chocolate?"

With a mischievous grin, Issable replied, "Well, we made cocoa milk for you guys!"

"Really? I want it!" Lily exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice.

On another day in college, Mia decided to approach Ben and share the chocolates she and the others had made.

As she walked towards him, she noticed he already had a pile of chocolate boxes on his desk, yet none of them were opened. A slight hesitation crept into Mia's mind, wondering if he would accept more chocolates.

However, when Ben noticed the box in Mia's hand, he looked up and asked, "What's that you've got there?" Mia, a bit uncertain, explained, "Um, it's just some chocolates I made. You probably have enough, though."

To her surprise, Ben warmly accepted the box, expressing genuine curiosity. Opening it right there, he tasted a piece and exclaimed, "Wow, these are delicious! Thanks a lot!"

Mia couldn't help but feel a sense of joy as Ben appreciated the homemade chocolates.

In the evening, Issable and Oliver settled on their usual bench under the lamp in the park.

"Hey, I got these for you!" Issable handed him a box.

"What's that?" Oliver asked, curious.

"Today is Valentine's Day, idiot!" she teased and handed him the box.

"Oh! Chocolates? I love them," Oliver exclaimed.

He opened the box, revealing heart-shaped chocolates. With a smile, he began to enjoy the sweet treats. "It's wonderful," he appreciated, savoring the thoughtful gesture.

As Alex returned from the office, he noticed Emma in his home, a sight that wasn't a part of his usual routine. Emma greeted him with a warm smile and handed him a beautifully wrapped chocolate box.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Alex!" she said, kissing him on the cheek.

Lily, who was nearby, overheard the exchange and immediately chimed in, "Chocolates, Papa! Can I have some too?"

Alex and Lily shared the chocolates, creating a sweet moment of joy in their home. The simple gesture brought smiles and warmth, making it a memorable Valentine's Day for the trio.