
The Child Of The Moon

Zion helped her stand up, but she realized she was naked.

"Where did all your clothes go when you shift?" He asked, amused.

She giggled. "I also wondered where."

He took his shirt off and put it on her. Then he flipped his fingers to remove the water barrier.

"Who won?" Cole asked.

The pack members didn't see what had happened and were whispering, asking each other who had succeeded.

"Your Alpha. I lost." Amaris accepted defeat.

The members who betted on Zion cheered and were delighted with the result. The Alpha just shook his head and didn't scold his betas, who started the whole thing.

"But next time, I will definitely win." She pouted.

"I'm looking forward to that." He winked.

They returned to the bedroom after the training, and as soon as the door closed, Zion pushed Amaris against the door, kissing her.

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