
Cursed Soul: The Wonderer

"This is a ruthless, dilapidated world, where only the evils of society and the rich thrive. In such hopelessness, do you really believe justice still exists?" "Tell me boy" "How do you plan on getting your so called justice, when all hope is already lost?" "Or do you fancy yourself a hero?" He asked with a nasty grin. "What? What nonsense are you spouting?" "Eh..." "If the world is corrupt and evil, then I will become even more evil?" "What?" "I don't really care what I have to do to get what I want, and I didn't say anything about justice in the first place, did I?" "You, didn't?" "I just want..... You know what? Forget it, say your last words. I might consider sharing it with your family" "I thought, I thought you were a hero!" "Hero? Pttf. You are as senile as you look old man, just die already, would you?" "No, no please...!" -Swuup!!! "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!"

I_Am_EverFrost · Fantasy
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4 Chs


As I listened to the old man's warning about the curse that would come with my element, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fear creeping up my spine.

The shade of blue he described sounded hauntingly ominous, and I knew that the stakes were high. I had always sought power in order to exact revenge, but I had never considered the true cost of my actions.

However, despite the risks involved, I was filled with a sense of excitement at the thought of gaining the power I so desperately craved. I was willing to take the gamble, consequences be damned. 

The night of escape arrived, and I had spent hours meticulously preparing for the moment. As I sat in the darkness, waiting for the right time to make my move,

I knew that the odds were against me. Escaping from this place would be no easy feat, but I was determined to try. 

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from the roof, causing me to jump in alarm. I crept towards the window, my heart pounding in my chest, and peered outside.

There was no one there, but the sound had been so loud that it couldn't have been a mere coincidence. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. 

As I prepared to make my move, I couldn't help but think back to the old man's warning. The curse that would befall me if I used my element was a terrifying prospect, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.

I was willing to take the risk, no matter the cost. As I crept towards my target, I could feel my heart racing with anticipation. There was no way I wasn't going to get my revenge.

As I walked towards the door, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It wasn't because of the eerie situation that came with all, but rather the fact that no one was there when I opened the door.

In a normal situation, this wouldn't be a weird occurrence. Students often climbed onto the rooftops to show off and impress their peers, even though it wasn't permitted.

But ever since the day of awakening, things had changed. I was being monitored strictly, to the point of being sent to isolation chambers for fear of me using my element.

No one would even dare run up this rooftop, and that's because the isolation chambers is the closest to the teacher's chambers. Very strict monitoring I tell you.

As I pondered over the oddness of the situation, my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar, annoying face.

It was Stella, or as she liked to be called, Ella.

Her pink lustrous hair was always fastened with a bow, and her peach-colored eyes and triangular-like face made her appearance unique.

She was always extremely annoying whenever we were together, and I always felt as though she put up that demeanor for the sole purpose of infuriating me.

Despite this, I couldn't help but admire her sense of fashion. Her outfit was always perfectly coordinated, with her skirt and blouse matching each other flawlessly.

However, her presence in my room only added to my unease.

With a smile, she leaped onto my futon and asked why she shouldn't visit her FRIEND. I immediately lashed out, stating that we were not friends.

However, she simply teased me, warning that if I kept up my pace, I might just have a heart attack one day. It was then that she made a comment about my hidden perverseness which only she knew about.

"My what!?". She simply shrugged and continued, "I mean, you can't deny that you feel something when you see a beautiful girl like me. It's just natural." I was at a loss for words, completely caught off guard by her shamelessness and audacity.

Her beauty was undeniable, with striking features and a captivating presence that drew me in. But her boldness was equally contrasting her appearance, a fiery passion that burned within her and commanded attention.

As she spoke, her eyes sparkled with mischief and a hint of teasing, making it impossible not to be charmed by her. Despite my confusion, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest at her words, a mixture of attraction and apprehension that left me wanting more. And then, just as quickly as she had started, she shifted gears and joked, "And seriously, if you do end up dying, there would be no one left to annoy, and that's just unacceptable." Her playful banter was a reminder of her annoying nature and unwanted sense of humor, a hopeless combination so to speak. I couldn't help but feel pissed at her quip, feeling a sense of pent up annoyance that she could still joke around even after such a bold statement.

Despite her grating personality, it was hard to deny that she was a stunningly beautiful woman. However, her constant taunts and jabs had worn on me so much that I found myself no longer caring about her looks. That being said, I couldn't deny that I had once cared about her opinion - before she became so unbearable.

As she stood before me, smirking, I could feel my frustration building up. "Just leave," I told her firmly. "I'm not in the mood for your taunts." But she wasn't about to back down that easily. "But I'm in the mood," she replied, her voice dripping with a sickly sweet tone. I knew what was coming next, and I wasn't about to let her get the best of me.

Without warning, I lunged forward, hoping to grab hold of her right hand. But she was far too quick for me, evading my grasp with ease and darting towards the window. "Now, now," she chided. "You do know you can't stop me by resorting to violence." I knew she was right - she was the only person in our entire sect who could get under my skin like this and still come out unscathed.

There was a time when I had been so fed up with her pestering that I challenged her to a duel. We had made a bet - if I won, she would stay away from me, but if I lost, she could do whatever she wanted. I had been confident in my abilities at first, sure that I could take her down without breaking a sweat. But as the fight began, things quickly took a turn for the worse.

Her movements were fluid and graceful, like a dancer, and she seemed to be reading my every move before I even made it. I had never felt so clumsy and out of sync before, and I soon found myself struggling to keep up. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to land a single hit on her, and before I knew it, she had won the bet.

From that day on, she had made it her mission to torment me at every turn. And even though I knew I couldn't win against her, I still found myself itching for a rematch - a chance to prove that I was better than her, once and for all.

The exchange between us was far from pleasant - we argued incessantly, with neither of us gaining the upper hand. Eventually, we both realized that there was no way either of us could win, and we begrudgingly called it a draw. As she looked at me with a mixture of frustration and confusion, she asked me why I always acted this way whenever she visited. I responded bluntly, telling her that I didn't want her to visit in the first place. Her eyebrows furrowed as she asked me why I had visited her before then. The memory of that visit only served to fuel my annoyance, as I reminded her that I had only come to retrieve my katana, which she had taken without permission. 

I couldn't stand being in her presence any longer, and I wished for her to leave immediately. It seemed as though she could sense my impatience, as she continued to push my buttons. She insisted that she hadn't stolen my katana, but rather had simply taken it. I scoffed at her shameless admission, but she didn't seem to care. In fact, she seemed to revel in my annoyance. 

I couldn't understand why she was so intent on making my life a living hell. Despite my frustration, I couldn't help but be curious about her motives. She finally revealed that I was the only male disciple who hadn't tried to hit on her, which was the exact reason she enjoyed sticking close to me. The smug look on her face only served to irritate me further. As she continued to speak, I realized that she used me as a shield to fend off her numerous admirers. Despite her claim that she had "numerous" admirers, I couldn't help but think that it was an exaggeration. After all, she could beat up anyone who showed any interest in her. It was clear that she enjoyed using me as a way to avoid any unwanted attention.

"Everyone calls you 'The devil's incarnate' because you literally beat up anyone you see. That alone should make you the best option. Who in their right mind would challenge THE devil's incarnate?" she asked, trying to show how obvious it was.

I could never understand why my annoying sect mates called me that, all the same, it was cool.

"That name is actually sort of cool," I added.

"But that's not the point," she retorted.

"But why use me as a shield when you could just beat them up yourself?" I pressed. "I could, but I can't," she replied, sounding frustrated. "That's because in everyone's eyes, except yours by the way, I am a sweet, cute, lovable angel. So I can't just go around beating people up." 

I knew it; she only acted this annoying towards me.

"So that's just how it is. In everyone's eyes, I am a caged princess held hostage by the devil himself," she sneered. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her dramatics. "Princess? Now that's an exaggeration," I forced a laugh, trying to suppress my annoyance. 

"What did you say?!" she rushed towards me, clearly irritated. I couldn't deny that I had fought everyone in this sect, including the master, during the past seven years. It had gotten to the point where he had given me strict warnings about my over-competitiveness. But I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was right.

As I lay on the futon, trying to ignore her persistent chatter, I couldn't help but reflect on the many experiences that had led me to this moment. My mind wandered to the grueling training sessions, the intense battles, and the countless hours spent meditating in solitude. It was all for this one moment, this one chance to escape the confines of the sect and start anew. Stella continued to pester me, hopping back and forth at the window, her feet making a soft thudding sound against the wooden frame. I knew from experience that ignoring her was the best course of action, so I closed my eyes and feigned sleep. But her incessant talking made it hard to focus on my escape plan. Suddenly, I heard a loud stomping sound on the roof, and my heart skipped a beat. Was it a guard? Had they discovered my plan? But when I turned around, Stella was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly grabbed my sack of clothes and my trusty katana. With a swift leap, I landed gracefully on the rooftop and started running, leaping from one roof to another.

The sect was massive, with guards patrolling every junction, and I couldn't help but wonder why they took security so seriously. As I landed on another rooftop, I noticed a shadowy figure sitting there, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

"Who are you?"I asked, my guard up as I eyed the stranger in front of me. Their presence had caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel wary of their intentions. As they spoke, their words only served to heighten my apprehension. "So you really were going to escape," they said, their tone laced with accusation. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was in danger, but then I heard a familiar voice. It was Stella.

She had caught up on my plan, and I couldn't help but feel annoyed by her extreme perceptiveness. "How are you here?" I asked. "I had a gut feeling, so I waited here," she replied calmly. I couldn't believe my luck. Stella had found out about my plan to escape, but at least she was on my side. "When did you find out?" I asked. "The very moment I saw that sack bag, hidden underneath your futon," she replied. I couldn't help but click my tongue at her quick thinking. "So what now?" I asked, my eyes darting between my katana and her. Stella cocked her head to the side, a sly smile playing on her lips. "You plan on escaping, right?" she asked, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

She then offered me a deal. She had a map that contained the layout of the entire sect, as well as locations outside of it. She also claimed to know a way to escape. I was taken aback by her proposition, unsure of whether or not to trust her. 

As she stepped closer, I could see the determination in her eyes. Her hair was long and dark, cascading down her back in gentle waves. The map she held in her hand was old and worn, the edges frayed from years of use. I couldn't help but wonder how she had come into possession of such valuable information. 

Her voice was soft, yet confident, as she spoke of her plan. I could sense the excitement in her words, as if she had been waiting for this moment for a long time. I couldn't deny that her offer was tempting. The thought of finally escaping this place, of being free, was almost too much to bear. 

I took a deep breath and studied her face. There was something about her that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Was it trustworthiness? Or was it something more sinister? I couldn't be sure. 

"Alright," I said finally, "I'll hear you out." 

Her smile widened, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "Excellent," she said, "let's start planning our escape."