
Cursed Bond:Astrological Academia

Reverse Harem Supernatural Intrigue Introducing “Cursed Bond” a spellbinding tale of supernatural allure and fated mates! Prepare to be captivated as you delve into a world where sacred mated bonds are tainted by a haunting curse. Imagine a love that could have been the stuff of legends, stolen away by the hands of fate and replaced with a heart-wrenching challenge. In this enthralling journey, the Goddess herself presents you with a mystical quest, promising to shatter the curse that has plagued your existence. But here’s the catch-to break the curse, you must risk losing the love of not just one, but four extraordinary mates. Will you be brave enough to face this daunting choice? I Cursed Bond,” passion and destiny collide, forging an unbreakable connection between you and your fated mates. Explore a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, where bonds are tested, and where love’s power transcends all boundaries. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you navigate the intricate web of secrets, betrayal, and sacrifice. With its vividly depicted characters, sizzling chemistry, and spine-tingling plot twists, “Cursed Bond” is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance. Lose yourself in a world where love knows no bounds, where the strength of a curse is met with the resilience of true love. Will you seize the chance to break the curse and embrace the love of a lifetime? The answer awaits withing the pages of “Cursed Bond.”

Amy_Sams_3398 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7


They led me to their room and ensured I was comfortable on the couch.  They ordered food and urged me to eat.  They helped me catch up on my missed schoolwork as I gorged on the food.  Seeing that they weren't angry with me for walking away and not answering the door was a relief. 

I sit here and reflect on my conversation with the goddess and my path to completing her task.  My Thungbird continues to coo in my mind.  She was with her mates, and her thoughts were willed with mating and forming a bond with her mates.  "Asa, please stop talking about mating," I pleaded.  We had agreed to shorten her name to Asa for convenience. 

"But it's going to happen, and when they mark us, we can mind-link with them.  You with the human and me with the spirit animal," she persisted. 

I sighed and tried to ignore her relentless chatter about mating and bonding.  As much as I valued her guidance and companionship,  I couldn't help but feel uneasy about being marked by a spirit animal and forming an unbreakable bond.

I sit here grappling with the weight of the decisions before me.  My thoughts were consumed by the daunting task of convincing Dane to go against everything he had been taught.  It wasn't just a matter of persuading him to mark me but of betraying his father and our King.  I knew deep down it was a long shot, but the alternative was even worse.  If I couldn't convince Dane, I would be forced to kill his father and shatter his world forever.  He would lose his father, gain knowledge of the mate bond, and understand that he had taken that privilege away from us all. 

Then there was Prudence, who caused so much chaos and turmoil in such a short time of my being here.  I knew she had done wrong, but I couldn't bear the thought of her being banished. To be alone, she could be vulnerable to sexual assault or even sold into slavery.  It was a fate worse than death.  Yet, my testimony would decide her fate.  The weight of that responsibility was suffocating. 

All I wanted was peace of love for everyone, but it seemed like an impossible dream. The world around me was filled with hatred, violence, and lust for power.  People were fighting over prestige and power, with no thought for the well-being of others. I couldn't understand how anyone could only think of themselves.  The decisions I had to make would have far-reaching consequences, and I couldn't shake the feeling that no matter what happened, I would lose the most. 

Cedar catches me lost in thought. "Hey, little warrior, what has you deep in thought?" he asks. 

I look up from my thoughts and smile at Cedar.  "Just thinking about everything that's been going on," I say, leaning into Dane's chest.  The guys huddle around me on the couch, their bodies close to me, as if they're afraid I'll disappear if they don't hold onto me. 

Cedar nods, his eyes scanning my face.

"Anything you want to talk about?" he asks, concern etched into his features. 

I go with half the truth.  "I don't like the idea of prudence being exiled,"  I say firmly, stopping them before they can say anything. 

  My statement earned me growls, but I continued.

"I'm not saying she shouldn't be expelled from school, but we have to think about the consequences of her exile.  For a female, being exiled can result in slavery or sexual assault.  No female deserves that fate regardless of what she did to me." 

River said, "You can petition the counsel at the inquiry for a different sentence if you feel so strongly about it, Indigo." 

Asher agreed, "It may not change the outcome, but they will listen to your concerns."

Dane said, "It is a rule that has never had to be enforced.  So they may listen and take your suggestion into account." 

I felt relieved knowing I could at least voice my concerns to the council.  While I wasn't sure if it would change the outcome, I knew I had to try.  Prudence may have done wrong, but I couldn't let her be punished in a way that could put her in harm's way. 

I let out a tired yawn, as the day had taken a toll on me despite my inactivity.  I suspect it may be due to the after-effects of my poisoning. 

"Are you ready for bed, blue?"  Dane inquired.

"Yeah, I should head to my dorm and hit the hay," I say, standing.

"NO," all four of them exclaimed in unison. 

I turned to face the group, noticing their intense gazes.  I raised an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Allow us to rephrase," Asher interjected. "Your items have been moved here, so you do not need to retire to your dorm.  You live here now."

"I see.  May I ask when I would be informed about the new living arrangement?"  I inquire.

"We are informing you now,"  River replies with a smirk.

"I know you're tired,"  Cedars says sympathetically, taking my hand and leading me to the room.  "But it's our room, not just yours." 

I follow him, feeling utterly exhausted.  As he opens the door, I'm greeted with a massive bed, clearly custom-made to accommodate all of us. 

"Wow," I manage to say, feeling a bit awestruck.  Despite my exhaustion, I can't help but feel a bit of excitement at the idea of all of us sleeping together. 

River seems to sense my trepidation and pulls me close,  "Don't worry," he says softly.  "We'll take care of you." 

With that, I am led to the bed and tucked in. They fluff the pillows and pull the covers up to my chin.  As I drift off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of my lovers, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment.  I may be tired, but I'm fortunate to have found people who love and care for me. 

Rise and shine!  My alarm clock screams at me to get up for my run.  But as I tried to escape the bed, one of my guys caught me.  Asher's growl sends chills down my spine and sparks a hunger only they can feed. 

"I'm going for a run," I whisper, hoping not to wake the others.

Nope, it's not happening.  One by one, they protest, telling me to rest and recover,  Blah, blah, blah.

"I can't just sit here all day," I argue, trying to escape the bed.  But then, I climb over another body, and his hands grip my hips.  My body grinds down on his rock-solid member, and we both moaned. 

"Your body has more exciting ways to torch those calories," Dane purrs in his sexy voice, igniting my desire even more. 

Without a second thought, I grind my core against his pulsating shaft.  The sensation is electrifying, sending shivers down my spine and causing arousal to trickle down my thighs. 

I sense a presence behind me. 

"Do you want this, little warrior?" Cedar teases. 

I moan out a yes as I continue rolling my hips. 

"Not so fast, yet."  I hear Dane interject.  "She is still recovering."

The sun peeks through the curtains as my shirt comes off.  Strong hands lift me, laying me down and sliding off my sweats and sexy underwear.  I'm completely naked now, feeling myself pulled up a hot smoking body's River, the telltale smell of smoke giving him away. 

He sits back against the headboard with me nestled between his legs-front-to-back.  He hooks his legs around mine and spreads them wide, showing off all my goodies to our other three partners.  I hear their moans and murmurs of approval as River kisses me deeply. 

But that's not all-my skin tingles with pleasure as each of my nipples is sucked into the mouths of my men.  River's invasion of my mouth swallows my moans.  And just when I thought it couldn't get any hotter, fingers spread me open, and a tongue goes to work, eating like I'm the most delicious treat in the world. 

As the pleasure intensified, a wave of electrifying sensations hit my body, and I was swept away into the throes of my first orgasm.  But the ecstasy didn't stop there.  As bodies shifted, someone else took their turn, and tantalizing fingers curled inside me, taking me to new heights of pleasure. It was a game of Russian Roulette but with my orgasms. 

When it was River's turn, my men surrounded me, watching their brothers feast on my body, using their hands to bring themselves to the brink of release.  I was overwhelmed by the feeling of all five of us climaxing together.  Their release coated my breasts and stomach, leaving me breathless and fully satisfied. 

I'm lost in pure bliss as I watch bodies move.  Suddenly, I'm whisked away by Dane, who carries me off to the bathroom, where I'm in for a real surprise.  The bed wasn't the only thing that got a makeover!  Behold, a colossal shower that's big enough for all of us.  My men surround me, doting on every inch of my body. I feel like a queen being pampered and worshiped by her devoted kings. 

"Wow, you guys know how to pamper a lady," I quip as I'm being towel-dried.  And when I catch sight of Asher holding a bottle of lotion, I can't help but think, "I could get used to this."  That is, until I have to take down the king if Dane doesn't stake his claim on me. 

"Not just any lady, our lady," Cedar chimes in, kissing my cheek. 

"Not Just our lady, our queen," Dane corrects him with a smirk. 

"Yeah, baby, we'll make you royalty once we win this competition," River added with a wink. 

After my steamy encounter, I was satisfied.  The guys helped me dress in comfy leggings, a cute tee, and a cozy hoodie.  But then, something caught my eyes and stopped me in my tracks-the closed door was closing.  I pushed it back open and was shocked to see it was full of women's clothes that didn't belong to me. 

I felt a fire ignite, and even Asa could sense my fury.  How dare they try to claim me as their queen while displaying a closet full of their conquests' clothes!  This wasn't going to fly. 

"Do you like them?" Dane asked with a smile, gesturing towards the new clothes. 

"We noticed you didn't bring a lot of clothes." River chimed in.

"So we had you some delivered," Asher added, smiling so wide his eyes twinkle. 

"The girlfriend of the King and his court will need to look her best," Cedars said with a chuckle. 

I was stunned.  They bought clothes for me?  I couldn't believe it.  I looked at the clothes in the closet, each more beautiful than the last. 

"I don't know what to say," I stammered, overwhelmed by their generosity. 

"You don't have to say anything," Dane said, pulling me close.  "We want you to have the best." 

As I walked out of the room, I felt the weight of their eyes on me.  I knew they were watching to make sure I was safe.  We headed to the cafeteria for breakfast before my first class.  As I walked, I could hear their footsteps following me. I turned around to see them, and they smiled reassuringly. 

During my classes, I sat with either London or Salem.  They were my only solace during the lectures, and we worked together on assignments.  When class ended, one or more of my guys would be waiting outside the classrooms to escort me to my next class.  They were always there, never letting me out of their sight. 

The constant hovering of my guys was beginning to suffocate me.  As an independent person, I was used to making decisions and living on my own terms.  However, I knew their actions were motivated because I had nearly lost my life. 

Despite my frustration, I understood their concern and appreciated their support.  I just hoped that the overprotective, possessive behavior would subside before I had to stop it. 

I also noticed Prudence had not been around all day.  When I asked London and Salem about her whereabouts, they informed me that she was being held for questioning regarding the incident that had nearly killed me.  This reminded me that I had to testify at the inquiry the following day. 

Lunchtime arrived, resulting in Salem and London expressing their desire to have time alone for girl talk.  "Come On, guys.  We need some girl time," Salem said, looking around at Dane, River, Cedar, and Asher.

However, the guys were not willing to grant their request.  They were determined to monitor me and ensure my safety closely.

"Sorry, Ladies. We can't trust Indigo's safety to anyone," Dane replied, taking a bit of his sandwich. 

"But we just want to catch up and chat about things girls talk about," London added, looking slightly exasperated.

"I'm sure we could find something else to discuss, "  River suggested.

Salem rolled her eyes.  "No offense, but we won't want to talk about sports, video games, or whatever else you guys talk about."

Cedar chuckled.  "I think we are pretty good at listening, though.  Maybe we could offer some advice or something."

Asher nodded in agreement.  "Yeah, pretend like we are just one of the girls."

Salem and London exchanged a look, then shrugged, "Okay, but don't say we didn't warn you."  Salem said, smiling at the guys. 

"Alright, time for the tea, gorgeous!  How many times did you hit the high notes this morning?"  London playfully demands., causing me to spit out my drink in surprise. 

"I mean, seriously, you were poisoned, yet you appear glowing.  Salem chimes in, impressed. 

River leans closer with a sly grin, "Oh, this is juicy. Count me in." 

Dane raises an eyebrow, "Is this the kind of thing you talk about when we're not around, Blue?"

"Uh, no way!  It's all them," I reply, still recovering from my coughing fit. 

"Okay, listen up, ladies!  This morning's pleasure parade tally is a whopping four of the big 'O'!  Our girl Indigo was about to ditch us for a jog, but why run when you can have a much more fun workout? Am I right?"  River animatedly informs London and Salem, fully embracing his role in juicy girl talk. 

The guys are cracking up at his shenanigans, and even I can't help but laugh my head off at his hilarious, girly voice.

Suddenly, London chimes in with a cheeky question, "So, was this a solo act, or did everyone come to the party?"

River's momentarily taken aback, but then he bounces back with a grin, "Oh, it was all hands on deck."

Hot damn, I need a harem!" exclaims Salem, attracting some disapproving looks from

the guys.  But Salem isn't fazed, pointing out their hypocrisy with a sassy gesture, "Uh, hello, pot meet kettle.  You can't judge me while hosting an orgy in your room."

Cedar, always the gentleman, comes to Salem's defense, "Salem's, you're like a sister to us.  No  man, let alone a bunch of them, will ever be good enough for you."

"Damn straight, my vampire friend.  You know how to have my back," Salem replies, impressed with Cedar's chivalry.  "Which is why I must live vicariously through my friends!"

"Girl talk just got a whole new level of sass-turns out; the one doing the talking has some serious cojones!"  London quips, giving River a sideways glance before fixing me with a steely stare.  "And what's the silent treatment from Miss Glowy over there?  Why is there no word spillage from that mouth?"

"I like her," Asher chimes in.  "She doesn't mince words.  Straight to the point, that one." 

"Indigo couldn't keep her mouth shut this morning-spillage galore!"  Cedar says with a cheeky grin in my direction. 

"Hey!  I don't need to say anything when River and London are saying it all," I defend myself with a smirk. 

"You boys better be taking care of her in more ways than just sexual," Salem threatens.

"Don't worry, Salem.  They took care of me in every way imaginable.  They even pampered, showered, dried me off, and massaged me with lotion.  They even had my clothes ready for me.  IT was so sweet!.  I share with London and Salem with a smile on my face. 

And that's where girl talk turns into a snooze-fest," Asher interjects, prompting us to look at him quizzically. 

River adds, "Men are more audiovisual creatures.  We remember the sights and sounds more than the emotional side of sex."

"Oh man, remember those little moans and how her pussy looked?"  Cedar nostalgically recalls.

"Stop it, man!  You're making me want to take a break and rub one out," River groans, adjusting himself.

"Well, well, well, I think it's time to wrap up our lunch break,"  I say as I stand up.  "Let's keep the discussion of my lady parts off the menin in the canteen, shall we?" 

"Best lunch break ever," London laughs.

"Yeah, can't wait for dinner to see what topics we can broach." Salem ads with a laugh. 

"Count me in as long as we don't talk about my girly bits," I joke as my security detail surrounds me.  "Hey, could you guys dress in military fatigues and wear sunglasses?  You'd look hot!"

"Does our little bird  have a fantasy she wants to fulfill?" River asks, moving in closer.

"Maybe," I coyly reply, smiling up at him.

The rest of my guys follow suit, and Dane gives me a seductive look.  "Anything for you, Blue," he says.

Asa quivers with anticipation, and let me tell you, these guys know how to work a bond without even knowing it's a bond.  We're connected by some magical force that makes us feel each other's desires. Unfortunately, class is about to start, so no fulfilled wishes for now!

The remaining part of the day passes similarly to the first half.  We have dinner and spend time with Salem and London as we complete our homework.  It's already late when we wind down for the day.  Tomorrow, There's an inquiry regarding Purdence's attempt to harm me. My only wish is to persuade them not to banish her from the kingdom. 

My alarm goes off, and I wake up feeling a bit nervous.  Today is the day that Prudences's fate will be decided.  I shower, fix my hair, and put on some makeup.  I choose to leave my hair down and curl it, and then I put on a pencil skirt, a white sleeveless blouse, a matching blazer, and some high heels to complete my professional look. 

As I step out of the bathroom, I see all four dressed in dark sures. They look very handsome, but what catches my attention is the intense look in their eyes.  They all have their spirit animals swirling in their gazes as they take me in. 

"Blue, you always look stunning, but this look is something else,"  Dane says, stepping closer.  "I can think of so many ways we could have you." 

"Picture this: a sizzling hot scene where you're bent over the couch, your skirt pushed up, and those luscious curves on full display covered in our handprints,"  Asher whispers to me, and I can barely stand as the image burns into my mind.  Maybe guys know something we don't know about the power of visuals.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone's feelings are a little naughty," River purrs as he sneaks up behind me and squeezes my behind. 

"Are you ready to explore your wildest desires with us, baby?" Cedar asks, his voice dripping with temptation. 

My heart races as I give in to the moment. "Yes," I say breathlessly.  But then, a sudden realization hits me.  "Maybe after the inquiry?" I suggest maintaining a hint of decorum amidst all the steamy excitement. 

The guys step back and allow me to breathe air not layered in their delicious scents.  They look disappointed but nod in agreement. 

"Yes, you're right.  We should wait until everything is settled.  But now we can't wait to make you ours." Dane says. 

The five of us walk briskly toward the inquiry hall.  The atmosphere was tense, and everyone was quiet.  They all knew that whatever happened in that room would determine the fate of Prudence because of her heinous crime. 

As we entered the room, the medieval feel of the place struck us.  The walls were stone, and wooden beams supported the high ceiling.  The room was dimly lit, with only a few torches on the walls providing light.  In the center of the room was a large wooden table surrounded by benches. 

The room was silent and still, with all occupants sitting timidly.

However, the atmosphere changed entirely when the King arrived.

Panic set in as it dawned on me that the King would lead the inquiry.  As an American, I was not accustomed to such a monarchical system and found it frustrating.  In America, a judge would preside over such a matter, but in the UK. It was the King who would take charge.  I realized the gravity of the situation and braced myself for what would come.

The doors to the courtroom swung open at the King's command, and in walked Prudence, the accused.  She appeared disheveled and disoriented.  Her hair was unkempt, and she wore no makeup.  Her head was bowed, and she avoided eye contact with anyone in the room. 

The usual confidence that Prudence exuded was nowhere to be found.  The gravity of the situation was taking a toll on her.  The court fell silent, all eyes fixed on the accused. 

The King studied her for a moment, then cleared his throat.  "Prudence Wright, you stand accused of treason against a classmate," he said sternly.  "How do you plead?" 

Prudence's voice was barely audible as she relied, "Not guilty, Your Majesty." 

The room erupted in whispers and murmurs as the King nodded thoughtfully. It was going to be a long day.

The King addressed Prudence sternly, reminding her that the truth potion would be administered to ensure complete honesty during the proceedings.  Prudence appeared taken aback by this disclosure.  It became clear that she had denied involvement in the assassination attempt because she had not administered the poison.  However, if Prudence were given the truth potion, she would be compelled to answer any question truthfully.  Therefore, if the King asked whether she had any involvement in the attempt on my life, she would be obliged to give a truthful response. 

I observed Prudence as she gazed at two individuals seated at the table, presumably her parents.  The woman is weeping as the man simply nods to her. 

"Your Majesty, I wish to alter my plea," Prudence declares.  "I plead guilty, Your Majesty." 

"You comprehend that the penalty for committing treason against a schoolmate is an exile from the Kingdom?"  inquires the King, to which Prudence nods in agreement.  "Very well then." 

Before the King can proceed, " humbly request, "Your Majesty, may I speak?" 

The individual known as Indigo Journey is the victim of treason," declares the King solemnly. 

The room was filled with gasps and whispers as I asked for Prudence's clemency.  I could feel the weight of the accusations against her. And it seemed everyone felt her exile was warranted.  But amidst the commotion,  I heard a comment that made me pause,  "I thought she died with her parents,"  someone whispered. 

"I respectfully plead for clemency on behalf of the accused," I assert, confidently rising to my feet.  "While I fully comprehend You Highness's need for such regulations and do not question their reasoning.  I request that you consider that Prudence is a young woman who, if exiled, may be subjected to slavery and unwanted sexual experiences.  I implore Your Highness to look beyond this grave transgression and consider expelling her from the school but not the Kingdom." 

I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about.  It seemed a strange comment to make amid this trial.  But I knew I couldn't address it now.  I had to focus on Prudence. 

"Why do you believe she deserves clemency?"  The King questioned. 

"Initially, it is important to clarify that the accused did not act alone.  While she may have assisted in my poisoning, she was not the one who carried out the act.  Therefore, there is another who should also be held accountable for their actions."  I explain and continue. 

"Furthermore, I would like to make it known that I am not afraid of death.  As we are taught, we will be reunited with our Creator for Eternity when we depart.  So, why should one fear such a transition?  However, I fear having my freedom of choice taken from me or making a decision that may negatively affect others or the kingdom." 

I made the last remark to test the King's reaction and see if his conscience reflects remorse for depriving the Kingdom of its greatest treasure, the mate bond.  However, as anticipated, he remained unfazed as he responded to me.

"Your maturity is impressive, and it could be an invaluable asset to our Kingdom," the King said with a hint of amusement. Turning to Prudence, he continued.  "If your victim is willing to forgive you, I see no reason to deny a plea for mercy.  Prudence Wright, as of now, you are dismissed from the school.  Please leave the premises within the next hour after collecting your belongings."

"Your majesty, I express my gratitude,"  Prudence says as she bows.

"It is not my gratitude that you should be seeking,"  The King responds with seriousness.

Prudence turns towards me, "Thank you, Indigo Journey.  And I apologize for my actions if it matters."

"Forgiven but not forgotten, Prudence," I reply solemnly.

As the King departs, I am embraced by the woman I call Prudence's mother. 

"Thank you for showing mercy towards my daughter, and please take caution.  While Prudence's actions stemmed from jealousy, some view you as a much greater danger,"  she confides in a hushed tone before promptly departing.

My mind is consumed with thoughts. I wonder whether my parents' demise was a tragic accident or was the intended victim.