
Cursed Assassin in Akame ga kill

Just like any other Isekai Protagonists. Our ‘lucky’ Mc Alex met a god and was given a second chance to another world with cheats. It’s just that this time the god is too tired with OP Mcs and decided to balance things out. This is the story about a man trying to survive the cruel world of Akame ga kill. Should he rise to the top or fall flat as … Cough cough sorry I’m out of words. So here are the tags: Revenge, Vilain Mc, From weak to strong, romance, R-18. Warning this is a violent story so there maybe or maybe not be some “sensitive” action between characters. There will be no NTR at least for the main heroine. Mc will have a love-hate relationship with Akame. There will be no harem (I don’t like harem :D) This is my first fanfic so pls be easy on me. I’m expecting to write 3 chapters a week (it may increase with the number of stones:D). I’m not an English speaker so expect some errors in grammar.

AngryBamboo · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Northen Prodigy

12 years later. Northern Empire

Somewhere in a suburban area, a group of two people was trying to get their wagon out of the deep mud.

" One two! Ah! This damn road! Hey brat, give us a hand. "

A voice asked a young man, one could see a few silver hairs protruding from his hood, he folded his arms, his back resting against a tree stump as he looked at the two struggling to pull the heavy wagon.

" No." - The young man simply replied.

" You wretched! - The angry bald man

" I warned you guys not to go this way, aren't laughing now heh?" - The young man sneered

The bald man's face was painted red.

" It seems that this brat needs some lessons!"

" Calm down Gin, we got it wrong on this, boy I'm sorry for taking you lightly because you're young. Can you give us a hand now? You understand this wagon is very important right? We can't be late because of this small conflict. "

The middle-aged man appeared to be the leader of the group said.

" …Okay, but next time, I hope that guy can keep his stupid mouth shut."

" You fcking!"

" Okay boys, let's get to work! "

" One! Two! Three! "

They pushed the heavy cart out of the mud and breathed in a sigh of relief.

" You know, this could be a lot easier if you get the stuff down before trying to push it."

The two men's eyes widened once more at the sighing young man.

" Idiots…"

After the big storm, the path in the forest was almost impassable, trees fell, and the road is muddy. The smell of dampness makes people want to get sick, but the most important thing is the demonic beast. They can find many traces of them in the forest, some feces and some bones. In the end, they had to give up the original route to find a safer one.

While the bald man named Gin was snorting in the back, the young man and the middle-aged man had a light chat.

" Gun san, you said you just came back from the imperial capital, what do you think about the current situation of that place? "

" There are only two words that can be used to describe that place: 'chaotic' and 'disgusting', although most of the imperial economy was concentrated there, children still sleeping in the sewers. The underworld, the state area, the assassins, and corpses are often found in the alleys, even on the streets. There's no bad thing that place lack. Sometimes I wonder if that's what hell that looks like. "

The young man smiled and shook his head.

" No Gun-san, you are wrong. you don't know what the real hell is. I hope people like you never have to witness it. "

A strangely intimidating atmosphere emanating from the young man sent a chill down Gun's spine. He wondered, what lies under that naive youthful face, what past this young boy had to go through.

" Boy, I know you and my brother Gin have a bit of trouble but don't mind him too much, he and I don't have a pleasant past. When we were 8, our father died as he joined the revolt. I, Gin, and our mother have to run away hiding for a long time until the Bull Dog gang found us. We were constantly tortured and made to do all of the bad things for them. As you can see we are not smart, maybe because we got hit on the head too many times haha… Gin... I and him had wanted to escape but couldn't leave our sick mother behind. Suddenly one day our mother died, Gin was really desperate at that time. Five years later Bull Dog was handled by the revolutionary army, we can finally escape and he ended up getting married but you know this country… Gin's wife was raped by a merchant and suicide. "

" …I'm sorry to hear that."

" Don't mind it, it's been a long time, now we all have the same goal which is to change this accursed land."

The young man nodded, he took a look at the soundly sleeping bald head and think he might've been too harsh on this man.

" Gun-san, it looks like we've arrived."

They stopped in front of a dilapidated abandoned village, seemingly no one, but the young man could feel the guns pointed at them. Moments later, a group of people gathered, on their heads a red ribbon with a white cross.

" We delivered the goods."

A person come out, he checked on the group, the goods and nodded.

" Take them back to base."

The base was located in a nearby cave, it was very well disguised with trees, looking from the outside no one could see it. When the goods from the wagon row were debarked, a man in commander uniform showed up, he order a black box from the cart. Gun, Gin, and the young man had no idea what was in that black box, they only knew it was important and couldn't be opened. The commander tore open the box and took inside what looked like a silver trumpet.

" Finally, with this, we may occupy Onobu in a few weeks."

" Is it Teigu?"

The commander's gaze immediately turned to the white-haired youth.

" Boy, do you know about Teigu?"

" I've only heard from a drunk about them, never got the chance to see one."

The commander looked at the young man, if this were 15 years ago he would've concluded that this young man was a spy, however, rumors about Teigu have increased dramatically in recent years, so it doesn't seem strange for commoners to know of their existence.

" Tengokuta (Song of Heaven), made from an S-rank beast. It has the ability to power up its hearers and more important, it seems to have chosen me. "

The commander hold the trumpet like a puppy and gently pet the pipes, the trumpet then made soft sounds like an animal's purring.

" Comrades, all of the hard work you've done shall be paid, you can rest here until dawn or you can join us in our next activity, we might need a little help."

" Sorry but we have to refuse, it's been three days since I got a good rest, I need a bed."

" Okay John, guide them to—"

' Bang!'

The sound of gunshot outside startled them all, followed by screams.

" What's going on, we're exposed? How? "

All glances intermediate fell on the Gun's group but after a moment the commander only clicked his tongue as he realized that doubting these three would not solve anything.

" How many attackers? "

" About 100. More than twenty men armed with guns."

" Damn it!"

The entire base has only 15 men and only 4 guns.

" Get the first group to block them, we will retreat to the back! We must act fast before they surround us! "

The revolt group retreated to the back door of the cave, but when they had just stepped out, welcoming them was 'Bang! Bang! Bang! '. In a split second, 5 people died and 6 were injured who were squirming on the ground.

" Damn it! Damn it! damn it!"

The commander blew the trumpet. Immediately, three of the injured soldiers who lay on the ground stood right up. The muscle fibers and tendons can be seen clearly on their neck.

" This... is awesome!"

The modified soldiers charged the enemy like beasts. Countless bullets slid past them but they didn't slow down. A modified soldier used his muscular arm to punch an empire soldier. One could hear the sound of bones breaking from a meter away. The imperial soldier flew and stuck flat to the tree. Fear began to spread on the empire's side as groans and screams were heard from everywhere.

"Hahaha. Amazing, with this, no one can stop us! Die, maggots —"

The commander looked under his stomach, a sharp metal object protruding out of it and cold liquid streaming down his uniform.

" Gin! What the hell are you doing? "

Gun rushed to stop Gin but was too late. Gin drew his sword from the officer's stomach and swung it down at the man's neck, nearly slicing it off. The modified soldiers immediately staggered, they rose in pain as the torrential blood shot out from their bodies. All the arteries in the body exploded, in just a few seconds they were just bloody corpses.

Seeing the commander die the remains became desperate and they all dropped their weapons in surrender.

Half an hour passed, at the moment the revolt group has only 6 people left, that included Gun's group except for Gin, all tied.

In front of them was a big fat guy with a long beard his hand was playing with the trumpet, and his lower half was 4 robotic legs.

" My father would be pleased with this… Now tell me where your base is?"

" ?" - the remained revolt looked confused.

" Ronny sama, this is their base."

A woman in a business suit and short shirt whispered in the fat man's ear. His face flushed red, he took a man and stomped on his groin with the heavy metal foot.

" Aghh!"

" You think I'm stupid? I'm talking about your biggest base! the biggest one! "

" I-I don't know."

" Spit it out insect! I know you know it! "

He kept stomping, the pressure of his weight plus the hardness of his iron legs crushed the crotch area of the man, he passed out in pain, based on the look of the wound he would probably die soon. The fat man's eyes rolled on the next person, who was shaking intensely.

" I-I'll say it, it's at…"

" Hm?"

" It's in—"

Due to his trembling, his words kept getting stuck in his throat and he suffered the same fate as the previous one. The next person was Gun, he pay no attention to the fat man, only staring at this brother who standing smiling.

" Gin, why?"

Gin laughed maniacally.

" Why? I should be the one who asks! You drag me into the army of revolutionaries without my consent? We could get all money from the Bull Dogs, a lot of money at that but you threw them away and we have to live like scums for 2 years. How many times have I almost died because of you? "

" Those bastards killed our father, our mother also died because of them! Brother, how could you say that? "

" Our parents are dead, these useless people can't even give us a single coin, you want me to follow those losers' path?"

" Gin!"

" By the way, I'm the one who sold that bitch to that merchant but she kept coming back to hope and bothering me so I strangled her and make it look like her hanging herself."

" Bastard !!!"

" Oh dear. Stop ignoring me!"

Gun tried to lunge at Gin but the fat man throw his leg straight to Gun's face. Gun gasped as his lower jaw almost drop to the floor, 'tack tack' the sound of blood and teeth splattered on the ground. Gin didn't show any emotion but clenched his fists back hard, he knelt in front of the fat man.

" My apologies Ronny sama!"

" It's okay, it's okay, I'm quite enjoying your brotherly quarrel."

The next person in line was a woman. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

" Oh, long time no see a maggot this beautiful. Now just like the other 3, you have 1 chance to answer, if you are good, I can let you live, become a toy for me. "

" I-I will tell you, I will tell you…" - She whispered.

The fat man got his head close to hear what she has to say and ... 'Die' was all he heard.

The girl plunged at the man and bit his nose, she tore off a chunk of meat from it.

" Whoreee! Kill! Kill them all! "

10 guns pointed at them. The girl closed her eyes and accept her fate while the white-haired young man looked behind the fat one, he saw something sparky from afar.


The fat man Ronny clutched his shoulder, he could feel the sharp bullets dive deep into it. He should as nearby soldiers used their shields to cover him. In the distance there were the screaming voice of soldiers and 'Tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat.', a large figure approached the area. He wore heaving armor from head to toe his left hand held a giant pudding shield and the other hand was a machine gun. All the bullets of the empire soldiers were bounced back when they touched the pudding shield. He's like an unstoppable wall who kept advancing and slaughtering them.

In the distance, a beauty in her thirties with a ponytail was behind a sniper rifle.

" Zef, your task is to kill the fat guy while the Gant gets their attention."

" Affirmative Suzan."

2 smoke grenades were thrown at the area where the fat man stand around and the whole area was covered in dark gray.

" Cough Cough what are those rats?"

" Haha, this is the end for you devil! We won. They are our elite troops. "

Some shrapnels went into the woman's thighs but she didn't bother by it, she just enjoyed the annoyed look on the fat man's face.

In the smoke, a small shadow flickered accompanied by the sound of slashing and the sound of bodies collapsing. The white-haired young man could see that the small shadow was about to collide with the big shadow of the fat man. The sound of metals hitting each other and then the small one was kicked away. Escape the smoke, fat man Ronny carrying the business suit woman in one hand and he shrank his body, became a giant ball then rolled with high speed crushing some unlucky soldier along the way into the forest.

" Damn Suzan, I couldn't get him!"

" It's okay Zef, check the status of our comrades first."

The smoke dissipated and out of it was a young curly hair girl with a small body, she looked just around 14-15 years old. She wears a black-tight suit and a gas mask. In her hands are two short swords. She hurriedly checked the state of the tied woman.

" How many people are alive? Where is commander Gen? "

" He's dead. The others are dead, it's just us."

The woman wept and rage appear on the Zef's face but she try to calm herself and comfort the woman.

" I'm sorry. If only had we come sooner… Don't worry, you're safe, we'll definitely avenge our fallen comrades."

Zef reached out her hand to the woman, though shaking, the woman smiled and reached for Zef's hand. Suddenly a sense of death enveloped Zef, she took her hand back but she was too slow.

" Caught you~"

A needle protruded from the woman's hand and stung Zef. She felt a stinging sensation then and her body gradually become numb but Zef still managed to slice off the woman's hand with her sword and went for her head but the woman dodged it and jumped back to the distance. The woman showed no pain even when her right hand was severed, not a single drop of blood dripped from her wound.

" S-Suzan, I need back up—"

Something rolled at Zef's feet as her eyes opened in horror, what she saw was a head, with a ponytail, eyes wide open.


Zef wanted to scream but lost her voice and she fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Gant was facing 3 opponents. A man wearing a skeleton mask with unusually long arms, this guy was the one who threw Susan's head, a girl with an oversized gun wearing a peasant outfit, and a girl with black hair and red eyes wearing a sailor uniform in her hand was a katana. Gant angrily opened fire on 3 of them but they easily dodged, rather they read his move before the gun pointed toward them they've already gone, that was something only top fighters could do. The darts are constantly thrown by the masked man but they were all bounced off the pudding shield.

" My... attack... not…. working…. "

" Of course, idiot, don't you see the way he killed everyone here with that?" - Said the girl with the gun as she smiled widely.

" At… that… time… was... busy… skinning."

" You and your weird hobby."

Hearing their conversation, Gant grew even angrier. He and Suzan have known each other for more than 5 years, he was determined to confess his feelings for her after this mission.

" Ouch."

1 The bullet just miss an inch from the head of the gun girl, causing her to pout.

"Enough playing around, Lara."

" Roger~"

' Bam!'

With a loud explosion accompanied by a tremendous impact, Gant flew and crash into the cave's wall. His body was numb and he was just in time to block the next attack, this time with a 'Ssiss' sound, a blue smoke spread, and his pudding shield became frozen. 'Bam!' Gant throw his shield as it broke into thousand pieces the rolled to a side, the wall where he'd just been a moment ago appeared a large hole.

" Hey, running is not funny ~"

She continued to shoot, bullets of tremendous power passing by as he dodged them in the nick of time. It's incredible for a person wearing that heavy stuff can move that fast. Gant calmed himself, he analyzed that this girl's Teigu allows her to fire many different kinds of bullets.


"Ah ~"

A loud bang knocked Lara off-balance, her bullet slid past Gant's left side, leaving him unaffected. Seeing the opportunity, Gant give up dodging and point the gun at Lara's head pulling the trigger, only it was a bad decision.

" Trapped~"

A sharp sound resounded through the air, and both of Gant's arms were sliced off, below him is the black hair girl with katana. And then the sound of something sharp in the air and three seconds later, his vision changed, he saw his own body still standing.

Meanwhile, Zef put her held her throat, she tried to catch her breath but couldn't. The woman picked up her severed hand, she take out a needle and some kind of thread, she use them to sew her hand back.

" It's soo boring, is this all of this base has?" - The gun girl

" I was hoping they should have at least 10 Teigu users, to bother our Blue Raven because of this simple issue, we can't ask for more than the 2nd class nobles. Ah, I think I'll take this face next." - The disguised woman

" Striping..skin…" - Masked guy

" …" - Katana waifu

" Now, only Tengokuta is left, then leave."

" Speaking of which, Kellen, have you seen the white hair tied up with you anywhere?"

" What white hair—"

The disguised woman named Kellen looked back at the prisoners, one was dead and the other was missing.

" How could…. he get past my eyes. "

"Maybe you became old, hahaha."

" Old.. aging… wrinkle."

" Brat! Who do you call old? "

" Come on you two. We have more important things to do, it looks like the Teigu has been lost."

' Pot pot pot pot.' (Horse running sound)

Even though he was running at full speed, he could still hear footsteps behind him. The four people he saw were members of the Blue Raven assassins, they were ghosts only a few people in the empire knew about them. They've been there even before the revolutionary army existed, Blue Raven has always been the tool of the high ranking to eliminate those who oppose them. He could sense the shadows were getting closer and closer. He immediately jumped off the horse just in time for a green bullet to explode, it released a green smoke that corroded the horse so fast that its skeleton still ran for a distance.

The white hair young man got up and he was surrounded by four people.

" Hey, boy, can you hand over the thing in your hand to us?"

" Why don't you kill me and then steal it, wouldn't that be much simpler for you?"

" Don't say that, we're not monster, just give it to us and we'll let you go."

The young man raised his hand to the chin and then scratch his head, he seems thinking about something. A moment later, he laughed.

" Thank you."

Four people were confused.

" I was thinking about how to stall time, but it such a silly coincidence that your people disgusting hobby already done that. Ryuu! " - The young man shouted.

" Let's make it windy shall we?"

" Haha, brat let's rock!"

A voice of a man came from nowhere and then a strange, powerful storm come from the young man's direction, the Blue Raven had to try their best not to be blown backward. Reflexively, the gun girl Lara tried to shoot a bullet towards the young man but unlucky for her with terrible wind pressure, she was unable to make the bullet toward the direction she wanted, the bullet hit a floating branch and exploded just 2 m away from the Blue Raven group make them temporarily lost balance and split in 4 directions. Unlike the Blue Raven, the young man doesn't seem affected by the storm at all. He took advantage of the situation to rush straight to Lara, she felt the danger and jumped back but did as she was still not accustomed to the wind, she lost her balance and fell backward, before she had a chance to stand up, the sword in the young man's hand plunged into her heart. In just a few seconds, one of the members of the famous assassin group lost its first member. Swallowing the anger, Kellen notices the disadvantage in the environment, she signals the group to withdraw but of course, the young man did not allow them to do that, he charges at his next target, the skeleton masked man.

" Mia!"

" Roger!"

A couple of nets were spreading in the direction the masked man heading, even though he avoided them, he stepped into a trap and was pulled up hanging in the tree. Before he could use his knife to cut the cord in time. The young man rushed over and cut off his hand, the masked man tried to attack with the darts but they were completely useless in the storm. The masked man's head was immediately cut off, the young man then change direction and chase the two women towards a canyon. A moment later, a woman and a man run together with him.

" Brat! it's all up to you, I'm out of breath."

" I can-"

" Don't, Mia, with your combatant skill, you just held my feet. Keep the distance and react."

"…Don't be so harsh, you brat. If you don't like Mia, you could give me— agh! "

" B-Be careful anyway. "

The young man nodded. Moments later in the canyon, a worrying look expressed on the face of the remaining two members of the Blue Raven, behind them, they could hear the voices of the enemy reinforcement. And ahead of them stood a young man with white hair his beautiful blue eyes staring at them intensely like a predator watching its prey.

They had moved out of the influence of the storm, confidence gradually returned to their faces. Noticing this the young man smirked, he cut something under his feet with his sword and a 'thud' resounded in the canyon.

' Foot weight from the sound of it must be at least 60 kg? This guy, he's not normal. '

Being able to move freely in a storm, and being able to keep up with them despise wearing that, those facts already told Kellen how dangerous the person in front of her was, however, she didn't think there existed people this young who can fight and win against 2 members of Blue Raven at the same time. She signaled to her teammates and the two immediately attacked the young man from two directions. With his abnormal speed and reflexes plus first-class skills in the swordsmanship, it was as if he was dancing with two of them and every of their attack was deflected. "

" Such beautiful sword style."

" Ugh! Too heavy!"

Of the two, the katana-wielding black-haired girl was weaker, her legs and arms were injured when she tried to resist the storm. Parry the black-haired girl's blow, the young man used his foot to kick her chest with a force comparable to the car crash, the kicks breaking her ribs as she split out a chunk of blood. In a short moment, the fight became 1 vs 1, the woman named Kellen rushed toward him but her attack is full of opening, of course, he did not miss that opportunity, he swung his sword from below to cut off her right hand and then when he's about to perform an uppercut to finish her, his spine went cold. 'Klank' the young man almost couldn't block the sneak attack from behind. He immediately jumped away to keep his distance. The arm that seemed to be severed from Kellen was connected to her body by long, thin threads. Although it was severed from her body its fingers were still moving as if nothing happen.

" What a pity, just a little more—"

The young man increases his pace, his sword is getting faster and stronger than before, but not only the young man, the woman's movement speed is also getting faster. She used her severed arm like a whip to attack him from afar. He tried to cut the thread connecting her arm but it was too strong, the woman also had no way to attack the young man, he always read her attack and kept the right distance. Both of them continued fighting for an hour.

The young man then made an offer.

" We should stop here. It won't be good for you if our reinforcements come and the same for me. "

Kellen nodded, although she looked normal, her breath was getting heavier, and her body was cut countless times, if it weren't for her Teigu, she would have lost her life long ago. If the battle drags on longer, she will be at a disadvantage. Kellen glanced at her comrade, who was still unconscious but the young man shook his head.

" Only you can go. Just think about it, if you bring her along, what will happen if I change my mind and attack you? "

" …"

A moment later, Kellen left the canyon, leaving only him and the black haired-girl, at that moment his two teammates also came over.

" You let her go?"

" She weighs around 52 kg, she doesn't have any supplement on her, no food, no water, this area has very few edible animals and it is difficult to find them at this time. That means her comrades are not too far away with their average stamina guessed it's only a day's journey. Hmm, let's see 3 ml of that may be just enough. "

" Huh, what the hell are you talking about?"

" Nothing."

" What do we do with this baby?"

Ryuu pointed to the female assassin who had just woken up, her eyes filled with fear.

" N-No please spare me."

The young man didn't answer he silently went to the girl, his hand still holding the sword.

" I have to see my sister, please—"

' Slash!', The canyon fell into deadly silence, the young man put the girl's head in his cloak and gestured to the other two. (Ooops!)

" We go back to the revolutionary army base, there are few more things we need to do."

In the area where the cave was once a base of revolt, corpses of humans were scattered everywhere. A man was leaning against the wall, blood splattered on his legs and arms.

" Damn! Damn it!"

Before the brat leaves with the escape, he stabbed Gin in the thigh and cuts his arm and feet tendons. Gin's vision was getting blurred, the white shirt used to hold the wound was now dripping red liquid. Beside Gin was Gun's body.

" It can't be like this, it's all your fault!"

After all, he could have lived a comfortable life, he could have become the boss of the underworld if it weren't for the betrayal of Gun, who always had a dream like his stupid father. . He blamed it all on his dead brother.

" But why? "

Tears rolled down his cheeks. At his feet was a line written in blood 'Sorry'. At the end of his life Gun was still an idiot. Gin closed his eyes, accepting his fate. ' It's not too bad to die like this' he thought. Just then, there was the sound of footsteps entering the cave. He could see in the dim light a familiar face and two strangers.

" Brat, are you going to kill me?" Gin whispered weakly.

The white-haired young man didn't say a word he looked around the cave and took out a first aid box, he used the alcohol to clean Gin's wound, sew it with medic thread and help him to tie the wound properly with bandages. He placed water, dry food, and antipyretic near Gin's place.

" W-Why?"

Gin was surprised by the white-haired young man's actions, as were his two teammates. The young man remained silent but they could see a faint smile on his lips. "Let's go," he said to the other two.

They gathered Teigu from the body of Suzan and Zef and collected the fragments of the pudding shield.

" What a tragic, we could have warned them."

" That's stupid Mia, it's not our duty."

The young man said while recovering the shield's pieces.

" They screwed up when they let the wagon tracked. It was their fault, you didn't have to think about it. Besides, even if you told them about the ambush, would they believe? We are special forces in the army, even among allies few know about us. "

He pointed at the knife and the skull mask on Mia's body.

" Those monsters are our duties. Even if it takes us 100 people, just killing 1 of them is worth it. "

The special force of the revolutionary army was called the Night Owls, a special division specializing in dealing with Teigu users. They are assassins of assassins, a gathering place of geniuses. Ryuu and Mia have only been in the group for a few months, but they still can't stand the young leader's way of working. He was a very unusual person at the time, dealing with cold blood but finding it inexplicably kind at the time, but no one could deny his intuition and talent. It's not an exaggeration to say he's probably the best seed that the revolutionary army was lucky to have.

" Mission completed, you two return to headquarters to report, remember to erase all traces."

" Roger."

" Captain, won't you come with us?"

" No, I'm going home, there's someone I need to see."

There was a clear sense of happiness in his voice, which made the other 2 curious.

Northern Empire's outer City Onobu.

Near the lines of migrants at the front gate of the city of the long was a large campsite, in a red striped tent. An impatient voice of a young man resound.

" Sabatini! What's going on? Why are you people outside the city? "

" Y-you're finally back."

" What's wrong Natalia."

Natalia's shiny hair was in a mess right now and he could see the bruises on her eyes. Moments later, two figures came out, Sabatini staggered, he was supported by an elderly woman named Komi, his entire left leg wrapped in bandages.

" We tried to stop them, but—"

After hearing the story, the white-haired young man's usually cold face distorted in anger.

That evening the Gurrag mansion.

In a luxury room, an orgy took place, incense mixed with the smell of opium creating a foul smell that anyone's nose itch. Screams and moans were heard everywhere. In the middle of the room were a fat man and a woman who crawled on the floor, they were surrounded by mocking laughter.

" Ronny, I always knew you were incompetent, but to think you couldn't do such a simple thing."

" Disgusting half-breed bloodline, it's a shame to even call you one of us."

The fat man Ronny clenched his teeth in anger but at the same time, he couldn't help shaking because the eyes of the scariest person in the room were glued upon him. Contrary to Ronny's oversize figure, Alan Gurrag was a 2m tall man with muscles in his arms as big as the size of a normal man's chest, he currently wearing nothing but a large towel to cover his crotch.

" Ronny, do you have any excuses?"

" F-Father. There were Teigu wielders. R-Right, there were twenty of them! If it weren't for those wretches, I would have succeeded."

" Twenty wielders?"

Alan laughed, there was no way his useless son would survive against 20 Teigu wielders and even if he dug up half of the revolt force, there wouldn't that many. Alan stood up from his 'throne' and walked over to Ronny making Ronny tremble in fear. However, Alan's eyes drifted to the woman beside his son, still in her business suit, her face was still expressionless. Alan let out a smile he lifted his leg and 'Crack!'.

The woman's left leg was crushed by the giant foot into a bloody mess.

" Aghhhh! No !! "

Instead of the woman, the one who screaming was Ronny, the woman's face is still without any emotion.

"No, please! I beg you! "

" Ronny, Ronny, when are you going to stop playing with dolls?"

He took the woman by the wrist and she was in the air, still bleeding from her destroyed leg. Alan gently squeezes the woman's neck making her gasp for not being able to breathe. From below, Ronny was hugging Alan's leg.

" Anything father, I will do anything I won't fail next time."

Alan looked at Ronny scornfully, putting his hand on Ronny's wounded shoulder squeezing hard, making the fat man groan painfully.

" Be better Ronny, next time you fail you already know what's gonna happen."

Alan let go of the woman and Ronny immediately carried her. The people could hear his cry for help on the outside, and all of them laughed.

" Hah, these insects are multiplying, maybe it's time I purge this city thoroughly."

While Alan was thinking about how to torture the people he captured. An elderly man in a black suit arrived with a badge engraved with a raven and Alan smile.

" Came already? Did you guys finish the task? "

The old man throw the black bag in his hand in the middle of the room and heads rolled from it.

"Hmm Gen, these rats bother me for a while. You have my thanks but what about the most important task? Where's the Teigu? "

In the orgy, there were 5 people whose aura changed at Alan's words, their bodies seem to have a very different build compared to other guests. The old man could guess their strength by their aura.

The old man nodded and took out a trumpet from his jacket. Alan looked at the trumpet for a moment, then smiled.

" Good, very good, worthy to be called the legendary assassins. As promised, I will pay you well. "

The old man opens the golden-colored box placed at his feet. He skimmed through the golds for a moment and then spoke.

" Can I have one more small request?"

" Hmm?"

" Give me a slave, the one with a bit good look."

" Slave? Why would you want slaves here? Couldn't you just go and kidnap some peasants? "

Alan raised an eyebrow, a suspicious or lifted beauty in his eyes.

"Just a little favor, I'm kind of needing one in urgent, if you don't want to, that's fine."

After a moment of silence.

" Ha, alright. I'm in a good mood today. Come with me. "

The old man accompanied Alan to special areas of the mansion places such as the collection room, the torture room, etc. They stopped at a prison-like area in which people were kept in cages like animals. that. A heavy foul smell spread in the air that makes Alan cover his nose and mouth.

" Pick whichever you like. Make it fast."

Alan immediately left the area after saying.

Inside the 'prison', the old man's gaze turned serious, he immediately check every cage looking for someone. Most of the people locked here are women, their bodies are extremely damaged by rape and drugs, there are even some children, they weakly reach out of from the cells, groan for help, the old man's eyes trembling lightly as he tried to ignore them, he went deep inside, to the last cage, on the haystack was a feminine body, white skin, thin and fragile, long hair smoothing like silk, the person was trembling like a rabbit. The angelic face looked at the old man with desperation. A sigh of relief escaped the old man's mouth as he immediately checked on the person's body, he was about to carry the person outside but after a moment of thinking, I just use one hand to lift the person by the waist and walked over to Alan's room.

" Hmm, this one? This whore's so crazy that it's such a turn-off. "

" How crazy may I ask?"

" It screamed like it was about to die even though I was only using the tip. I kind of enjoy woman's screams but the face of this thing was so disgusting, I can't even imagine a human can make faces like that. "

" So it's ok if I take it right?"

" It's fine, that thing's trash, do whatever you want with it."

The man greet Alan and left the mansion.

On the street of Onobu, a horse-drawn carriage was moving slowly, the old man took off his wig and beard to reveal the face of a handsome young man with silver hair, his blue eyes were affectionate toward the person who sleeping soundly at the corner of the cart.


After a moment the person woke up, softly muttered. The young man put his hand on the person's head and pat gently.

" Alex. Don't worry, we're going home. "

" Haruki nii san, it's over, I'm no longer pure, please relay my word to Natalia that I— "

Haruki lightly pinched Alex's cheek.

" Go and tell her yourself. Alex, men are not like women, there is no definition of pure to us. "

" But that—"

" Shut up and sleep, you idiot. I have a lot to ask when you recover. "

" …"

" By the way, the poison you gave me was extremely effective? "

" You used it?"

" With 4 guys, I wonder if you could make more."

" I can't, the materials to make them are rare, not to mention you have to hunt a dangerous type of beast to get them."

" Then why don't we open a farm to raise these monsters?"

Alex was about to say something but then he nodded.

" That might be a good idea."

" See? I'm a genius. "

" Yes Yes."

" I feel pity for the people you use the poison on."

" Rest assured Alex, they're the worst."

Looking at the warmingly smile of the young man named Haruki, no one would have imagined that he was the leader of one of the most dangerous groups of assassins.

Kellen chose the long route to the base, after checking that no one was following her. She began to run at full speed. That evening, in a village, a group of 4 people, 3 women, two of them are twins. They wear a black and white Chinese suit, a handsome man with long hair tied in a braid he said to be the top 9 most dangerous assassins in the empire. Kellen has just returned, she didn't bother washing her stinky body she immediately reported to the man.

" Lara, Suzuka, Strike are all dead the attacker was—"

" What's the matter, Kellen?"

Kellen tried to speak but her words couldn't come out. It felt like there was lava inside her body. She tore her clothes off in front of her teammates whose eyes widen. Her skin was shredded, her eyes were filled with horror, and her face contorted as if she was screaming at no volume. An acrid smell emanated from Helen, the cuts on her body spewing out the green purulent fluid. All three of them tremble after witnessing what happens right in front of them, they want to find out what happened to Kellen but they soon realized that their hand became itchy.

" We have to get out of here!"

They ran far away from Helen's mutated body, which was now emitting green smoke. But it was too late, although not as painful as Helen's, 3 hearts stop beating a few minutes afterward.

Elsewhere, a man named Gin was looking for the main road to the nearby village. He tried to walk carefully so that the wound wouldn't widen.

" I lived, I lived, I have a chance, this time I will stay away from the rebels, from the empire, I will live in peace -"

Couldn't mutter any more words, Gin fell to his knees, his legs becoming horribly itchy.

" W-What? What is this? What the hell is this. "

The green purulent fluid streaming down from the gauze to his feet. He shakingly remove the gauze and saw a lot of water pus began to form on his thigh, it was spreading all over his feet. The man screamed silently in pain, he tried to scratch, and the pus explode releasing its slimy green liquids making his skin feel like it was on fire. Minutes later water pus was all over Gin's body, he squirmed furiously on the ground, and bubbles foamed on his mouth. At the end of his wits, the last word he could recall was 'Hell'.

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ———

" So I am now a trap, is this because of the curse? (Alex)

"…" (FF-God)

" It must be the case. Such tragic! I'm such an unfortunate wo— I mean man. But that must be all of the curse rights? "

" …" (FF-God)

" Right??"

Author's Note: I know what you're thinking but no, this is definitely not going to the Yaoi route! B-But depending on the MC's cuteness level in the future there might be a small possibility…

AngryBamboocreators' thoughts