
Cursed Resurgence

Zarek is reincarnated into a novel as a side character - The Crown Prince of The Meridian Empire. This story follows his attempts to escape the character's tragic fate.

Bloody_Resurgence · Fantasy
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Chapter 0: God's Favorite Weapon

Zarek was a 27 year old male with relatively mediocre looks. He had two friends and wasn't on good terms with his family. He worked in a shopping mall as asalesperson, usually for 9-10 hours without break and for this hardwork he was paid 10,000 monthly which was barely enough to last him a month.

It was on one such day that he was returning home from work at about 2 in the night. The streets were deserted and he was simply too tired to pay any attention to his surroundings believing that there would be no vehicle at this time. Alas, he was mistaken. When he was in the middle of the road, he looked to his right only to see a truck rushing towards him with dangerous speed.

Shocked, Zarek attempted to run but it was too late. The truck was mere centimeters away from crashing into him. Surprisingly though it seemed to have stopped. Relieved, he sighed and decided to apologize to the driver for his lack of awareness. When he got to the driver's window he said without looking at the driver because of guilt, "Please forgive me for having been so foolish today. I really wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and thank you for stopping albeit a bit late. "

He waited for a response still not looking at the man but all he heard was silence. Finally he decided to look at the driver only to find that he wasn't moving. Then he realized that nothing around him was moving, the bats that usually fly around this place were frozen in midair, same with an airplane which was hovering several miles above. The leaves on the trees were not moving even though it was a windy day. He then noticed that even the wind seemed to have stopped. He was shocked for time appeared to have been paused.

Zarek panicked and started rushing toward his house. On his way there he saw that all the vehicles on the road were stuck in one place. It took him less than 5 minutes to reach his house. It was a small place barely capable of accommodating two people. He ran frantically toward the door and opened it only to find a bright golden light.

He lost consciousness as soon as a walked into it.

When he woke he was standing before a giant old man with red eyes and dark beard. He wore old clothing and had swords in both hands. He was seated on a bull. The 27 year old was terrified and was shaking. The giant seemed to have noticed for he said with an ancient voice which appeared to shake the Earth itself, "I am Darneth, The Universal God of Death & Reincarnation. I brought your soul here to the Stygian Realm, the place of eternal sleep. I removed your being from the vessel mere milliseconds before my favorite killing machine drove over you."

The God waited for a couple of seconds before continuing, "I hereby grant you the blessing of reincarnation. I hope you lead a acceptable life this time around. Please note that terms and conditions do apply. " He then clapped twice and Rahein fell asleep.

Hello there. To be honest this is the first time I'm writing something like this. The only reason I started this is to get rid of stress from exams and so right now I'm uncertain as to whether I shall continue with this or not.

That said I do appreciate any suggestions you might have for me regarding this.

If I decide to take this seriously I will probably rewrite this with better descriptions sometime.

I have planned out almost everything about the future of the storyline so if I Get the motivation to, I will certainly make sure to turn this into a great story.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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