
Cute little Angel

Alex, a 29-year-old loner facing isolation due to neglect from his parents and job loss, works as a cashier in a convenience store. His life takes an unexpected turn when Lily, a lively 6-year-old neighbor, enters the scene. Despite the challenges, their friendship brings laughter and joy to Alex's once mundane days. This is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of an unexpected connection in the midst of loneliness.

Ash_thirumuru · Realistic
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88 Chs


The next day, Oliver and Issable found themselves seated in the college cafeteria, engaged in a conversation that ranged from light-hearted banter to more serious topics.

"Oh! So you're finally becoming an aunt!" Oliver teased Issable, a playful glint in his eyes.

Issable shot him a pointed look, to which Oliver quickly apologized, realizing his jest might have hit a nerve.

"Anyway, I'll come by this evening to congratulate Alex," Oliver continued, shifting the conversation to a more serious tone.

But before he could finish, Issable interjected, a hint of hesitation in her voice. "Actually, there's something I need to talk to you about," she said.

Curious, Oliver leaned in, prompting her to continue.

"I... I want to move in with you," Issable revealed, her words hanging in the air as she awaited his response.

"Why all of a sudden?" Oliver asked, surprised by her sudden request. "You rejected the idea yesterday, didn't you?"

Issable sighed, her gaze falling momentarily. "Well, I thought my brother needed me. But now, it's Emma who needs him," she explained. "Emma can't move into our house because it's too small for four people. And Alex won't move into Emma's house because of me."

Oliver nodded, understanding the dilemma. "Have you discussed this with Alex?" he inquired, concerned about the potential implications of such a decision.

"No," Issable admitted, a hint of sadness coloring her tone. "Not yet."

"Alright, we'll talk to him about it this evening," Oliver assured her, offering a reassuring smile.

"Okay," Issable replied, a sense of relief washing over her as she realized she wasn't alone in facing this challenge.

As Mia and Ben approached Oliver and Issable in the college cafeteria, their presence brought a wave of casual camaraderie to the table.

"Seems like the love birds are having a good time," Mia remarked with a playful smile, observing the easy rapport between Oliver and Issable.

"What's up?" Ben chimed in, joining the conversation with a friendly nod.

Oliver exchanged a knowing look with Issable before replying, "Just discussing some big decisions."

Intrigued by the cryptic response, Mia turned her attention to Issable. "What's going on?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Issable leaned in and shared the exciting news. "Well, Alex is going to be a father," she revealed, unable to contain her excitement.

Mia's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? When did this happen?" she exclaimed, her astonishment evident in her voice.

"Just yesterday," Issable confirmed, a smile of anticipation playing on her lips.

"I have to congratulate him!" Mia declared, already mentally planning her next steps.

"Okay," Issable agreed, her mind momentarily preoccupied with the impending congratulations.

As the conversation continued, Issable couldn't help but notice the subtle closeness between Mia and Ben. With a curious glance, she brought it up. "You two seem close these days," she remarked, noting the easy familiarity between them.

Mia and Ben exchanged a knowing look before sharing their news—they had started dating.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" Oliver asked, his surprise evident in his voice as he turned his attention to the newly revealed couple.

"Well, I wasn't sure until yesterday," Ben admitted with a shy smile, his feelings still fresh and new.

In the evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets, Alex made his way home from the office. Along the way, he stopped by a store, emerging moments later with a small box tucked safely into his bag—a secret treasure awaiting its moment.

With a sense of purpose, Alex strolled through the familiar streets, each step carrying him closer to the warmth and comfort of home. As he passed through the serene ambiance of the park, he spotted Mr. Thompson already seated on a bench, the evening breeze gently ruffling his hair.

"Good evening!" Alex greeted him warmly, settling onto the bench beside him.

"Well, hello there, boy! What brings you here?" Mr. Thompson replied, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes.

"I wanted to tell you something," Alex began, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"Oh? Is it about the news of you becoming a father?" Mr. Thompson interjected with a knowing grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Surprised, Alex's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. "How did you know?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Your little sister, Issable, shared the news with me," Mr. Thompson revealed, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Congratulations, boy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

"Thank you, father," Alex replied, a sense of gratitude washing over him at Mr. Thompson's heartfelt words.

As they sat together on the bench, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light, Mr. Thompson couldn't help but notice the contentment radiating from Alex's demeanor.

"It seems you've finally achieved happiness you've wanted," he observed, a hint of pride in his voice.

"I've achieved beyond that," Alex replied with a smile, his heart filled with gratitude for the unexpected blessings life had bestowed upon him.

With a gentle reminder to head home early to Emma and Lily, Mr. Thompson bid Alex farewell.

"Goodbye, father," Alex replied, rising from the bench and continuing on his journey homeward, his heart light with anticipation for the joy awaiting him at home.

As Alex opened the door to his home, he was greeted by a heartwarming sight. Oliver and Mia were already there, engaging in playful antics with Lily and Mittens, the atmosphere alive with laughter and joy. Emma and Issable watched on with smiles, their eyes alight with happiness at the scene unfolding before them.

"Oh, Alex!" Mia exclaimed as she noticed him entering the room. With a beaming smile, she hurried over to him, her enthusiasm infectious.

Alex couldn't help but return her smile, feeling a surge of warmth at the sight of his friends and family coming together in such a joyous moment.

"Hey, Mia," he greeted her warmly, his voice filled with affection.

"Mia, Oliver, it's so good to see you both," Alex said, his voice filled with genuine warmth as he greeted his friends.

Mia approached him with a wide grin, her eyes shining with excitement. "Congratulations, Alex!" she exclaimed, wrapping him in a tight hug.

Oliver chimed in, clapping Alex on the back with a grin. "Yeah, man, we're thrilled for you!" he added, his enthusiasm matching Mia's.

"Thanks, guys," Alex replied, feeling a swell of gratitude for their support. "It means a lot to me."

As the evening progressed and the excitement of the celebration began to settle, Issable and Oliver exchanged a meaningful glance, silently communicating their shared desire to speak with Alex about an important matter.

"Alex, could we talk to you for a moment?" Issable asked, her tone gentle yet firm as she approached him.

"Sure, what's up?" Alex replied, turning his attention to Issable and Oliver, sensing the seriousness in their demeanor.

Oliver nodded, his expression serious. "It's something we think you should know," he added, his voice tinged with urgency.

Concern flickered across Alex's features as he followed Issable and Oliver to a quieter corner of the room, away from the lively chatter and laughter.

"What's going on?" Alex asked, his brow furrowing with worry as he awaited their explanation.