
Cursed Witch Wronged By Fate

A dark witch disguised as a slave dares to fall into the trap of love... again! But this time, with no way out. ****** I am Sylvia Ibsen, a cursed witch wronged by fate! I am the most wanted dark witch in the Magical world- Larnwick and also in the human realm who desired immense power and immortality. The greed for power draws me to a sinful act, and a series of ominous events begins in the small town of Broughton. With my treacherous heart falling for a young man Corbin Addis, would I be able to choose between my dark desires and the warmth of love? After surviving many attempts on my life and letting a sick monster use my body any time he desires, I am ready to cling to one ray of hope I see in my life. But what if what I believe in my chance of happiness would turn out to be my most unforgiving mistake? Will fate be on my side for once? ****** Instagram- @author_rutujap Discord URL- https://discord.gg/wpyvsh42 *The cover is mine. Do not reuse.

rutujaP · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Survival Instincts

Sylvia couldn't come up with a name that would have helped Oscar escape from Larnwick. But that was not her concern right now. She was afraid Oscar and Isabella might be in some problem, just like Gerald.

But at least the three of them would have each other. Sylvia, on the other hand, was alone. She didn't have her old friend from Malvadogar- Hades- with her. She couldn't bring him with her and put his life in danger.

She wondered if Reznor, the dark wizard who created the world of Malvadogar, was concerned about her.

Why would he?

She scoffed internally.

She was never his favourite. She was as strong as him, if not more. He always saw her as his competitor. He must be celebrating his glee with his pet Muffy now that he didn't need to feel insecure about Sylvia.

She shook her head to clear those thoughts.

"I hope Oscar will be fine. But I am here for myself, Rune. I need a safe place to hide." She came to the point.

Before Rune could say anything, Sylvia heard someone walking in their way. She looked up to see the familiar face of the female server she had met after entering this place.

"Here's your order." She said with a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

The girl placed the dishes on the table with drinks. She began arranging the cutlery for them, but the forks slipped out of her hand, and she crouched down to pick them up.

"Oh, I am so sorry! Let me pick them up." She began gathering the forks.

Sylvia felt a tug at the hem of her dress, and she looked down to see that server looking back at her with worried eyes.

Sylvia frowned, not understanding the reason for her worry. The server placed a finger on her lips but as subtly as she could.

Sylvia felt a loud thud in her chest. Her senses were on guard instantly.

The server pointed to her left with her eyes, and Sylvia followed the direction only to see the other customers sitting around the tables, engrossed in their own business.

She didn't understand what that server wanted to tell her.

The server stood up only to see Rune's annoyed face.

"Be careful will you?" He grumbled, glaring at her.

"I am sorry sir!" The server apologised again.

She arranged the cutlery before leaning over the table to pick up the menu card. She deliberately leaned close to Sylvia, which made the dark witch uncomfortable, her cheeks burning when the server's heavy bosoms came right in front of her face.


Sylvia's body tensed, and she straightened up in her seat. Before she confirmed what that server whispered in her ear, the woman was gone.

Fear settled in Sylvia's chest as she scanned her surroundings again. She couldn't find anything wrong there, but then her gaze fell on the shoes of the other customers.

Her eyes widened as the realisation sank in.

She was trapped!

A blast was heard somewhere behind her, and she saw the other customers getting up from their seats. Her eyes met Rune's scared ones, and she yelled at him accusingly.

"You betrayed me!"

But it was useless pointing fingers at him when her life was in danger. She instantly got on her feet and found refuge behind the couch she was sitting on before.

She pulled out a thin stick from under her knee-length jacket and pointed it at Rune first. She was so furious, scared and disappointed by his betrayal that she didn't think twice before burning the goblin to death.

The chaos was not easy to ignore, and a few servants ran to see what was going on. Only to gasp in shock as about six people attacked a woman with their wands in their hands.

Nobody dared to come in between them in fear for their life. Sylvia retaliated the attacks on her nonstop as she began moving backwards in search of an exit.

She had to leave this place as soon as possible. She should have known that coming here was a big mistake.

How could a dark witch be safe outside Malvadogar?

She recognised that the people attacking her were sent by none other than the Deveras. Oscar's father must be furious at her for helping Oscar and now wanted to take out all his anger on her because he couldn't hurt his own son.

The flashes of different colours turned the whole place into a sky full of firecrackers. Those flashes were destroying the furniture and the decor of the place.

And to no surprise for Sylvia, none of them cared to take a glance at the burnt body of the goblin. They didn't care! They didn't care about anyone but themselves!

And that was why she hated them!

Unaware of the happenings in the room, a few people from the adjoining room rushed in after hearing the loud sounds.

Sylvia was sharp to take advantage of that distractions and ran towards the exit. She gasped in shock when a hand grabbed her arm before pulling her to her right and into a dark room.

The door was quickly closed. Sylvia blinked rapidly, adjusting her vision to the darkness.

"Shhh... don't make any sound." A voice whispered before that same hand began pulling her somewhere.

Whoever that person was, he seemed to be well acquainted with the place as they manoeuvred their way through the dark with ease.

Sylvia's heart was thudding loudly in her chest, and a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. A part of her wanted to snatch her hand away and run back into the light.

But a small voice at the back of her mind told her otherwise. It told her to trust whoever that person was.

Rune betrayed her trust, but that didn't mean everyone was like him. There were still good people left in the world, and she had lived with some of them for years.

She still had the belief in goodness!

After walking for about three minutes, she finally saw light a few feet ahead of her. Sylvia's wildly beating heart relaxed a bit as the person who was dragging her took her to where the light was.

Once they were standing in the bright light, Sylvia took a look at her saviour only to see the same server staring back at her with panicked eyes.

"I am Roma! You have to leave this place right now. Take the stairs, and walk for about five hundred steps. Turn left, then take the second right.

You will find a cemetery to your left. Wait for me there. I will save you. Now go!"

Before Sylvia could utter a word, she was pushed through a small door by Roma. She gasped in shock as she stumbled forward.

But when she looked up, she found herself again at the statue of Griffin.

The rain was falling in loud platters. Sylvia was soaked wet in just a few seconds. Her eyes stung as some raindrops fell right in her eyes.

But she didn't have time.

She picked up her pace and began climbing the stairs as fast as she could. She could have used her wand to reach the cemetery, but she was not in Malvadogar, where she could use her magic anytime she wanted.

This was a human world, and if someone found her using magic, it would bring her more trouble than she already had.

The good thing was that she wasn't at a disadvantage here. If the time came to that, she could use her magic but not the members of Larnwick.

Larnwick lived by strict rules that had severe punishments if someone failed to comply with those rules.

And the foremost rule they had was keeping their existence a secret from the humans.

Thus the people who were chasing her would not dare to use magic in the human world. Perhaps that was why they made Rune call her to the place where supernatural beings and the people from Larnwick were allowed to show their true selves.


But fools!

Sylvia scoffed inwardly as she followed Roma's instructions. She was not a person who easily trusted others, but this situation forced her to go out of her element and trust that stranger.

Besides, Roma had warned her of danger. Why would she risk her life for saving Sylvia if she had any ulterior motives?

Trusting that same small voice in her head, Sylvia pushed herself forward. The roads had turned sticky with the mud, and she lost her footing, falling on her knees.

A cry left her lips as she heaved loudly. Her body was tired, and there was not a single morsel of food in her belly. She had walked for hours before reaching this place, and now this!

Call it her survival instincts or the adrenaline rush, but she forced herself back on her feet before she continued on her path. Her eyes kept looking back in fear of catching someone following her.

But she was alone... all alone on that dark rainy night and in that unknown place!

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