
Entrance Ceremony

The next few days passed without any major events.

Ash just kept training and learning swordsmanship, while also spending his free time reading various books from the Academy's Database.

Although he wasn't exactly the most diligent person when it came to learning, he made sure to put in at least a few hours of study each day. His life depended on it, after all.

Ring… Ring…

As he was reading one of such tomes, Ash's Hunter Band started buzzing.

Confused, he glanced at the screen only to see the Quest Log open up.

⌜Quest Log⌝

➀ Attend the Academy's entrance ceremony

Reward: 50 Credits

⌞The End⌟

His eyes widened a bit as he read the notification. It was the first quest that he had received since joining the Academy.

It would also be the first time for him to attend an official event at the Academy.

'When is the event?'

Ash quickly spoke to the AI assistant in his Hunter Band.

[ 05:00 PM today in the Academy Auditorium ]

Just as expected, the AI answered in a moment's notice, it even included the exact location of the entrance ceremony.

[ It is also required that you wear your Academy Uniform which is stored in your dorm's closet. ]

Ash slammed the hologram book shut with a force that surprised even himself. The blue light dissipated, revealing the familiar white walls of his dorm room. Adrenaline surged through him.

Without wasting a second, he crossed the room and flung open the closet door. It was the first time he'd touched it since arriving. Previously, there hadn't been any point; he didn't own any other clothes.

The closet's interior was surprisingly large, lined with gleaming chrome shelves. Nestled in the center was a single, dark figure. Ash reached out, his fingers brushing against a cool, smooth fabric.

It wasn't quite cloth, not quite leather – something in between, with a subtle sheen that caught the light even in the dim room.

As soon as his skin made contact, the uniform lurched. It was like a living creature, coiling snake-like around his arm before shooting up his body with disconcerting speed. In a matter of seconds, it was fully formed, fitted perfectly to his frame.


Ash yelped, momentarily frozen in shock. The uniform felt like a second skin, surprisingly comfortable yet undeniably strange. He fumbled with the collar, trying to pull it down, but it wouldn't budge. Just as he was about to rip at the fabric, a calm, synthesized voice echoed in his head.

[ This uniform is an Artifact, designed for optimal combat performance and user comfort. It possesses self-cleaning, self-repair, and self-equipping functionalities based on the user's will. Please do not try to rip it apart ]

The voice belonged to the Hunter Band's AI assistant. Now that Ash wasn't staring at a holographic screen, the disembodied voice seemed even more eerie. He cleared his throat, still staring at the uniform that felt like it was part of him.

"Self-equipping, huh?"

He muttered, running his hand over the dark fabric. It was a deep black, almost like a raven's wing, with subtle silver accents that outlined the edges and traced intricate designs along the sleeves and chest plate.

He spent a few minutes examining his new attire. There were pockets galore, hidden compartments that seemed to materialize under his touch when he focused on them. The boots, sleek and silent, molded themselves perfectly to his feet. Ash wasn't sure what kind of technology went into making this uniform, but it was undeniably impressive.

With a shake of his head, he tore himself away from his fascination. Time was ticking. He grabbed a chocolate bar from the small refrigerator in his room, a habit he'd picked during the last few days, and bolted out the door.

There was only half an hour left before the ceremony, and he figured it wouldn't hurt to arrive early and snag a decent seat.

The halls of the Academy buzzed with activity. As he walked, the previously sparse flow of students had morphed into a constant stream of nervous energy. Everyone was dressed in their new uniforms, some with an air of practiced coolness, others fidgeting and whispering excitedly.

The building itself was impressive. Gleaming white marble floors stretched into the distance, punctuated by splashes of vibrant colors – murals depicting legendary hunters battling fantastical beasts. High above, intricate crystal chandeliers cast prisms of rainbows across the polished surface. It was a far cry from the run-down shelters he'd called home before.

He followed the signs that pointed towards the auditorium, the density of students steadily increasing as he neared his destination. Finally, the massive double doors came into view. They were carved from some dark, heavy wood, emblazoned with a roaring silver griffin, the emblem of the Hunter Academy.

Taking a deep breath, Ash pushed open the doors and stepped inside.

The auditorium was colossal. Rows upon rows of plush, crimson seats stretched far back into the darkness, seemingly swallowing whole the light that streamed in from the vast windows that lined the topmost walls. A stage, raised high and wide, dominated the front, adorned with velvet curtains that shimmered with silver threads.

He quickly found a seat towards the back, tucked away in a corner. It wasn't the most comfortable spot, but it was good enough for him.

'And now I wait…'

Crossing his arms over his chest, Ash began to observe the students around him. There was nothing else to do anyway.

Next chapter