
Cursed [ GL ]

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Chapter 1: A Dumb Dream

A 9 year old girl is seen playing in the forest alone, She chases the small squirrels up into their tree's, collecting colorful leaves and flowers to make crowns, and finding tasty fruits and berry's to eat as a snack.

Hours fly by as the small girl plays late into the day, only stoping to take short breaks here and there. She finds a family of bunny Rabbits and decides to analyze them for a while.

As nightfall arrives, she finds herself deep in the forest, climbing a tree to rest in for the night, as it was too long of a walk back to her small tent. She allowed her eyes to close as she was feeling quite tired after all the playing she did.

An hour had passed as the night sky grew pitch black, she wakes from the strange russling of the bushes down below. Slowly opening her eyes and adjusting to the darkness of the night, she listens for the sound again.

1, 2, 3 minutes pass before she hears the sound again, this time louder And more aggressive, she starts to feel a bit nervous as the sound lingers in her ears, watching intensely at the bushes, waiting for whatever was in them to come out.

She flinches at the sound of a stick snapping in half below her feet. Then she watches nervously as a dark silhouette quickly emerged from the bushes, and darted into the dim moonlight.

She stares at it for a moment before bringing her nees to her chest and giving a heavy sigh of relief. " It was just a cute bunny " The girl thought. Letting her feet fall from the tree, she landed on the ground with a small thud, attracting the attention of the small Animal.

The girl got up and dusted herself off, slowly walking toward the bunny, she bent down to pet it. As she looked into the bunny's small eyes, she felt sad and afraid all of a sudden. But before she could ask herself why, the bunny began to hop away.

" Wait! Come back here! " The girl yelled as she ran after the small bunny. " I didn't mean to scare you, I mean you no harm! " following the bunny into a wide open space, she began to slow her pace.

She looked up with surprise and confusion, as the small snowflakes began to fall down. " It's not supposed to snow right now, it's the middle of summer... " The girl looked around, noticing small mounts of snow forming on the ground around her.

She walked around the field trying to look for the bunny she had been running after earlier, but there was no sign of the cute little creature. Being a bit disappointed, she started her walk back to her resting tree.


" Man this sucks! " The small girl kicked a rock and watched it skip across the snow covered ground. " Everytime I think that I found the exit to this place, I end up right back where I started! " Puffing her cheeks out the girl continued to walk.

" This place is so weird, there's no noise at all besides me, and I haven't seen that bunny in ages, and what's up with the temp around here? It's snowing and the ground is slightly covered in thin sheets of ice, but it's not cold at all, I should be freezing my but off right now! " Kicking another rock, she watched it skip across the ground.

She looked for another rock to kick when she heard the previous one hit something hidden under the snow, curious, she looked up and spotted the rock, but what it was laying next to is what really caught her attention.

It wasn't small like most of the animals she would see round the forest, and it had more fur, at first it looked boring but what made it interesting was the strange sound it made. It was a sound she had never heard before, it sounded aggressive but beautiful at the same time.

Like a blue Jay trying to sing like a humming bird. She approached the strange sounding animal slowly, with much caution, but with much more curiosity than what was good for her. Finally she was standing over the strange animal when she suddenly felt it jolt up and pounce on top of her.

Shocked by the sudden movement, she layed there, frozen. When she came out of her shock, she looked the animal straight in the eye, there was no sound or movement for a small period of time, until it was broken.

" Your upset and angry, I can feel it " The strange animal seemed supprised by her response to the situation, to the young girl, the animal seemed just like a little girl, no older than her. The look on the animals face could be classified as " Cute " If it were not for the sharp fangs sticking out of its mouth, dripping with sticky saliva.

The young girl stared at it's face, shrouded in fear it was, but she felt the need to comfort it, so, using her free hand, she wrapped it around the Animals neck, and placed it's snout in the crook of her neck, as she stroked it's body softly, it almost seemed to purr.

She stayed like that with the animal for a while before something seemed to frighten it, causing it's sharp fangs to penetrate her soft skin, she felt the burning of the pain in her neck, but instead of pushing the animal away and running away in fear, she simply closed her eyes and stroked it's fur, despite the pain.

And the last thing she remembers are the words she mumbled that night, that will forever change her life.

" My Mate "

Malinda jolted from her bed in a cold sweat, and by habit, touched the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes as she tried to calm her nerves. " It was just a dream " She sighed.

" Just a dumb Dream... "