
Cultivator Of The Magus World

James died and was allowed to ask two wishes thanks to an unknown entity, with only a system and an elementary cultivation technique in his hand, he shall become the one and only Martial Artist of the Magus World!

THEWARRIORRR · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6

Book1 - Chapter 6: Killing a Devil Bear

The world of Magi, for lack of a better way to name it, was a place of wonders and mysteries indeed. When one least expects a new wave of knowledge will be thrown at you in the most unexpected of the ways.

Take the horses that Leylin and George were now riding along the path to Valois as an example. Navarrean Might is the name of their species, a breed especially know for its resistance and vitality, it definitely wasn't the fastest nor the strongest kind of horse, but this docile creature was blessed with the energy to cross entire countries in one go without rest or food, such a thing would be unthinkable in Earth, but here, you could actually buy something like this with money.

"You said that the first flier is just the introduction. What do you mean by that?" Leylin looked at George from the corner of his eyes, his hands holding the leads with a tight grip as his proficiency of animal riding slowly rose.

[Animal Riding proficiency increased by 1%]

Hearing that familiar notification sound was quite refreshing, for the last few years he barely had an opportunity to hear it.

"Basically, the first flier just scratches the surface, the actual requirements are... well, pretty harsh, I'd say that most of the participants will die while trying to win this Hastilude."

George shuddered at the thought, but with his confidence, he was quickly able to recover and smile towards Leylin.

"Why are you speaking like that? Hurry and tell me the truth, why is this Hastilude so difficult?"

George had a bitter smile hearing Leylin's questioning, sighing he had no choice but to nod and talk.

The knights of the count making their escort noticing that George would tell the details of the competition, leaned closer and also started to pay attention, who wouldn't be curious in such a serious matter?

"The reason why it's so difficult is that the two challenges we will face are specially tailored to be impossible for someone at our level, but not impossible for someone who has taken the next step. I'm not sure of the details, but it's basically a test not of talent, but of potential, the princess has this weird idea that a person that can reach the apex is not someone with high talent, but people that can create miracles by overcoming impossible challenges."

The corner of George's lips trembled as he said those words. "Of course, that also means that she is willing to kill hundreds of people just to find someone like that. Really, I'd say that she is nuts. Fortunately, there's no rule preventing us from fleeing if we think that the challenge is too much for us, at worst we will become a laughing stock for a few months."

Leylin coughed and shook his head.

He didn't know much of the princess but he was starting to like her character slightly, while her methods and motivations were weird, her views were something that aligned a little with how he thought.

There was a saying he had heard in his previous life that summarized what he believed pretty well, "I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work the more I have of it.", in short, luck is but an opportunity for those who are prepared for it, and so are most miracles.

* * *

"So, how is the Hastilude, any interesting participant yet?" Catherine sat on her chair, with a cup of tea in hand and a plate of exotic food that one could hardly try in Chernoby Island at the table in front.

Behind her, a man in a white magus robe bowed and respectfully answered even though he was a mage. "Unfortunately, miss, all participants that have appeared in the last week with the exception of one died."

"Oh? Is that so? Who is the lucky survivor of the first stage?" Catherine raised her eyebrows in surprise, she wasn't expecting anyone to actually win in such a short period of time, based on her best predictions, it would probably take a month or so before someone capable appeared.

"It's a man that goes by the name of Gjallarhorn. He claims to have no particular background and says that he was born in a small village to the south."

"What's his profession?"


Catherine put down her cup and tapped the table with her hands, the knocking sounds spreading like waves, that made the men beside her frown slightly as he felt his vision becoming slightly blurry and his thoughts difficult to process.

"So you finally made you move..."

* * *

Walls as high as a mountain stood before the party of 15 horsemen. Leylin couldn't believe the scene he was witnessing with his own eyes, how could such a thing be built by men?

The giant walls were probably sufficiently tall to house entire cities on their surface with ease had they been able to stand in vertical position. Such a magnificent construction would probably take hundreds of years to be built in his previous world, and that was just by the outside view, had he known how thick the walls were, Leylin would know that such a thing would never be possibly built in his previous life.

Valois, a historical city in Chernobyl islands, not much was known of this place. In ancient times the Chernobyl Island was still part of the continent, magus could be found anywhere and it was just as a dangerous place as any other of the main continent.

However, at some point in time, this piece of the continent was forcefully separated and somehow moved away to the point of creating a new sea. Valois, with its towering walls that reached the sky and was pretty much inpenetrable, was the only thing that prevented all being of the recently created island from being erased from existence, as the walls supposedly protected them from the rising sun that cut through the continent.

Thinking of the stories he read on books, Leylin couldn't help but smile, what sort of being could have the power to cut through an area that was probably greater than the Eurasian continent? He wasn't even sure if the area of impact of a nuclear bomb would be enough to cover that distance...

The entrance was a tunnel that passed below the walls. Along the way, there were countless carriages and caravans filled with people leaving and entering the city.

"Hm? Are they here to participate as well?" Leylin narrowed his eyes as a cold feeling ran down his spine. Looking to the side he was greeted by the sight of a party of knights in full armor, each one holding a different weapon and letting out an absurd amount of killing intent.

"Don't look at them!" George hushed forward and whispered before Leylin could place his eyes on the group.

"What are you doing?" Leylin was surprised but didn't stop, the party continued walking along the tunnel that was barely illuminated by torches.

"They aren't knights. My father has told me about them a few times, and he always said to be cautious in their presence... Their banner is the full body armor and the skull drawing on the chest plate they all wear." George whispered as they left the vicinity where the group they had just passed by was standing patiently.

"If they aren't knights, what are they?"

"They are a magi mercenary organization, I heard that their leader is a rank 2 Magus, they can't be considered that great, but the scary thing about them is their abnormal focus on assassinations and their unbelievable amount of followers. With the right amount of money, you can hire them to kill pretty much anyone in the world so long as one of the available hitmen is one rank above that of the target."

Leylin was surprised hearing this and couldn't help but gulp. So even assassin guilds are a thing in this world? He wondered how successful and widespread their services are, in order to sustain such a faction in a world so centered around one's individual power, they must be either very useful or have a strong backing.

After walking for a while, they were stopped at the entrance by a knight, he approached with a list in his hands and asked.

"Are you George Borunin?"

"Yeah, that's me, and this tall guy beside me is my partner for the Hastilude, Leylin Farlier, the inherited title is Viscount."

The knight nodded and wrote something on the list.

"Your challenge for the Hastilude is to kill a Devil Bear on Heracles' Arena, you have a day to decided whether or not to accept, if successful, the headmaster of the arena will give you your next challenge. Here is your stay permission, with it you can stay here continuously for a month. Farewell." The knight bowed slightly and left towards another traveler that arrived.

"Should we look for an inn first?" Leylin looked over his shoulder and asked.

"Hm. We should first rest then look for information on the creature."

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