
Cupid Doesnt Wear Diapers

Adrian Cruise viewed as Hades himself He was labeled to be vicious, rude, despicable in other words; an asshole. He showed the world what they made him be but who he was, only the heavens knew. until a lady more beautiful, annoying, and determined than anything or anyone he ever encounter makes him fall to his knees... he just might open up his heart to love After all who could refuse to love herself ---------------------------------------------- "I don't have a heart anymore," he said grimly. Adara confused about what to make of this stubborn man took his hand and placed it on her beating heart "Do you hear that?" She asked "I am Cupid, I am love until my heart stops beating I won't give up on you" He scoffed at her and removed his hand "don't waste your time anymore" She took back his hand in hers and said "Don't give up on love because love has and will never give up on you"...

Obiageli_Osodi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Love Isn't So Scary

Aphrodite stood face to face with the king of all gods. She understood the repercussions of her action by sending the mistress of desire to a mere mortal man.

"Do you understand what you have done?" Zeus' loud voice said, "how can you make that decision?"

"With all due respect, this is my kingdom and she is my angelica. You do not have a say when it comes to matters of the heart" Aphrodite replied

"You made it my business!" Zeus shouted "you are trying to cure the broken heart of a mere mortal but by destroying the heart of a god"

"He does not love her" she screamed back at him "he cannot love her. All he is doing is ruining her," she said trying to make him see her point of view "she is not bonded to him yet he treats her like a prisoner. Please do not interfere in the issue"

"You have no idea what you have done, the uproars you are causing in the heavens…" he started but was interrupted when she scoffed at him

"What uproars? You mean the shouting of a desperate man" she said. She took a couple of deep breaths and closed her eyes. She turned away from him to stare at the world below

"We are on the clouds, looking at the world below. The world is filled with so much war and pain"

She abruptly turned around and stared sharply at Zeus' eyes "and it is all because of him. My job is to cure the hurt that he has caused and I need her help to do so"

He sighed and shook his head, his long blond hair moving with the motion "your decisions are going to cause a war"

"If it is the war he wants, then its war he will get"

Zeus looked at her one more time before a thunderstruck him from the sky carrying him back to his palace.

"He does not want me to go?" a small voice said, appearing in that spot Zeus had just occupied.

Aphrodite nodded her head and stared at the girl with pity

"Well too bad, I make my own decision and I am going," Adara said fiercely, a look of determination on her face

Adara looked down from the clouds and stared at the world below.

A small sigh left her leaves as a disturbing thought entered her head "he is going to demand war, isn't he?" she asked even though already knowing the answer

"We will be prepared" was the response she got from the goddess

"well then I better make sure I do a very good job," she said and disappeared.

She focused all her powers on Adrian. She could feel the pain and suffering emitting from his very skin. She watched his dreams and saw the horrors he had left through "he needs me and I am going to help him" was her last thought before she materialized in his room.


Adrian sat upon his bed, turned on the lights, and looked at the pink hair goddess on his sit across the room "who the hell are you" he said calmly.

His hand at his draw ready to get his gun if needed "I won't hurt you" she said in a voice so calm that it could smoothen the wildest of the beast.

"I never said you could" was the reply she got. Her natural pink lips stretched into a grin as she stared at the broken brave man

"How did you get in?"

"I came in through the window," she said with all seriousness but he just looked at her with a crooked eyebrow and a look that said 'really'

Her smile just stretched even wider, she shook her head not believing the blindness of the man in front of her "what, you don't believe me?"

"It's a 30 story building and we are at the penthouse. A.k.a the roof" he folded his arm against his chest making his biceps flex, an action that did not go unnoticed by the goddess

"unless you are supergirl and flew then sorry I don't believe you" she tore her eyes away from the movement of his arm and stared at him in his eyes

"I thought of you and I appeared," she said her shrugging a  little

"You thought of me" Adrian scoffed at her "what? You don't believe anyone still thinks of you?" she stood up and walked to him.

Adrian got a perfect view of her. He watched as her smooth pale legs walked to him. Her appearance looked nothing like a criminal, with her pink hair her complimenting her round face. He waited for the fear of an unknown lady in his apartment but all he felt was serenity.

She reached the edge of his bed and sat down slowly with a sultry smile on her face.

Adrian looked at her closely and came to the sudden realization "you are naked" he stated simply

"I was wondering how long it was going to take you to realize that" she climbed the bed getting closer to him

"Aren't you going to scream, I mean I could hurt you" she purred at him

"If you wanted to hurt me, you could have done so while I was sleeping," he said gently, curious about what she was doing.

She reached where he sat and straddled him. Her round and perky breast was pointing to his mouth. He tried to find the will to push her away but it felt like his senses were dull.

"I am the mistress of desire. I make everyone desire comes through" she sat down on his lap. He could feel the heat from her through his shorts "I know what your desire is, to be loved, to be respected, and to feel protected" her forefinger followed the trail of hair on his chest "I can make you feel that and so much more" she came closer to his face.

Adrian lost all sense to himself immediately after she touched him. All the blood in his head ran south. His heart was beating so fast he didn't remember he stopped breathing "breath" she whispered gently to his jaw causing a huge flow of air and common sense back into his brain. He took both of her hands and immediately felt a huge flow of electricity run through his arm and straight into his heart

"Stop!" he said urgently although wishing quite the opposite and pulled her away from him

He jumped out of his bed and went straight to the window to get some air.

"Just what the hell was that?" he shouted at her, trying to clear his mind. She bit her pink, lush bottom lip. "Nothing you didn't like or want," she said gesturing to his lower region which stood tall and proud

"Dammit, woman! I'm already over my head for not calling the police! Don't make me regret it" she stood up from the bed in all her glory "I only want to please you. I noticed you seemed a bit troubled and I could provide comfort or is that not what men of this world require?" she asked tilting her head to the side, her innocent doe eyes staring at him so tender that he forgot to breathe again "breath dear one" she whispered tenderly

He took some much-needed breath and turned away from her. "Oh dear, I seem to have offended you, surely I hope this does not push you away from me," she said again coming closer to him "I much rather like been in your presence, your reactions pleases me," she said putting her hands on his back.

He felt his back stiffen as unwanted memories began flooding into his mind. Fear and anger clouded his judgment making him turn around and strangle the mistress. She did not fight but simply stare at him in his eyes.

Adrian immediately felt a strange feeling surrounding him, he gently dropped her and knelt on the floor "what are you doing to me?" he groaned at her "make it stop"

"I cannot do that, for only you have the power too" she laid her hand on his hair and caressed it "stop fighting it, let it embrace you" she placed a kiss on his head and he felt all his restrain leave his body. The feeling embraced and made him feel calm. He felt something he lost a long time ago


"How did you do that?" he asked finally calm "I'm the mistress of desire, I gave you what you deeply craved" finally feeling calm and settle, she allowed him to stand up.

He stared at her long and hard trying to figure out if she was lying but all he saw was her blue eyes were and how smooth her face was

"You're beautiful" he muttered "I mean … I ..  What am I saying?" he asked himself

"I have this effect on everyone. When I am in their presence, they are calm and happy because they know I won't hurt them" she put her hands on his cheek and smoothen the wrinkle on it "their mind might not understand it but their heart do "she said, her hand still on his cheek.

"Come to bed, you must be tired" she took his hand and pulled him to his bed. He followed her without any struggle, her bottom cheeks jiggled as she walked catching his attention.

She laid him on the bed and straddled him once again "ahm, you are still naked" he said meekly "does it bother you?" she asked a little cheeky.  Without answering her, he got up from the bed and went into his closet, and got out an old pair of t-shirt for her to wear

"Here, take this" he gave to her and watched as she turned her back to him and wore it. Immediately she turned around he lost his breath again. She naked was torture but she is nothing but his shirt was just utter sin "is this better?" she asked wrapping her hands around herself, suddenly feeling self-conscious, for that was the first time a man other than her family considered her modesty.

Adrian wanted to say no to her question, he wanted to say worst but he saw the look of uncertainty on her face and he just simply nodded.

She looked down at the white rug and a blush brush to her cheek, she looked up when she heard his booming laugh "may I ask, what is funny?" she asks hoping it was not her appearance

"I have already seen you naked and I don't even remember your name," Adrian said after laughing his heart out.

He didn't understand what she had done. He knew he shouldn't trust her, he knew he was probably going crazy, he knew that what he was doing and what was about to happen was near insanity but he didn't mind.

He felt peace and joy. He knew she did something to him, something he couldn't shake off.

She did not answer him immediately because he failed to notice that he unlike himself, had just laughed at something other than someone else's pain but she noticed and she liked it a lot.

"Adara but you can call me Dara" she curtsied for him making his lips stretch into another smile.

"I am Adrian but you can call me…" he stopped his sentence suddenly; he remembered he never really had a nickname and that made the smile on his face thin

"how about I call you Addy" she suggested quickly before he returned to his brooding ways "I can be the first person to call you that and if you like I can get a tattoo of it at the back of my palm" she added a little extra for a smile. She got more than that.

After his laugh-fest, he smiled at her "I like it but only you call me that, nobody else" he said the last part seriously. She smiled at him and nodded her head.

What is wrong with me Adrian thought.

"You must go to sleep, you are tired," she said, gently sitting down on the bed and patting his side of the bed.

Like she a command he must follow, he climbed the bed, turned to face her, and covered himself. He turned off the light and was surrounded by darkness and silence.

"I'm not going to dream of him, am I?" he asked like a little boy who was afraid of the boogeyman. He was subconsciously scared of that. For she kept away the bad dreams then maybe she wasn't so bad.

"Not as long as I am with you," she said using her hands to caress his face gently to prove her point

"And you are going to stay right?"

"For as long as you need me" she whispered and placed a kiss on his cheek. He closed his eyes and finally let the sweet release of sleep take him to a better and brighter place.


"Amazing, only a few minutes with him, and she manages to soften some ridges around his heart" Eros, the elder of familiar love said.

Aphrodite smiled from the room as she watched the mistress caress the face of the young mortal. There was silence in the throne room as everybody watch what they thought was un-achieving.

Another God watched from the clouds, his anger growing each passing moment as he watched the face of the woman he desires lay with another man.

His fury knew no bound. His wrath was unspeakable. He switched off his link to her and took the goblet containing Ambrosia: a powerful wine for the gods.

He drowns goblet after goblet letting it tame his anger but even that did not work.

He needed her and he will have her. No one, mortal or god was going to stop him from having her.