11 Replenishing souls and Altar...


Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I hovered in the air, each moment feeling like an eternity as I methodically dispatched the mindless demons surging below. With each precise movement, I felt the weight of time passing, each second marked by the rhythmic pulse of my actions.

Beside me, the high-quality soul I had stolen from the imp demon back in the cave floated, its presence a constant reminder of the stakes at hand. Its scent acted as a potent lure, drawing in the mindless demons of the upper abyss like moths to a flame, ensuring an unending flow of adversaries for me to confront and conquer...

Amid the chaos, I seized the opportunity to replenish the souls I had consumed. It was always reassuring to have an abundance rather than facing a shortage, especially in this unforgiving realm. I knew that more detailed modifications, or the lack thereof would shape the creations to fit the ideas in my memories and imagination. While this method consumed more souls than necessary, it ensured that the quality remained uncompromised, akin to a pure reflection of my desires...

Occasionally, cunning demons would lurk at a distance, their gaze fixed on the high-quality soul floating near me. They eyed it hungrily, waiting for the opportune moment to pounce. How they planned to do so while I hovered midair was beyond my comprehension. However, one peculiar trait stood out among these demons—their horns were noticeably larger than those of their counterparts.

Intrigued by this observation, I decided to delve into the memories of one of these cunning demons, much like I had done with the earlier "smart demon." I practiced my mind tampering skills, aiming to avoid rendering the demon dumb beyond repair. Unfortunately, my attempt failed, and the demon succumbed to my influence.

Nevertheless, this minor setback did not deter me. With a swift and decisive motion, I severed their horns for my own observation.

Then, without hesitation, I absorbed their vitality and swiftly dispatched them, claiming their souls as my own.

While I was still puzzled over how to make use of the vitality I had amassed, I reasoned that stockpiling them for later use would suffice for now.

Next, I turned my attention to a rather mindless demon that had been charging below. With precision, I severed one of its horns and displayed it alongside the others I had collected.

Observing the larger horns closely, I noticed the cross-sections resembled those of a tree trunk; they had rings in them, some numerous and densely packed, while the smaller horns had fewer rings...

"I am no expert in demon physiology," I mused aloud, "but if these horns are anything like trees, the rings should signify their age... The more rings there are, the older the demon..."

With this realization, I deduced that the prominence of a demon's horns, indicated by the number of rings, could potentially signify its age and, perhaps, its wisdom. However, I acknowledged that this should be viewed as a subjective matter, as not all horns are created equal.

Some possessed small, barely noticeable horns, while others boasted larger and more prominent ones...

I fell into a thoughtful silence, contemplating the implications of this discovery...

As I continued to ponder these thoughts, I noticed that my surroundings had grown eerily quiet. The cacophony of growling, hissing, and screeching demons had died down significantly, replaced only by the sickening sounds of flesh slashing in pools of blood that littered the battlefield...

A few demons, still clinging to life despite being cleaved in half, writhed in agony nearby, their pitiful cries mixing with the nauseating squelching of their mutilated bodies.

The heavy scent of blood hung thick in the air, permeating every breath I took.

Beneath me lay a mountain of corpses, their lifeless forms almost reaching my hooves as I floated mid-air.

"...I was careless again," I muttered, my expression darkening. "If there were any more demons lurking nearby, my overconfidence and preoccupation with my abilities could have been my downfall. A demon could have easily climbed the mountain of corpses to pounce on me..."

I shook my head, chastising myself for my lapse in vigilance. In this unforgiving abyss, one could never afford to let their guard down, even for a moment.


[Soul in Possession: 4213 Low-quality souls | 153 Medium-quality souls]

I nodded, satisfied, as I observed the increased number of souls I had amassed. However, my attention was soon drawn to the high-quality soul hovering beside me, its ethereal presence impossible to ignore...

Earlier, I had used it as a lure for unsuspecting demons enchanted by its irresistible scent, and I must admit, this soul did smell heavenly. Yet, despite its allure, I found myself uncertain of how and where to utilize it.

The system provided no manual on the use of souls; I could only rely on my own intuition...

Deep in thought, I recalled the memories I had gathered from those older demons. Their memories showed the benefits demons gained from devouring souls, more particularly in enhancing their magic power...

Magic power was highly coveted in the upper abyss and among demons in general. It symbolized strength and status among their kind, serving as a visible and tangible representation of power and authority.

This insatiable thirst for magical prowess was one of the driving forces behind the relentless gathering and devouring of souls by demons...

Those who possessed formidable magical abilities were revered and served as masters by lower-ranking demons. These lesser beings were but pawns in the hands of their more powerful counterparts, existing solely to fulfill their whims and desires, whether as playthings, tools, or slaves for their little games~

Despite the power dynamics and hierarchy that defined demon society, it was evident from the memories I had gathered that they all shared a common goal: to grow stronger and descend to the next level of the abyss...

This relentless pursuit of power fueled their ambitions and shaped their actions, driving them ever onward in their quest for supremacy..., spreading sin and malevolence in their wake...


Their memories also revealed the existence of other altars scattered throughout the vicinity. These structures had stood for as long as the demons could remember, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

To the mindless and foolish demons, the altars were nothing more than places where they could obtain prizes or rewards, their simple minds unable to comprehend the true significance of these ancient structures.

However, to the cunning and perceptive demons, the altars held a much deeper meaning. They described them as something far more profound—portals to another world...

These cunning demons understood that the altars were gateways to realms of untold power and mystery, offering opportunities beyond the confines of the abyss...

"To visit other worlds, huh..." I mumbled to myself, a spark of curiosity igniting within me. "That seems like it would be fun," I remarked with a mischievous grin spreading across my face.

Conveniently enough, there was an altar not far from my current location, as revealed by the memories I had gleaned from the demons. The prospect of exploring new realms filled me with excitement and anticipation.

"I really need a vacation from this depressing shithole..." I muttered under my breath, a wry smile playing on my lips.



I found myself standing in a dim cave, the air thick with an eerie silence and otherworldly atmosphere. Before me, a massive rock formation or platform of sorts dominated the space. Its surface was etched with intricate markings—a detailed octagram encircled by a larger circle, glowing faintly in the dim light of the cave...

I watched the formation intently, mesmerized by its enigmatic presence. Suddenly, as if sensing my presence, it began to glow with a bright, pulsating red light. My breath caught in my throat as I observed the eerie transformation.

At the center of the formation lay what appeared to be an offering—an ordinary chicken with its throat slit open, blood pooling around it in a macabre display...

A chill ran down my spine as I stood in stunned silence, grappling with the sight before me.

It became apparent that the purpose of the altar and the significance of the offering were to lure in demons with intriguing objects, ranging from miscellaneous items to even sacrificed souls, in order to catch their attention and potentially summon demons to their worlds...

"Gross..." I muttered under my breath, unimpressed by the mundane offering before me.

I remained motionless, observing as the offering disappeared after what felt like an eternity, the glow of the altar fading momentarily before reigniting with a new offering...

This cycle repeated itself several times as I searched for an offering that piqued my interest or was worth my time.

However, the offerings I received were disappointingly mundane and useless...

A murdered chicken..., five jars of urine..., a concoction of hair strands and dead insects..., virgin blood but in a feminine pad..., a Bieber shirt..., and even a used dildo...

"Don't even ask how I knew it was used..."

The tedious process continued for what felt like an eternity, with each offering becoming increasingly absurd.

And now, amidst the mundane offerings before it, the altar's glow revealed a single offering that caught my attention—a cookie cat ice cream.

Without hesitation, I floated myself to the center of the altar, drawn to the nostalgic allure of the treat. It was a welcomed change from the grotesque offerings that had preceded it.

"How nostalgic~" I remarked, a hint of excitement in my voice.

With eager anticipation, I opened the packet of cookie cat ice cream and began to relish in its familiar taste. As the creamy sweetness filled my senses, I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy...

"Finally! Real, actual human food!" I exclaimed inwardly, imaginary tears of gratitude rolling down my cheeks.

Yet, as I indulged in the simple pleasure, the glow of the altar intensified, enveloping me in its radiant light. In an instant, I felt myself being swallowed whole by the pulsating energy, my very being consumed by the mysterious power of the altar...


[POV Shift]

*Beep... Beep... Beep...*

The room was filled with the rhythmic sound of machines, their steady beeping echoing against the sterile walls. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of advanced medical technology, far beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans of their time.

An old man lay motionless on the bed, surrounded by an intricate web of wires and tubes connecting him to various life-support systems. Despite his aged appearance, with lush white curls framing his wrinkled face, there was an otherworldly aspect to him—a large pink gem glowed softly where his belly button should have been, casting a gentle aura in the sterile environment...

Seated beside him was a woman of striking elegance. With a slender build and an ivory complexion, her light cyan eyes held a hint of concern as she gazed at the old man. Her pointed nose and thin lips added to her delicate features, complemented by a cascade of hair in a soft peach hue. Most striking of all was the pristine white gem adorning her forehead, its oval shape emitting a radiant glow that seemed to illuminate the room...

"Pearl..." A tall, dark woman called out softly, her voice laced with worry as she approached her companion. Placing a gentle hand on Pearl's shoulder, she offered comfort in the face of uncertainty; it was Garnet...

As they stood together in the presence of the old man, Garnet couldn't help but reflect on the passage of time...

Two hundred years had passed since the construction of little Homeworld, a sanctuary where gems of all kinds coexisted in harmony. But as the years went by, the people of Beach City had moved on..., leaving only behind memories of friends and loved ones...

With each passing moment, Garnet and Pearl grappled with the weight of life, navigating the ever-changing world while cherishing the bonds that endured through time with their beloved little family...

'Humans... such fragile creatures...' Garnet thought, her mind heavy with sorrow as tears welled in her eyes...

The room was heavy with silence, filled only by the soft hum of medical equipment. Garnet's gaze shifted towards Pearl, who sat beside the now old and frail Steven, lost in a haze of memories and emotions, reminiscing of the past and how she thought this life could last forever...

"Pearl..." Garnet's voice called out with emotion, her heart aching with the weight of her words; her voice shaking, "It's time... to let go of Steven..." 

Pearl's eyes filled with tears as she met Garnet's gaze, a mixture of sadness, anger, and reluctance flickering across her face...



AN: I'm sorry idk how to write emotional stuff, but this is like one of my what-ifs from my childhood lol

Next chapter