
Chapter 32: Escaping Destiny


The lobby is partially empty and cold, the wind from outside pouring in every time the automatic doors open and shut. Marcey and I head toward the nearest elevator, both of us as silent as we were on the car ride over here.

I don’t know what exactly I’m going to say, but I know Jake won’t be happy with it. He was counting on the witches' help. Without their power, how are we supposed to win this fight? But again, that small voice in my mind asks who ‘we’ are and if winning is the objective at all.

The elevator chimes as it reaches the selected floor, the silver doors sliding open to reveal a long hallway and a row of offices. We walk out and on until we find the door with the nameplate that reads, “J.Cunnington,” above it.

I step forward and knock, my knees weak. The door opens, and I see Nathan looking down at me.

“Kait!” he says with his southern accent. “Nice to see you. How ya been?”

“Is Jake here?” I ask. “He messaged me and said he was here.”