
Custom Life

“Custom Life” It’s something that Connor has been hearing more frequently in the passing days. Apparently, it was an augmented reality app that went trending due to its ingenious and fun way of managing the user’s personal life; from health, to task management, and the small things in between. Skeptical of its rave reviews, Connor found himself downloading the app on the urging of his friend. Little did he know, a path of blood awaits him once he opens the app.

Owlfie · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Custom Life

Connor had a listless aura about him as his fingers slid and tapped frantically all over his smartphone screen. He felt out of it at the moment, and was at a lost on how to entertain himself, so like any self respecting youth of the current generation, he took to the internet to find answers.

However, his search didn't last long since he wasn't bothered with scouring the entire internet, and stopped halfway of only the first page of the browser. With disappointment written on his face, he put down his phone, and reluctantly looked towards his school bag across his room.

He tried to consider the possibility of him doing homework right now, however, seeing as it was only 4:34 P.M, he quietly gave a mental sigh of relief as he got up to head to the kitchen. But just as he was about to walk his third step, he froze as he suddenly turned back around to quickly grab his phone. Now that his entire being is whole again, he comfortably made his way downstairs.

The soft thumping of feet sounded throughout the house as Connor had finally arrived in front of the pantry, and with a quick swing of the door along with the crinkling of plastic, he had managed to catch himself a bag of potato chips! He defiled the bag of chips as he also grabbed a juice box from the refrigerator. Content with his findings, he went to the living room, turned on the tv, and transcended into being a couch bum.

If it weren't for the fact that nobody was home right now, Connor wouldn't have dared act this way, or he'll just be asking for a beating from his mom. However, although he was indulging himself at this moment, he was still out of it. He didn't find the fun at all. He knows of all his short comings, yet his absolute lack of motivation to do anything has gnawed at his heart for quite awhile now. All that he can do, is to ignore it, and hope that it will pass.

Finished with his snack, he cleaned up his mess, and continued to watch the tv. It was showing a cartoon or something of the sort, however Connor wasn't really paying attention since he had already gone back to fiddling with his phone.

Aimlessly going through his apps on his homescreen, something had caught his eye and made him pause on his scrolling. It was that app that he had previously download earlier in school with the urging of his friend. He had forgotten all about it, but now it has piqued his curiosity. His friend was raving about how good it was this morning, yet he felt quite skeptical. How good can it be?

With a light press, the app opened up, and the screen had gone all black. Only a line of bold text in crimson red had popped up.

[Welcome to Custom Life!]

Looking at the ominous screen, Connor felt confused. Was this a horror game? He remembered his friend saying that it was something along the lines of an augmented reality life management game, but was his friend pranking him? Surely not- actually no, maybe he is getting pranked!

[Tap to start]

With hesitation he tapped the screen, but at the next moment he relaxed as it showed him white boxes requesting for the app to use phone features, such as camera and mic. It was just a normal app, what does he have to be scared of?

After that was settled, the screen changed to a character creation screen just like an rpg game. However, the only difference was that there was only two things on the screen. One being name and the other being a white looking mannequin with a [scan] button under it. It was very strange, and it was unlike any traditional rpg character creation screen.

Trying to see if there was any hidden tricks, Connor finally gave in and typed his name. "Connor". If the username was taken then he'll change it later, but the thing he was more interested in was the [scan] button. So without delay he pressed it. However, what had happened next had utterly shocked him.

The change happened on the white mannequin, and above it's head was a percentage bar. As it steadily increased, starting from the mannequin's head, some hair had began to emerge. However, what had shocked Connor, was that when the head was halfway done, he suddenly realized what was wrong! It was him! The head was his!

Connor's mouth and eyes had stayed wide open throughout the whole process, and when the bar reached 100%, did he finally blink. What was once a white mannequin, was now a mini replica of his body! His butt naked body! He didn't know wether to feel angry or scared, since even the birthmark near his d*** was shown to the utmost detail on the screen.

Slightly perturbed, Connor moved forward as he clicked [Done]. It wasn't that he had no questions to ask, but it was that his mind was in a state of too much chaos at the moment, and he needed time to process anything at all.

The screen now showed his "character" and it was no longer naked, instead, it had the exact same clothes that Connor is currently wearing. Besides his character there were also five tabs on the screen. It was: [Stats][Inventory][Shop][Quest][Options]

One by one, Connor explored each and every one of the tabs.


Name: Connor Reid

Gender: Male

Age: 16

STR: 0.9

DEX: 0.8

INT: 1.2



Reading Comprehension- Advanced

Archery- Advanced

Basketball- Poor

Driving- Extremely Poor

Singing- Hopeless


Connor didn't know wether to laugh or cry as he looked over all of his skills. He very much agreed on some parts, however, he had way too many skills on the poor end!

Just as he was ready to move on to the next tab, he suddenly heard the echoes of a rumble coming from the garage, it was loud, however after a few moments it had quieted, and only a few thumps sounded out after.

Five figures suddenly appeared from a door that led to the garage. Connor could clearly see them from the living room, and they were all holding plastic bags. Noticing his presence, a sweet but sharp voice called for him.

"Connor, come help with the groceries!" His mom glanced over at him once.

At this moment, his phone vibrated, and a red exclamation mark appeared on the quest tab. Clicking on it, he carefully read a sentence.

[Quest: Help with the groceries!]