

Once in an era where humans and demons co-existed on Zetheos existed 7 kingdoms under 7 great monarchies.

The first kingdom was called "Dithera" under the rule of king Sullivan and queen Tamsyn.

The second kingdom was called "Oxnos" under the empress Belleann.

The third kingdom was called "Phrodon" under the rule of emperor Zerav and empress Natalie.

The fourth kingdom was called "Ahenys" under the rule of king Clyde and queen Deleney.

The fifth kingdom was called "Ditesus" under king Xavier and queen Devon.

The sixth kingdom was called "Kranara" under the rule of king Linus and Queen Thalia.

The seventh kingdom was called "Donisra" under Emperor Alpha and Empress Omega.

Among them existed the demons who had the urge to take over humans.

Humans depended on the race of gifted humans who were called cultivators for protection against the demons.

There were two races of cultivators which were with an inborn spirit root and with an implanted spirit root.

The ones with an inborn spirit root were born with special talents such as enhanced vision or enhanced hearing and many others.

While the ones who have implanted spirit roots were mostly from rich families who paid to get a spirit root implanted since only cultivators with top ranks can perform implantation.

But in the recent years there have been a very few number of implanted cultivators due to a prophecy which said,

"Thy shall have power unimagined, and shall rule the cultivators. He who wasn't powerful strong but destinied to be an Immortal. All cultivators shall bow to his name since he shall be powerful."

The prophecy predicted an implanted cultivator would be tge strongest cultivator to ever exist. Hence, many cultivators who didn't want to be overthrown no longer wanted to perform the implantation ritual unless it was their family.

Could the prophecy be just a rumor that was made to threaten the cultivators? Or it was a real prophecy?

Don't miss the story from the pacific universe "The Cultivators' prophecy" for more.