
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 22 - Time To Grind!




"I refuse!" I said loud enough for even the army in the back to hear me. I did a pose with it for some reason, though that might be because I also like a particular anime. Aicxixha looked shocked at my refusal.

"What? Why?!" She practically shouted out, but she didn't look bad, and if put in a goth girl outfit, she'd be my type. I only had one problem that I had to make sure was dealt with.

"There are a few reasons, actually." I said, as she seemed to be listening, "Are you related to any royalty?" She shook her head no. "Are you an Outer God level being or higher?" She again shook her head no. "Are you someone with a rare or significant bloodline?" Once again, her head shook sideways. Whenever I asked a question and heard her say no, I felt the pressure of something or maybe more than one something watching me.

"I haven't met you before today, so I don't even know your personality or how you act. I cannot be the love of someone I fail to know." I spoke the most bullsh*t I could possibly produce. I could absolutely take her from her looks alone, but I knew my father and maybe some others were watching, and because of that, I, as a prince, shouldn't lower myself.

Knowing that I was, in fact, a chess piece wasn't saddening because I knew I was the most significant chess piece in the game! The game was set, and I was already the most defended one! "Why do I need any of those to ask for your hand?!" She asked with a stupified look like I was the one that was crazy.

"You do know I am a prince, right?" As soon as the words flew out of my mouth, I could swear everyone here had gone quieter than quiet. Aicxixha had even gone silent with the rest of her followers. "I appreciate the effort, though! You might be the first to try and be one of my betrothed!" I said as I pulled her into a hug. As the height difference was a bit much, she didn't even come up to my shoulders.

I started patting her head slowly, and I whispered in her ear. "We can start out as friends. Though I might be a prince, you have taken the time to come here, so don't be saddened by my rejection." I swear I felt one of the presences watching me become even heavier. "W rizz?" I heard Karasu whisper as I was pulling away from the hug.

Aicxixha didn't seem too experienced in the art of love as she did come to me hoping to find "her one." Beyond that, I don't think she should have a reason to stay here as I could feel that one presence slowly grow in intensity. "*Cough* Thank you for your hospitality, Prince Azaogdesz. My army and I shall see ourselves out of your dimension." Her face was a bit red from the unexpected gesture of kindness, and due to her pale skin, it became very noticeable.

I gave my best impression of one of those "gojo edits" and smiled at her. It appeared to work as she turned around quickly and walked away. It was too late, though, as I had already seen her tail wagging. 'So she is a short stack with a backside.' I thought as I saw her walking away quickly.

Once she finally left, I felt all the pressure from the presence' leave me beside one, and I knew who that was, so I didn't mind it. I walked back to the gaming room and sat on a red beanbag chair as I knew what I would do next. I checked the paths and noticed that there were way more branches than I had expected. There had to be around 20,000 people who had been given a drop of my blood.

Millions had prayed to me for healing, and seeing that this actually worked, I retrieved my avatar and sent it back to the modern world. The summoner wasn't there, and I just decided to fill multiple jars with my blood and write a note for him. With that done, I used the marker ability again and appeared back in Nyarla's house.

I should leave a message to those who have prayed and people who have taken my blood. Those who prayed to me will only hear my voice, but that'll be enough.

Bringing all of those who took my blood to the paths and whispering in the minds of those who prayed to me, I spoke. "Hear me, people of this world." I could see the 20,000+ who took my blood in the paths looking confused, but while they couldn't see each other, they could see me. In my human form so that they wouldn't be scared, I spoke again. "My name is… Eren Yeager. Those of you who have taken my blood have been brought to a special place, but those who hear this and have prayed to me will not experience this. In the next few hours, those who have received a drop of my blood through the eye will awaken their powers. Randomly, you will transform and receive a random titan that I will give to you. Those of you who haven't taken my blood won't be receiving this but will be able to see the ones who have." With my speech coming to an end, the people in the paths returned to their daily lives, and the second they returned, I gave one person the armored titan and forcibly transformed him.

Slowly, I would randomly give a person a Titan and base the Titan given on their personality. The only Titans they couldn't receive were the Attack Titan and Founding Titan. The military would soon come to try and profit from the situation and would only give me what I wanted.

"You know your voice is really deep. The merge between your eldritch voice and humanoid voice is probably what did it for her." I was taken out of my musing by Karasu, who was playing on one of the PCs. "What are you talking about?" I said with confusion evident in my tone. "You don't hear what you're doing? Your natural voice sounds like the devil came from hell to sing songs. It's actually kinda scary how deep but smooth it is." Karasu continued saying, even though I was still a bit confused.

I, who have heard my voice a million times by now, should know what I sound like. But apparently, I had a really deep and sensual voice that hit at the heartstrings of my suitor. The mix between my human form and eldritch seemed only to increase the sensual overload.

Thinking back to the task at hand, I would have to go and refill the blood jars every two days to make sure they had enough blood to grow fast. Time would be the only thing stopping me, so I'll give them two more weeks, and after that, I'll rumble their world.


In my avatar, I was playing games with Nyarla when I suddenly asked her a question. "Nyarla, what would you do if someone you don't know randomly proposed to you?" The confusion from the question was evident on her face, though she did give me an answer. "I don't know. Reject them, maybe? If it was someone random and you don't even know their personality, why accept?" She explained her reasoning for rejecting a random marriage proposal quite well.

"Thanks, Nyarla. I think I'll do that then!" I said with a pleased look on my face now that I had someone else's input on the situation. "No problem, Er-" She stopped speaking in the middle of her sentence and slowly turned to face me. For half the time she spent turning, all I could think was how crazy the side eye she was giving me was.

When she finally finished turning around, I knew she was staring at me, but I pretended not to notice and continued playing the game before me. No matter how much her face looked as if she deserved an explanation, I wouldn't give her one. Because when you have problems, you can ignore them till the last second, and that's what I'll do.


I decided to go on some raids with Karasu and Sniktch. As I left Karasu in the system, it only counted Sniktch and me as the power of our dimension. When we finally made our way through the portal, I was met with a disturbing sight. Whoever owned this dimension must love killing their subordinates because I saw a creature chained against a wall with spikes filling parts of its body.

The creature wasn't alive, but it did seem a bit deformed. Alas, looking at this disgustingly disfigured body must wait as thousands of creatures made themselves known in the darkness. They all looked like malformed animals: goats, dogs, tigers, lions, and even some creatures I don't even know.

The leader of the group immediately made himself known, and for some reason, he looked a bit like the darkness devil from Chainsaw Man. It seemed he was just another magic user, so I decided to cut to the chase. "Listen, whoever or whatever you are. We can do this in three ways. Option one: you fight Sniktch and lose. Option two: you fight both Karasu and me at the same time. Option 3: you fight Karasu alone and get put into the dirty quickly." I listed the options with a bored and uncaring tone, and this seemed to piss off the faker darkness devil.

"I choose option four: ALL OF YOU DIE!" As he said this, I turned to Karasu and spoke, "You heard him, Karasu. You and I gank him till he folds like an omelet, and Sniktch will kill the subordinates." I said, as there was a hidden option four, which was all three of us fighting. "THE WORLD!" Karasu screamed out, and what followed was all the color being sucked into himself and a golden humanoid floating beside him.

Karasu and I ran at the faker leader and punched him in the face, the chest, and the back. Time had resumed, and instantly, all the damage done was felt at once, making the faker shake like he was starting a seizure. The faker put up a barrier only for Karasu to take out the Inverted Spear of Heaven and cut it into pieces by what seemed to be him waving his hand at super speeds, only to stop and see the barrier shatter.

With the barrier down, I ran in and kneed him in the stomach, followed by Karasu, who jumped over me and kneed him in the face. The combo was just starting as I ran from behind Karasu and gave a triple kick to his legs, causing his knee to break. He had fallen forward, which allowed Karasu to land a punch to the face, followed by a backhand, three punches on the chest, and allowing me to get in this, we rapidly threw punches all over his body, front and back.

I hit him with a kick to the ribs while Karasu punched him in the face, only for him to find my knee in his spine while Karasu's fist was delivering an uppercut to his chin. He couldn't respond to our fast attacks, mainly because he was a mage fighting a mage killer and a grandmaster-level ganker. The combo we put on him was exquisite as because his head was tilted back due to Karasu's uppercut. I gave an uppercut to the back of his head, sending his head forward like he was looking down.

Karasu didn't let it slide as he came in for a triple punch to the face like he was a boxer. I came in with a flying kick straight to the back of his head, folding him like an omelet as Karasu swept his feet, making him fall on the ground in a folded position. We weren't done with him yet, though. "FIGHT BACK! FIGHT BACK! GET UP! I SAID FIGHT BACK!" I yelled loudly as we kicked and beat him while he was on the ground. and with Karasu's Inverted Spear, all magic attacks would be dispelled as soon as they came into contact, so magic for him was a no.

At some point, he lost conciseness, and seeing this, Karasu and I just kept beating him. It was fun until he died from blunt-force trauma, and by the time we were done, Sniktch had already killed all the other opposition. I stored both of them in the system and walked through the portal back to my dimension.

In total, I gained 123,627 lesser eldritch souls and one extra soul from that faker.

Number Of Souls In Possession: 125,095 (Lesser Eldritch), 7 (Eldritch), 312,924 (Human)

I used 67,000 souls to max out my own stats. Karasu's stats take only 50 human souls to go up by one due to his partial eldritch genetics. I spent 1,782.5 souls to upgrade his strength to 4,000. I spent 2,218 souls to upgrade his speed to 6,000. Lastly, I spent 1,932 souls to upgrade his activity to 5,000.

With that done, all I had left to upgrade was Sniktch, and it took one eldritch soul per stat point for him. I spent 3,065 lesser eldritch souls on his strength, 5,135 on speed to get it to 7,000, 2,313 souls on magic energy to get it to 3,000, and 3,171 souls on activity to bring it to 4,000.

This took a total of 86,616.5 souls in total. I was left with 38,478.5 lesser eldritch souls, and I checked our stats just to be sure.

Name: Eren

Title: The Crimson Prince, Blind Idiot Child

Race: Eldritch

Bloodline: The Crimson Monarch, The Blind Idiot

Eldritch Name: Urdal Amhuthatl Shub-Cxarru Taallist Cnyggdotl… Azaogdesz

Form: Infant

Hierarchy: Bottom Of The Spawn

Attribute: Chaos, Disorder, Boundlessness

Strength: 10,000

Speed: 10,000

Magic Energy: 10,000

Activity: 10,000

Loaded Materials: None

Skills: Ultra Speed Regeneration, Hollow Crimson, Gravity Defiance, Custom-Made Avatar, Soul Protection, Boosted Gear, (#$?#!*#@) x1, Shape Mold, Unbreakable Mind, Outer God Soul, Time Manipulation Resistance, Founding Titan (Source of All Living Matter)

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Talent Ability 4: Crimson Prince

Explanation: As the crowned prince of The Scarlet King, you are not without identity, and the crown on your head shows that! The crown boosts all stats and abilities by 50 times and will continue to increase as you age!

Talent Ability 5: Blind Idiot Son

Explanation: As the child of Azathoth, all his pantheon shall recognize you and treat you as one of their own! Those of higher power might not make a move on you if they are connected to Azathoth, thus treating you as if you were their equal or higher, even though you may not be on the same tier of power!

Items: None

Sorcerer Human

Name: Karasu (Zenin) Fushiguro

Attribute: Chaos

Race: Human(?), Customized Creature

Ownership: Host

Lifespan: Unknown

Strength: 4,000

Speed: 6,000

Magic Energy: 0

Activity: 5,000

Skills: Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Silent Steps, Floating Steps, High-Speed Regeneration, Death Defying, Combat Instinct, Return, The World

Loaded Materials: Item Sub-Storage (Glock, Katana, Bullets x500, Military Combat Knife, Split Soul Katana, Inverted Spear of Heaven, Chain of a Thousand Miles.)

Talent: Heavenly Restriction

Explanation: This Binding Vow removes all magical energy and makes the user of this vow undetectable by any life or magical energy detection. Increases all stats by 150 percent in exchange for eliminating anything magical. (It does not reflect base stats, as you must increase base stats by 150 percent to get the correct stats.)


Name: Sniktch

Attribute: Dark, Shadow

Race: Skaven(?), Customized Creature

Ownership: Host

Lifespan: Unknown

Strength: 4,000

Speed: 7,000

Magic Energy: 3,000

Activity: 4,000

Skills: Silent Steps, Presence Masking, High-Speed Regeneration, Grandmaster Weapon Mastery, Grandmaster Hand-To-Hand Combat, Grandmaster Skaven Weapon Mastery, Speed Enhancement, One With Shadow, Grandmaster Throwing Mastery, Undetectable Presence, Second Wind, Death Blow, Death Master, Flash Step, Unseen Attack, Poison Immunity, 1v1 Specialist

Loaded Material: Storage (Three Death Poisoned Blades, Cloak of Shadow)

Talent: DeathMaster

Explanation: The DeathMaster has never left a for alive, and during a pursuit of a foe, stats rise by two and a half times. (SN: Death-Death comes for all!)

These changes in stats would help us greatly but besides this, I already know what I want to do with the leftover souls.



Slowly but surely, it's going to get crazy.

Not edited extra note:

Sorry for this one being a bit of a larger text wall than the others. I was working through different styles of writing and tried to figure out which one was for me but decided to mix it up.

(I'm back! I finished volume 1 of this story! By the time you get to the end I'll have made many side stories for you to enjoy until I get you guys volume 2!)

(P.S: You guys aren't going to like the end of volume 1… Through the week I worked out the "true powers" of our lovable main character and found something that goes great with the story!)



(Don't forget the R!)