
Prologue: Awakening and Ambitions

Alioth was waiting for his turn in the awakening ceremony, which came by every ten years. He couldn't help but get nervous. Every person was being checked by the examiner, and their powers were written down. Most people had C ranked or D ranked abilities, with a few F ranked people. The anomaly was an A ranked girl who had gotten the ability to control fire. She would most likely be sent to an academy to learn how to control her ability and use it to benefit everyone. Yeah, right. Most likely, she'd be hired by some rich family after she graduated as a bodyguard or something.

Alioth didn't know what he would do if he had an F ranked ability; most people with 'trash' abilities were either kicked out of their families or made to do labor in order to pull their weight. While his family loved him and was very supportive, he didn't want to be a burden as they were dirt poor. Perhaps, if he could get a decent ability, he could support his family. Yet, he didn't dare hope.

Eventually, it was his turn. When the examiner walked up to him and announced his result, he sounded a bit shocked.

"B-ranked ability, Limit Breaker! Allows person to break their limits when their body, mind, or spirit reaches the limit. Demerits are the time it takes to get better, and the small amount by which it increases your power. Merits are that there is no known limit yet, other than how long you can spend training. However, there is something strange..."

This last sentence both instilled fear and anticipation in Alioth. That something strange could be a variety of things; a special ability, physique, or it could be something harmful like an injury or illness. By now, he was happy but filled with trepidation.

"He seems to have a special physique; it's given him the C ranked ability greater comprehension!"

This caused an uproar; it was extremely rare to be able to have double abilities, and most of them stemmed from mutations in the original ability. However, Alioth was mainly just glad that he could now help his family, and that nothing was wrong with him. Of course, he was also quite excited about his future prospects, but mostly about one thing; space.

Yes, he had been obsessed with space for as long as he had remembered. Ever since he was little and first saw the night sky, he had studied and read about space whenever he could. Now, with his second ability, he could understand more about space and maybe even go to school with a scholarship.

And so he studied. Alioth, when all the other kids were having fun outside or going to school, was studying about space, learning about spaceships, and dreaming about leaving the atmosphere. He turned down many offers from academies that were interested in his double abilities to pursue his goals. He managed to get a scholarship and an astronomy major in college.

----------------------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------------

Alioth had become, with his ability and investment in learning, a leading expert in astronomy. However, this was not good enough for him. He had long since solved his family's financial problem with the money he earned from his job, so he decided to train so that he could go on an expedition and actually go to space himself. Using his ability limit break in conjunction with greater comprehension, he managed to learn many techniques and reach the required physical parameters to go on an expedition after a few more years.

Now, he was ready to go on the first manned spaceflight outside of the solar system along with a few other crewmembers.

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