
Cut Me As Deep As You Want

**Warning: The Readers Are Advised**[ By The Author: Qaiz] this novel have psychological horror and can go every extreme lengths, the readers are advised for those who have weak heart , mentally weak or emotionally can easily get emotionally disturbed you may not read this novel or can skip thoose chapters. the story goes as a boy who is a Psychopath, who loves to kill people regarding of gander and a boy who who gets kidnapped by the Psychopath,

Qazi_Xds · Horror
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32 Chs

Chapter 25

Officer Leon, Chief Richard, and the other officers approached Eric's house, their expressions serious as they prepared to execute the arrest warrant. Eric answered the door, his demeanor calm but guarded as Officer Leon presented him with the warrant. "We need to take you to the station for questioning," Officer Leon explained, his voice firm.

Eric's mind raced as he considered his next move. He knew he had to play his cards carefully if he wanted to maintain his facade. "If you have doubts, then I'll come with you," Eric said, his voice steady as he tried to convey an air of innocence.

Chief Richard studied Eric closely, searching for any signs of deception, but Eric's expression remained unreadable, like a blank canvas. With a nod from Chief Richard, Eric accompanied the officers to the police station.

Inside the interrogation room, Detective Lee wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter. He peppered Eric with questions, probing for any inconsistencies in his story. Eric remained composed, answering each question with practiced ease.

Detective Lee's brow furrowed as he asked, "How old were you when your father disappeared?"

Eric's mind raced as he recalled the details of his past. "I was 10 years old," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "And then when I turned 18, my mom disappeared too. The last time I saw her, she was having an affair with another man. After that, she never came back."

Detective Lee felt a surge of frustration as Eric recounted his story. The vulnerability in Eric's voice seemed genuine, and Detective Lee couldn't shake the feeling that the evidence against him was slipping away.

Turning to Officer Leon and Chief Richard, Detective Lee knew they were facing a difficult decision. "We're walking on thin ice with this case," he admitted, his voice heavy with uncertainty. "We need to proceed with caution."

Officer Leon and Chief Richard exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation. They knew that one wrong move could jeopardize the entire investigation.

As they continued to question Eric, Detective Lee couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye. With so much at stake, they would need to tread carefully if they hoped to uncover the truth behind Eric's facade.

Detective Lee held the photograph out to Eric, his expression serious as he waited for Eric's reaction. Eric's eyes flickered over the image, his demeanor tense as he took in the sight of his family, frozen in time. "Where did you get this?" Eric asked, his voice tight with apprehension.

Detective Lee hesitated, knowing that Eric's reaction could reveal crucial insights into his involvement in the case. "Is it important?" he replied, his tone carefully neutral.

Eric's eyes flashed with a hint of irritation, but beneath the surface, Detective Lee could sense a deeper frustration brewing. "This feels like a violation of my privacy," Eric said, his voice laced with simmering anger. "I don't appreciate strangers digging into my personal life."

Detective Lee felt a pang of guilt at Eric's words, but he knew that they couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud their judgment. "This is how investigations work," Detective Lee explained, his tone firm but sympathetic. "We have to follow every lead, no matter where it takes us."

Eric's gaze bore into Detective Lee's with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. There was a predatory gleam in Eric's eyes, a hint of danger lurking beneath the surface. "You're right," Eric said, his voice low and measured. "But you see, my mother disappeared when I was 18. She was having an affair with a man who lived right next door to her son's bedroom."

Detective Lee felt a chill run down his spine at Eric's words. The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to click into place, but there was still so much left unanswered. "And what happened to your father?" Detective Lee asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.

Eric's expression hardened, a mask of indifference slipping over his features. "My father disappeared when I was 10," Eric replied, his voice devoid of emotion. "He was involved in some shady business dealings, but I never knew the full extent of it."

Detective Lee's mind raced as he processed Eric's words. There was a darkness lurking within Eric's past, a tangled web of secrets and lies that threatened to engulf them both. "Do you know anything about the disappearances of Luna and your mother?" Detective Lee pressed, his voice tinged with urgency.

Eric's eyes flashed with something unreadable, a hint of calculation flickering behind his gaze. "I know nothing," Eric said, his voice cold and detached. "But if you're looking for answers, you won't find them here."

Detective Lee knew that Eric was hiding something, but try as he might, he couldn't penetrate the facade of calm indifference that Eric had constructed around himself. With a heavy heart, Detective Lee realized that their investigation was far from over. There were still secrets lurking in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered. And until they found the truth, Eric would remain a dark and enigmatic figure, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

Detective Lee sat outside the meeting room, his expression one of deep disappointment. "Eric is innocent," he muttered to himself, his voice heavy with defeat.

Officer Leon, standing beside him, frowned. "Did you ask him about the restaurant where he worked?" he inquired, realizing that they may have overlooked a crucial detail.

Detective Lee shook his head wearily. "I can't bring myself to question him any further," he confessed, his exhaustion evident in his voice. "My mind just doesn't have the stamina for it."

Officer Leon nodded understandingly, concern etched on his features. "I'll handle it," he assured Detective Lee, before heading back into the meeting room.

Inside, Eric sat with his hands cuffed, a smirk playing on his lips as Officer Leon approached him. "Tell me about the restaurant where you worked," Officer Leon demanded, his tone firm.

Eric leaned back in his chair, a smug expression crossing his face. "I started working there just a week before the blast," he replied casually.

Officer Leon frowned, sensing that there was more to Eric's story than he was letting on. "I heard that you were quite interested in the rumors about the chef's criminal activities," he pressed, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Eric's smirk widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "You're absolutely right," he admitted, his tone dripping with amusement. "In fact, right before the blast, I was in the kitchen washing dishes when I heard a muffled cry coming from the chef's office."

Officer Leon's frustration boiled over, and he slammed his hand onto the table in anger. "Why didn't you report it?" he demanded, his voice laced with irritation.

Eric shrugged nonchalantly, his smirk never faltering. "How was I supposed to know what was happening?" he replied coolly. "It's not uncommon to hear strange noises in a busy restaurant kitchen. I simply ignored it and left."

Chief Richard, who had been standing silently beside Officer Leon, spoke up. "You mentioned that you believed the chef was a murderer," he interjected, his tone measured.

Eric's smirk turned into a friendly smile as he addressed Chief Richard. "If I had investigated further, I could have ended up like the chef," he explained calmly. "And then you wouldn't have any suspects left, would you?"

Chief Richard and Officer Leon exchanged a glance, realizing the truth in Eric's words. Despite their frustration, they couldn't deny that Eric had a point. If he had stayed to investigate, he may have met the same fate as the chef.

As the meeting drew to a close, Officer Leon couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Eric's calm demeanor and calculated responses left him with more questions than answers. And until they uncovered the truth, Eric would remain an enigma, a puzzle waiting to be solved.