
i was reincarnated into another world

when roseable was 5 she lost her mother and her father left her all alone she was taken in by her aunt even though she was surrounded by people she always felt lonely one day roseable was walking back home while walking she noticed a little girl she was standing on the road a car came at a fast speed roseable pushed the little girl on the other side of the road she was able to save the girl but she caught up in the accident and died when she woke up she found herself infront of an angle roseable asks where am i the angle told her that she was dead roseable exclaims that it is a bummer that she died at such a young age but that she was happy that she was able to save the little girl the angle asked roseable why would you risk your life to save a little girl that you didn't even know roseable replied that she couldn't let her die like plus it's not like anyone would care even if she was dead the angle asked what about your aunt roseable said that she couldn't Care less about me angle said tell me if I give you another chance to live your life than would you accept roseable said offcouse i would love to the angle said all that i want in return is the answer of this question "what would you like the cup or the cake" and said now off you go roseable said wait what does that means. before she knows she was reborned as a pink hair and blue eyed beatiful little princess and the story begain.