
Cursed And Reincarnated (Ntr)

This Is Plain Netorare + Plot + Action + Adventure. It's about a normal but handsome dude who Ntr'd the wrong person and paid the price for it.

John_Wick_8275 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Haruka And Her Two Daughters

It was late afternoon and Daichi and Tanaka hadn't returned, so Haruka had called in her two daughters, Miu and Aiko as to perform the seal on them.

Haruka hadn't been able to focus with the thoughts of her children suffering because of her weighing on her mind.

Though she hadn't known any better, it was still her responsibility to ensure the safety of her children and that is to do a cruel deed, that will ensure that they are unable to bear children until they have the necessary power to break the seal themselves.

What are Seals? They are runic scriptures that use world chakra and spirit chakra, that's drawn out from the spirit network, then combined together to create ink chakra that's then used to draw runic symbols that include Seals themselves.

There aren't many people who have the patience and the talent to learn rune script drawing, considering the harmony of both world chakra and spirit chakra isn't simple, and the expertise to transform chakra into another form of it, is something very taxing and needs ability to concentrate even in the event of an earthquake happening.

But most pursue such studies of runes because of the different path it gives from that of a samurai and how being able to harmonise two types of chakras opens a door that delve deep into the mysticism of cultivation.

That's why many who do have the patience and the talent in the field of runes forsake the path of a Samurai, and follow the path of an Omnyōdō, which delves into runes, astronomy, mantra, divination, and magic.

It's a useful path, even more amazing than that of a samurai if a talented individual can comprehend it's mysticism and dredge into a hidden world that lies deep into the heart of world networks.

Haruka was seating in a seiza, as she waited for her daughters to come. She was maintaining an outward calmness for what she was about to do. After 10 minutes, Aiko was the first to come.

She was wearing her natural welcoming smile that has never been tainted by the world's pollution, which is why Haruka most feared for her, more than any of her children.

Haruka knew in her heart despite Aiko learning how to defend herself, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to kill, because of her kind heart.

Aiko came inside and bowed in respect to her mother, and she went to seat in a seiza, facing her mother. Usually she would've said something, but when her mother was this serious it meant it was time to keep her mouth shut.

After about thirty minutes of deafening silence, Miu finally graced them with her presence. She was holding two sheathed Tanto knives in both hands, with large stupid grin on her face.

She sat beside her sister, and placed her Two tanto knives on her lap. At the moment she doesn't have the means of carrying her tantos with a belt, or a koshirae, but she didn't care because she loved her new weapons.

Haruka looked disapprovingly at her insolent daughter who matched her fierce gaze. She never knew who Miu took after, because there was a certain wildness in her daughter that she and her husband didn't possess.

Miu's eyes had a certain hunger that surpassed that of her older brother. After training her, Haruka knew Miu wasn't someone suited for her methods, after all, her youngest daughter was too.. bloodthirsty to be 'gentle.'

Not wasting her time to try and scold her mischievous daughter, she instead got right down to business. "I have summoned the both of you here, to seal your wombs to prevent you from bearing any children."

The two daughter instantly had varying expression that were in contrast to one another, while Aiko, the oldest was mortified by the news, Miu the youngest was.. smiling.

Haruka had expected Aiko's reaction so she wasn't surprised, and though she couldn't predict her youngest state of mind when she was going to tell her the news, she never in her life expected Miu to give her such a reaction.

"Miu.. why are you.. smiling?" Haruka had to ask, her daughter was honestly scaring her.

"Oh, am I?" Miu hadn't realised, as she went to touch her face. "Oh, it seems, I am.." she mused.

She quieted for a moment, the glint in her eye never diminishing. "Mom, can you seal me first I can't wait?"

Aiko turned to her sister her expression still frozen in shock, and her eyes widened at her sister's eagerness to forsake something that all women are proud to go through.

"Why?" Aiko whispered as Miu and Haruka turned to her. "Why are so happy about something so horrible.. without even hearing the reason behind such a huge decision?"

Miu tilted her head as if in thought, and replied. "Simply because I don't want children nor do I care for them. It always made me wonder the reasoning behind why many women give up on their dreams, hopes and ambitions for a thankless job such as being a mother.

They are like sheep following the herd. I asked myself if they were either brain dead or were so used to following the natural order of things that they didn't even realise there was something wrong with the way they were living.

And now it seems my big sister had adopted the same thought process of the herd. If I were you, I would give up on those meaningless dreams of being a mother.

We are set to leave for the empire after learning father's background, which means we will have to go through many bloodsheds and betrayals to attain power and whatever measly happiness we will find there.

I figure that, as women and with our beauty, when we get to the empire we will be courted by powerful men, tried to be forced into fixed arranged marriages to disgusting old men, or being raped due to carelessness, powerlessness or plain bad luck.

If I were you dear big sister, I would be glad not to being able to bear children if I were to be unfortunate enough to be forced to bed an ugly and disgusting man.

I would try to be powerful, so that I could achieve more meaningful things that are better than something as unfulfilling as bearing children that would soon grow up and leave.

And you would be left alone with a man you might grow out of love to or simply become one of those regretful women who would grow bitter and lament themselves for being stupid enough to willingly tie themselves down, having accomplished nothing meaningful."

The room grew quiet, as there were no words to refute what Miu just said. Although Aiko would be more than happy to live out her life in peace in this backward village, she wasn't stupid enough to believe that will happen.

Because she knew there had to be a reason for their mother to want to seal their wombs, leaving them with no options to refute, plainly telling them she was going to do it.

Tears dripped down Aiko's face, as she muttered to herself. "Why me?"

Haruka looked pained not just for Aiko but for Miu who looked at life with such callousness, disregarding anything beyond her ambitions.

"Oh, my poor children." Haruka whispered mournfully.