
Your freedom ends where your ditactor says.

The World War 2 ended 141 years ago.

The world entered in a chaotic state since then, when the German army trepassed the Russia cold territory it could be said that it was the end of democracy in Europe soon enough Asia.

The entire european continent and a huge part of estern Asia is now called Capitalist union , the countries have a little freedom over the citzen but needed to pay huge taxes to the Great Centre, where the ditactor and his allies stay and look over the Union.

The situation is a little different where I live, The Great Asia follows the same ditactorship style, exept that the rules and the law are overall setted, the state and army take care of keeping the order, mostly with brute force, we can't say we are free but at least now we can hope we will be able to freely live on the Virtual Era.

Virtual Era is being developed for the govern by almost 20 they say the game will be realeasd in 4 years, the people claim for change, even if it's fake, even if it was made by the same disgusting ditactor, even so the people need to feel free again.


"Oh, sorry, where you waiting for an introduction?"

"... ah... hum...I'm no good with this kind of things" the person talking about history looked around, as if it was asking for help " I'll do my best..... Hello... I'm Ma..Makoto.... Is a pleasure to meet you.... I'm waiting for the release.... you havent heard about it?.... They say you will be able to have a dream life there.... they say we will be able to live by our rules... I'm waiting to live this freedom.... I'm going to wait till the end of the world, because I can't stand breathing anymore...."

I finaly put this on the "paper" .... I hope you like.... i don't have a writing schedule .... I'll try my best to make a good story.... english is not my first language nor my second but is really good ...to be able to write and at the same time learn.

Aho_fujoshicreators' thoughts