1 Chapter 001





And the crowd cheers for every spirit has strengthen. It was a perfect weather for us to train and to work hard; the sun shines and the clouds were so high that not even a single drop of rain would touch the Earth.

We live in a faraway town named, "Machitís" which means "Fighters". Our village is distant from the others so we are expected to work independently. We, the Fighters from the Western South of the Earth has given a great power by the Divine God — bravery and strength.

"You're working too hard, my love" says my husband Alucard who has been worrying about my health.

I smiled and looked at him with assurance, "You have nothing to worry. I'm Guinevere, the second best fighter in the whole world"

"If you're the second best, then who is the best fighter?"

Since the day Alucard and I met, I already knew that he has greatness within him. He had no special skills like most fighters have but what he has is "bravery" which makes him the best of them all. A person with a sword has no chance to win over a lion, but a fighter who conquers bravery will able to kill a titan.

"You" I proudly announced. He laughed and kissed me before he turned around and leave.

I roam around and supervised. Everyone was doing great but five fighters are exceptional which makes me so proud, and they are Aldous, Badang, Balmond, Chou, Freya, Marthis.

"aaAaaaAaaa!!!!!" a long terrible scream shivered my spine. Before I could even take a single step, everything's covered in black.


I slowly opened my eyes, "Wh-what happened?"

I wandered the place with my half-opened eyes. The village was a mess and every house was on fire.

"At last, we met again!" says the silhouette of a well-built man standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked, still not having an idea who he might is.

"Don't you remember me? We used to share love before, Guinevere" explained the man. He moves closer and closer as he speaks.

"I do not know you!" I screamed, "What have you done with my people?! With my village?!"

"I gave you love but you gave me pain" he says. His image is getting more vivid every step he takes. I think and I think of who he could possibly is but no idea came into my mind.

He took another step and I have finally foreseen his face, his body and the memories we shared. I know who this cruel man is, "Lancelot"

[throwback] We were lovers back then. I was lost in the woods and couldn't find my way back home. I was wandering in the forest when I saw him, training on his own. I asked for directions and he lead the way. The sky turns black and the evening breeze cools yet the track keeps on going and so, he suggested to stop and spend the night at a mini camp he made by himself with twigs and leaves.

There was a bonfire at the center and a tent in front of it. Like a gentleman, Lancelot offered the tent for me while he sleeps just beside the fire, but I never agreed to that decision. We both lied beside each other and the warmth we shared was uncomfortable so I decided to take a breath outside. I admired how the stars twinkled beautifully, I watched how the moon bravely stayed in darkness and I calmly joined with the mysteries of the night. Later on, I found myself leaning on Lancelot's muscular shoulders. I secretly looked into his eyes and it reminded me of the twinkling skies. We looked into each other's eyes until he moved his gaze down to my lips. He leans closer and his soft firm lips touched mine. We passionately kissed under the moonlight. But the kiss wasn't enough, he slowly unbuttoned my clothes and removed it. He did the same and now we were both naked. His hard erect went deep down my flower. Love, pleasure and desire filled that wonderful mysterious dark night [throwback]
