

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The moment he returned to the Abyss, breathed the unique hot air, and saw the dark environment, Roy suddenly felt that the Abyss seemed to be a little different.

It did not mean that the environment of the Abyss had changed, but Roy himself felt different.

The environment of the Abyss was harsh and cruel. Even though demons could adapt to this environment, it did not mean that cruelty did not exist. In the past, Roy had always felt depressed when he was in the Abyss, which was caused by the scorching air and dark environment of this world. But this time, after returning to the Abyss, he found that this depression not only disappeared but was also replaced with… relaxation.

How should he describe it? It was as though he had soaked in a bathtub full of hot water after an exhausting day or had a happy ending at the spa, feeling refreshed all over.