
Cursed With Immortality

In the land of Etheloria, a relentless Shadow Plague threatens to engulf the land, corrupting all in its path with its malevolent force. Alvan, a selfless young man bound by a solemn promise he made to his late mother, sets forth on a quest to save his homeland from the plague that had befallen it. Guided by an ancient tome, he embarks on a journey to the long-forgotten Lost Temples, forming unbreakable bonds with his chosen companions. In order to retrieve the Elixir of Immortality, which is the only thing that can stop the shadow plague. Alvan succeeded, but at what cost? He gained immortality and unparalleled power of the God of Light, but also triggered the curse of ascendant power placed on the elixir. He watched as his friends and lover, the people he wanted to protect, withered away before his eyes. He also grappled with the effects of the curse that began to take hold in his immortal life. Can Alvan break this eternal curse that came at the expense of saving Etheloria? Or will he become a pawn in a greater cosmic design that threatens the very fabric of the universe? Embark on a journey that transcends time and space, where the price of immortality is weighed against the fate of world. *** > Excerpt: "Have I done anything wrong by fulfilling my mother's dying wish and saving Etheloria? Why do I have to suffer like this because of this curse? I can't even take my own life..." There has to be a way. " ...I am determined to find a way to break this cursed cycle and bring an end to my suffering and life." Alvan lamented. The tree on which he leaned his body withered instantly, transferring its life force to Alvan. ------- [Hey Guys, please read at least ten chapters of this novel before deciding whether to invest your time in it. Here are some of the themes explored in "Cursed With Immortality": Sacrifice, Redemption, Cosmic Struggle, Ambition and Scheming, Selflessness, Legacy, Power, and the Cycles of Life. Happy Reading!]

De_Prodigy · Fantasy
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31 Chs

09: The Book Of Immortality

The chamber that Alvan and Emelda had entered was empty, except for the statue positioned on a slightly elevated dais. The red crystals hanging from their lantern stands illuminated the chamber, casting a crimson glow around.

But currently, that was not the sole source of light in the chamber. A certain crystal orb, half the size of a football, rested on the extended left hand of the statue. It began to glow with radiant white brilliance when Alvan transferred some of his cosmic energy to it.

Seeing the white glow and realizing that the orb was draining his energy, as well as specific energy from the bracelet he was wearing. He instantly stopped the process of energy channeling. Then, he watched in awe as the orb glowed even brighter as if it were burning with energy.

Suddenly, the orb swirled with white energy, and in the next instant, a projection of the orb's replica materialized in front of Alvan and Emelda.

However, the size of this projection was ten times larger than the actual orb that had projected it. Emelda's expression turned from fear to surprise, and Alvan took a few steps back to get a clear view of the projection.

The projection, which was swirling with white energy, instantly began to transform into a holographic display of scenes. It looked just like a hologram of advanced technology. Images and scenes of darkness enveloped Etheloria, swiftly flashing in a holographic display at an astonishing speed.

"This... this orb is a Time Orb!" Alvan exclaimed, his mouth wide open, as he rubbed his eyes twice. He stared at the flashes of the past twenty-six years, during which Etheloria had been plagued with darkness.

"I haven't heard of it. What is a Time Orb?" Emelda asked. She was also shocked by the turn of things. However, she hadn't understood what was happening as a hint of confusion was spread across her face.

"I read about it, in one of the Magic Artifact Books provided by the academy. That day, I was feeling bored after my classes, so I decided to go to the library and stumbled upon that book. That was how I read about the Time Orb. It can record and display past events and can even be used to peek into future occurrences. But it was recorded as a myth… so I never did believe it." Alvan explained.

On the holographic projection, the scenes displayed were constantly changing into one another. These two individuals were witnessing the severity of the calamity. Cries of anguish echoed throughout the chamber as darkness consumed the sanity of the villagers. People were running in a state of panic, desperately trying to save their lives from the shadow plague. The once flourishing farm now lay barren, with all crops withered. Small shadow entities floated around, possessing people. These were the scenes and displays flashing through the holographic projection, each one not lasting for more than two seconds.

"So, is it showing us the past? Did your mother prepare this for you?" Emelda asked as she witnessed the anguish of the people and the terror spreading due to the shadow plague. Even though it was just a mere display of past events, she felt it. It seemed too real to her, and she intertwined her fingers with Alvan's. Gripping it tightly.

Alvan was about to respond when the flashing display came to a halt at a particular scene.

On the backdrop, a shadow from the darkness shrouded the entire place. The setting here was devoid of houses and buildings, but instead tall, sturdy trees stretched out, their lush green shoots forming a canopy overhead.

In this scene, there were eight prominent cosmic mages who stood, fending off the shadow plague, and were also bringing in uninfested villagers behind them. A huge barrier was created by the person at the center, who was supplying the barrier with energy through his staff. It was the eight guardians of Etheloria, twenty-six years ago.

It was the High Priest who had created the barrier. Standing next to him was a pregnant woman… On seeing her, Alvan exclaimed, "Mother?!"

Yeah, it was Elara, and she was the pregnant guardian among the others. Close to her, were the other two healers: Apphira (one of the twin guardians) and Doger (one of the two Elders).

Elara seemed to be busy, channeling her white energy to the High Priest. Doger focused his energy on channeling four men who were using elemental abilities to fend off the shadow minions and assist in rescuing the villagers. While Apphira was performing a mass energy channeling towards the villagers gathered behind the High Priest. Those three individuals were healers, using their abilities to revitalize others.

The other four men whom Doger was supplying with white healing energy were Oscar (the current supreme commander), Kamuth (the other Elder), Azura (Apphira's twin brother), and a man they had not seen before. But, due to a certain statue in the chamber, they knew who it was.

It was Zamon, Alvan's father and he seemed to be giving the other three elemental cosmic mages orders. Alvan stared deeply at him and his mother… The emotions he felt were ambiguous, he didn't know how to describe them.

"High Priest, do you still not agree that we should use the Book of Immortality? If things continue this way, even though we might not be affected, the villagers will all become shadow undead… We have an unparalleled power waiting to be tapped but you still insist not to go near it." It was Alvan's father who spoke while still engaged in his work.

"Zamon, let's focus! I have told you countless times that we can't touch the Book of Immortality. It was created with the essence of a god, and even though it may help us end this plague. What about the repercussions?" The High Priest replied, still supplying the barrier with a different energy from the others - a myriad of neon hues.

"Our main priority is to create a basement and evacuate the villagers there... And I think it's time for you elementals to head towards the elevated plateau," the High Priest continued.

"Let's go then," Zamon said, grumbling over what the High Priest had said. He had been coveting the power of the Book of Immortality ever since he learned about it. And now, the best opportunity has presented itself to use it for the good of the people. But the High Priest was still resisting his plan. However, he smiled after giving it some thought.

That smile didn't escape Elara's notice, as she had been fixated on him ever since he brought up the topic of gaining more power. "Please, Zamon... For the sake of our baby." That was all she said in a pleading voice.

Next, the scene on the holographic projection flashed again and changed to another scene in a different location. Three men had just arrived, with lightning crackling around their legs. Zamon, Azura, and Kamuth were the names of the three individuals.

Currently, they were standing on the elevated plateau, which Alvan and Emelda recognized instantly. But there was no Templar Academy building nearby. However, behind the three figures, both of them could see the settlement of the Ethelorian people shrouded in darkness. And in a specific area, a neon-like barrier could be seen in the distance.

These three men began their work. From what Alvan and Emelda could see, they were using terrakinesis to manipulate the earth a few feet away from them. And in front of them, a tunnel was already beginning to expand, running deep underground. They weren't using just earth magic, but also wind, to accelerate the process and dispose of the soil being drilled out.

Suddenly, the other two cosmic mages, who specialized in elemental magic, depleted their energy and sat down to replenish it before continuing with the task. Just as they began their meditation, Zamon created a barrier around the two of them and zoomed off toward a large tower at the heart of Etheloria.

"What is he up to?" Emelda frowned as she saw what Alvan's father had done to his comrades. But Alvan didn't alter a word; instead, his face didn't look good at all. He was pulling a long face as if he had predicted what his father was going to do.

The holographic projection flashed again, and the scene was replaced with another. Alvan and Emelda could now see Zamon standing in a temple-like hall. And just like this chamber they were in, the hall was illuminated by several crystal lanterns, but they weren't radiating a red glow, but instead a white glow.

There was nobody inside, and even though the temple was engulfed in darkness, the white lights appeared to be fighting against it. They didn't see much of the temple because the projection appeared to be centered on Zamon. He was walking towards a specific vault. There at the far end, lay a tome. However, a golden barrier seemed to enclose the book on the special platform on which it lay.

Zamon slashed at the barrier with his golden-energy-infused sword. However, the sword bounced off the barrier, causing particles of energy to ripple out. Meanwhile, Zamon was pushed back by the recoil of his own strike.

Relentless in his purpose, he swung the sword down to stop the barrier once more. The same thing happened, but this time, cracks were beginning to spread across the barrier.

After two more strikes, he successfully shattered the barrier and instantly grabbed the tome.

"Finally," he muttered. Then, he flipped open the book. But instantly, a stream of golden energy shimmered out of the book and engulfed his entire body.

When the golden light that had shrouded his entire body disappeared, Alvan and Emelda were surprised by who they saw. It was no longer the Zamon they had seen a few minutes ago. He was now different, completely different...

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