

Four thirty in the afternoon, a boy with wild brown locks and the most sharp dark blue eyes stood aimlessly. The slight breeze, the pink petals that fell from Cherry Tar Trees, and the almost perfect place for the exchange of feelings.

It was just the time for a confession of love.

"I like you a lot and um... WOULD YOU GO OUT WITH ME!"

Those same blue eyes pierced through such frightful words and found his gaze upon a girl. Frail to say the least, but her passion that of a sumo wrestler. She was indeed a fierce opponent.

"Olivia Alister, ranked two hundredth in her class, daughter to a military weapon producer, above average in track, sub par in any other sports, and has had no experience of dating in the past."

Olivia's eyes widened as so much crucial information was laid in front of her, a slight chill running down her spine.

"And most importantly..."

Most importantly, what could such mean? In fact it was that in this twisted version of Earth, everyone had a super ability. These were called gifts, something that either gave you a leg up in society or a crutch that would forever be a burden.

These Gifts split into two categories, a Charm or a Curse. Gifts could be as simple as an uncanny sense of balance or as terrifying as the ability to explode when asleep. It was a gamble once you were born, dice no one gave you the choice to roll.

"Your Charm allows you to persuade men with a wink. I would say such a Charm is quite dangerous."

Olivia bowed and spoke with ferocity, "Simon I really like you, I promise I will not use it on you, I would never even th-"

"And to what sacrifice could I hold you accountable?"

Simon Love kept his gaze cold, his eyes the color of a calm sea without life. His handsome yet scary features a wall of might.

Olivia was frozen, it was true, on what basis could he trust a girl he just met.

"How do you know so much about me? If you do then you should know I have morals?!"

Simon smiled a grin of mischief and dominance. "Your handwriting, I knew it was you by your handwriting."

Olivia was still frozen in place, unsure of how to respond. Even so, her heart pounded, love radiating through her every being. It made her warm he even remotely could define her hand writing.

"I asked a dear friend of mine to look into the love letter you gave me, he is great at his work."

Her heart shattered, replaced by a blanket of sadness. All hope was lost.

"Anyways I have to go, we enter high school in two months and I would like to prepare."

'Prepare?' Thought Olivia, 'Why he would he need to prepare for something two months from now?!'

Thought Olivia...

Simon lost his smile and swirled away, keeping interest not one of his traits.


Simon sighed before turning, his biggest mistake.

"Please go out with me senpai."

Her left eye closed quickly and with precision, a triumphant smile crawling on to her face. It would seem the daughter of a world renown weapon dealer, Maga, had a few weapons of her own.

But only if that were true. Simon also winked back at her, a slight pique of humor drifting by.

"Bye Olivia,"

She fell to the dirt. Bewildered by the fact her Charm was some how ineffective. That was impossible.


Simon Love kept his pace but before he rounded the corner, he turned toward her once again. "If you truly find me to be worth while as your partner, I'm going to be attending Garden High School."

Simon disappeared around the corner of the gymnasium.

Olivia smiled, not one of happiness but instead, one of loss.

With her current grades, there was no way she was going to be able to attend such a high ranking school.

UTTER DEFEAT(with hope)

"You really are harsh Simon, you could could of not tormented her like that."

It was Simon's best friend, Norman HighWater. He was the only person who knew of his Gift.

His Curse...

Simon Love's Curse was that once he kissed a girl, they would lose their gift entirely, may it be a Curse or a Charm. It also made other Charms ineffective against him.

He was a man shunned from the idea of love, even if deep down he longed for it.

"I knooooooow, she was so cute and her love letter was amazing."

His once dominant facade came crashing down as he slouched his shoulders and looked at his friend. "She was totally my type too, fuck man."

Norman tied back his long black hair, his eyes just as dark. "No one ever told you love was impossible, you just think it is. I feel like kissing her would do a lot of men great justice also..."

'Justice eh?' Simon wondered as the cold hard attitude he usually donned fled back to him. "You may be right but that Charm she posses is a part of her, even if it seems outlandish and like a hack to win life, it is her Gift after all."

Norman sighed heavily and pushed off the wall he so casually leaned against, "Wanna go watch some Anime?"
