
Cursed System

In a world that is cruel is it possible to not kill? Maybe if you didn't have a system that forced you to kill it could be possible. Yet when you are at the bottom what is there to lose? Living in a world where cultivation is everything, Victor is lucky that the Cursed system gives something good despite whatever drawbacks it has.

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Cultivation Systems

After eating Victor was lost in thought thinking if these talents and skills would affect what his test result would be. After all, based on the evaluation of the Federation all known cultivation systems have been separated into tiers going from the worst which has cultivation systems like the Qi cultivation to the best like the most famous Celestial cultivation.

The tier goes from the lowest to the highest starting from - Brown - Green - Yellow - Orange -Red - Bronze - Silver - Gold - Platinum - The last four tiers are different to show that anyone who has one of the cultivation systems has a higher chance to reach higher levels! However, some untalented people can't make it very far even with the metal-tier cultivation systems. That said it is still a good indicator of who will be most likely to shine using their respective systems.

Victor knowing himself well, can only hope to get something from the red tier. After all, he considers himself a normal person with some talent who probably won't have the chance to even enter the metal tiers. That said, he, like every other person, will hope to be that 1 in a trillion chance to get the Platinum tier cultivation system.

The reason Victor wants to get a higher tier is not only because it will give him more opportunities, but the Federation also gives money the higher tier someone is. They start giving out money from Green Tier and going up from there.

At the green tier, they give out 200 dollars which is more of a participation trophy that doesn't even cover the 5,000 dollars for the test. Yellow gives 1,000, Orange gives 3,000, and Red gives 6,000. That 6,000 would be enough to make the test worth it and make him feel as if he isn't the worst brother and he made a correct choice in deciding to take the test wasting almost all the saved-up money his family had left.

Although his father was a cultivator, he was more of a businessman. He had expected to live long and hopefully have a great family that rose above even himself. Thinking of this he had spent all the money on paying off the house. As the physical asset would not only make sure they didn't have to pay rent, he would also not have to worry about where to live even if things didn't quite work out. The house was decently big and not a bad place to live.

Unfortunately, not all things work out as intended. In the end, all Victor really obtained was the house and some money his father had earned beforehand. His father owned part of a company, but that was taken without Victor being able to do anything. The cultivator who killed his father 'paid' for the company by giving Victor a few hundred for what should have been worth at least a hundred thousand.

As Victor's thoughts wandered off, an alarm woke him from his daydreaming. Heaving a sigh, Victor got prepared to take the test in two hours. After all, only that test will be able to decide whether all his hope was placed in the right place.

After getting ready, Victor boarded the bus to the Cultivators Headquarters. With good planning, Victor was able to make it half an hour early. After checking in for his appointment, Victor was able to confirm he could take his test soon leaving him with the only thing he could do, sit in the waiting area overcome with nervousness.

After fifteen minutes the test was ready to be taken and he was called up by a woman.

"Mr. um... Victor Harrrbine-ger? You may now step up to take your test."

Victor chuckled a little at her weird pronunciation and corrected her, "It's Harbinger." Hearing such a thing let him calm down slightly as followed the service lady to take the test.

Victor was led into a small room with only a machine that was glowing a strange bluish-red color. Victor was directed to sit down and got a lot of strange patches put on several places on his body. These places included; his forehead, heart area, abdomen, upper and lower back, both calves, both lower thighs, and two on both sides of his neck. The service lady also took his blood to test it as well...

Only after all of the procedures were mostly completed did the service lady truly start to explain everything.

"As I hope you know, there are over two hundred different types of cultivation systems stored within the federation building and you will be lucky enough to obtain the method of cultivation up to the fourth level. The higher tier you obtain, the better monetary reward you will receive... yada yada… please tell me you already know this because I don't want to explain it all to you."

Victor smiled wryly at the treatment he was receiving, but it wasn't like he didn't understand the reason why he was treated this way. After all, most people got the test while in school, but only those who barely have any money, and are here to try their luck, or those who are part of powerful clans take this test not in school. Victor in plain clothes seemed to be the former. A person who hoped to get lucky and change his life.

Victor just responded quietly, "Yes, most of it."

"Great! Then I shall only explain the higher level that average people don't understand, ehem~ so ~ If you get a Bronze tier cultivation system or higher then you are allowed to get up to the fifth tier of the cultivation system, as well as getting a monetary reward for awakening such talent of 100 Credits at the bronze tier.

As I assume you know Credits are what everyone who cultivates trades for cultivation resources. 1 Credit is worth 1,000 dollars, by the Federal system. Credits can be redeemed for dollars, but to buy a credit it will cost extra for the transaction, especially since credits are considered better currency than what average citizens think. This is because Credits are backed by energy crystals or ECs.

Credits can, at any time, be traded for their material counterparts at a conversion rate of 5 credits to one EC. Since they are a useful type of energy for most cultivation systems, you can trade them and spend them similar to credits. One way many cultivators use their EC is to trade with other cultivators for items."

After taking a deep breath she continued, "Anyway the tiers and Credits gifted above bronze go as; Silver - 300 Credits ~ Gold - 500 Credits ~ Platinum - 2,000 Credits. If you have any more questions about the cultivation systems you may receive please ask now.

OHH! Also please remember that for any cultivation system that is not kept by the Federation, we can recommend you contact the group of people who have that information. Another option you can go with is to go with whatever your second option is when the result comes out. The machine will give you your top five most compatible cultivation systems, and you may choose from any of them, but we recommend you go with your most compatible cultivation system. Alright, now you may ask your questions."

Victor thought for a moment, but only one question could come to his mind at this point, "Umm, how long will it take for the machine to evaluate me?"

The woman looked at him like he was stupid and simply pointed to the large percent bar that was a little past fifty percent at this point. Victor became slightly embarrassed having not noticed it since he was too focused on her talking about the things he before hadn't been able to hear the full details about. All that was left was to wait until it reached one hundred percent.