
Cute and Cruel

In a cruel world of affinity, a little girl looked beyond the horizon and smiled, cutely.

Messy_Maker · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chap 1- Welcome to the world

Thrown into the wilderness, a child was abandoned. In a miracle, she was saved by a beggar.

The beggar then brought this little child to a cave. He showered her, gave her clothes, yet there are no food present. Starving, they passed through the desert day after day. Looking back, they saw the enormous blue wall that shines radiantly and continued their journey.

"O'mighty god of desert, please give us an oasis." was what chanted repeatedly by the beggar. Along with his shabby clothes, his body eventually shrivelled up, desperately, he climbed.

Then, he looked at the girl beside him. Healthier than ever, the little girl just followed him, strangely. He looked puzzled, he never fed her anything, yet why did she not starve? Therefore, he looked at the girl with the eyes of salvation.

"O'mighty god of life, please forgive me." said the beggar. Then his head got swallowed by a hunger-striken wolf. Yes, a dark hungery wolf ate him. Slowly as if enjoying a meal, it took another big bite out of him. Lastly, the whole body of the beggar got swallowed. This man lived as a beggar, died as he begged to the gods.

Dark hungery wolf still looked incredibly hungry, yet it quickly took the girl in his mouth and started running. All the way from the desert to a milky green plain. She was brought to the wolves' den.

Iyapa, the dark hungery wolf put the little girl in its jaw and brought her to a large place where the floor have weirdly shaped patterns, it looked ugly in her eyes, yet she was fascinated by the situation.

Yoda, a massive dark hungery wolf, assumed to be the lord of the den, walked towards the girl right in the centre of the patterns.

The girl looked at the enormous wolf, she smiled. No, she is excited, to the point that she is trembling. All the wolves looked at her and laughed. Howls started overwhelming the space, those strange patterns alike a music composition, started to glow one after the other.

The little girl was shaking, from head to toe, with great intensity. She can feel it. Her affinity is dashing towards her in full speed.

What made the final touch, is a creature akin to a tyrannosaurus crashing through the cave, preying on the wolves.

It took only a little while before all the dark hungery wolves were swallowed. Then, the creature stepped towards the girl, and looked at her with eyes of gluttony.

Fwppp. The head of the giant creature was shot through with an arrow. Turning around, a man with a massive build and a face that seemed to be carved out of a oni mask stood there with a bow.

That's an orx. One of the major power in this world. Kusabei the orx looked at the little girl with gentle eyes. Then he looked back towards the creature, which has fallen to the ground with loud slam.

"Kamu. Sini." The orx waved his hand while staring intensely at the giant creature.

The little girl tilted her head at those words. She didn't understand those words in the slightest. As it was the language of the orx.

Sighing, Kusabei the orx paced forward slowly with steps overflowing with strength.

Then, a small star shined within the night sky. It was almost unnoticeable, yet the girl stopped trembling.

The little girl stood up, and stared at Kusabei longingly... No, what she was staring at, was something far beyond, something atomly small, yet it feels like that this something was engulfed by the entire world. Like an abused child hugged by its crazed parent.

Right this moment, the little girl made a decision.

She then looked Kusabei in the eyes, walked forward a little and touched his fingers

"Let's go, bro."

Said the little girl cutely, so much that it would bring out desire to ravage from those deplorable nobles in Jia Tian Tang. Despite the dirtiness of her muddy skins and shabby clothes, she managed to evoke feelings of slight adoration within the orx which species are generally known to be strong-willed.

With an unusually shocked face, Kusabei nodded his head and silently walked towards the sunset. The little girl followed, lowering her head and smiled childishly as if preparing to prank her friends.

Meanwhile, the orx was shocked by the strange feeling blooming within him. But more importantly, he now had the greatest confusion in his current life. He was incredibly stupefied by the orx language that the little girl spoke.

A human. With ability to speak the orx language. Normally, this would be suspicious beyond belief. Yet the orx just accepted that fact as an anomaly.

That is all because, this is the World of Affinity, Krapen.

I've recovered from the fever. I plan to make this a self-satisfaction powerful main character story. I probably can write English normally, but not that impactful, that's also what I'm aiming to improve. This would be my hobby I guess. I would be glad for any tips. I'm writing this to improve my writing skills and for fun.

Messy_Makercreators' thoughts