
Cursed Order

Original novel based on the game “Cursed Order” The Prologue: Fear. This is the first feeling you experience as a person without identity. Where are you? What are you doing here? Who are you? These three questions guide you through the harsh challenges of the mysterious forest. You encounter brutal and unforgiving foes and make allies who can guide you on your journey to rediscover your identity. The main story: There once was a kingdom filled with bliss and spirit called Astaria. It was a safe place for families to live and children to play. But one day, it suffered a dreadful fate brought to it by a terrible creature and the cult surrounding it. They are called the Cursed Order. Find what your fate entails as a powerful teenage boy who lost his memories before being found by the revolution camp. As you adventure along, meeting charming characters on the way in, relive the memories of someone and see shadows that lurk around where death reeks the most. Who, truly, are you? Why would this cult free such a wretched beast? Why were you selected to have such powers? Will the revolution camp be able to truly stop this government once and for all?

AntsFood · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Barrier

The gentle splashing of a flowing river woke me up.

My head feels heavy and the comfortable grass surrounding me does not want to let go.

But realizing this won't lead anywhere, I struggle to stand up.

"Where am I?" I say aloud when I see myself surrounded by the forest and a river flowing near me.

I try to take a step. A sharp pain shoots through my head. That's when I realize.

"What am I doing here?"

I say aloud once again, with my voice echoing through my head. Why am I here in the first place? What is my purpose here? I start looking around when I suddenly catch a glimpse of my silhoutte in the river. I start walking closer with my face getting more clear with every step. Finally I stand on the river's edge and see a young face of a man, with chestnut-colored hair and soulless blue eyes. He seems tired. Or is it I?

Suddenly I lose balance, falling down onto grass where I recently had been lying.

"Who am I?"

I say as I realize I don't recall anything about myself. My memories are a blank state. The only thing I understand are my surroundings.

I try to piece myself together, even though I am lost in an Identity crisis.

After some time passes I garher myself and decide to get familiar with my surroundings.

Walking along the river I come across two graves. They look fresh marked with cross-like figures made from wood branches. One has pink flowers lying down, the other does not. Despite the unsettling nature surrounding graves, I feel a strange warmth here.

A few hours passed since I woke up. I spent most of that time resting near the graves the only place in this mysterious forest that felt welcoming. It was hard but once again I forced myself to get up. I hated this forest, but I know I must keep exploring If I want to find answers.

After wandering for some time I noticed an object not belonging to the natural forest's environment. It was a wooden sign with arrows facing to opposite dirrections. The one facing left had "Astaria" engraved and the right one had "Barrier". As much as I wanted to get out of this forest immediately, the word "Barrier" piques my curiosity. I decide to walk a bit that way, just to see what it has to offer, but just after a few steps an extreme pain pierces through my head.

My body startes moving back by itself. I feel numb and cold, shivering uncontrollably.

"I don't want to go there."

Echoes in my mind as I walk back.

"I really don't want to go there"

The sense of avoidance grows stronger, until, suddenly, everything just goes black.

In the brief moment before passing out, I noticed a figure with light yellow hair and pointy ears, smiling with hatred.

This novel is based on the video game “Cursed Order”. It can be played for free on Steam.

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