
Cultivator Of The Magus World

James died and was allowed to ask two wishes thanks to an unknown entity, with only a system and an elementary cultivation technique in his hand, he shall become the one and only Martial Artist of the Magus World!

THEWARRIORRR · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

Book1 - Chapter 4: George's request [1]

"Leylin, wake up... we are approaching the Borunins' mansion." A voice as gentle as a seraph's lullaby echoed in Leylin's dreams.

Seeing how the twelve years old boy kept sleeping in her laps a blush slowly rose in her cheeks as she watched him.

Liz's 21st birthday had long passed, despite being a personal maidservant, she could also be considered a... special services servant as well, back then Leylin was just a kid so the thought never crossed her mind.

Eventually, he grew older and the situation would most surely evolve in that direction. In this world where sex is such an open thing, the twelve years mark was for many boys and some girls the first step into becoming an adult, it was a time when they finally experienced the pleasures of the flesh.

Leylin however had long evolved from the looks of a mere boy, although nobody was sure why, he was much taller than his peers and much stronger as well. His body was packed with defined muscles and not many were as manly as he, as even though he was twelve, his face already had signs of maturity that blended a little too well with his sharp and cold facial features.

And as always, seeing him like that nowadays always sparked something in her heart, maybe a feeling of yearning somehow, she was meant to serve him, to begin with, and now he looks like a handsome boy about 17 years old instead of twelve... If he was so handsome now, just how would he be a few years later? Those reoccurring thoughts had long rooted in her minds and raised the prohibited seeds of the one question that gives birth to one of Pandora's evils, hope.

'What if... what if we fall in love?'

People from Earth might have been disgusted by someone entertaining such thoughts for a twelve-year-old boy, but whether they would accept it or not, some things can only be accepted as this is not Earth, nor a kindhearted peaceful society.

This world born amidst chaos and refined under the flames of power was simply too different from Leylin's previous life world. This was but another common occurrence here, a situation that - one might add - is only even occurring in such a way due to his earlier growth stimulated by his training.

Unaware of the thoughts of his maid, Leylin slowly opened his eyes, his deep brown eyes slowly focusing as the blurry vision of the beautiful Liz was finally made clear.

"Hmm... good morning Liz."

"Good morning, young master. Did you sleep well?" She caressed his hair, pulling a few strands that were covering his face away.

His sleek and light black hair was mostly pulled back with a few strands pointing out due to it being slightly spiky by nature. Leylin didn't mind the touch of her hands on his skin, despite her beauty, he was simply unmoved by her perky assets.

Seeing how steady he was, Liz grew slightly restless, a woman might not like when a pervert checks her out, but if she is intentionally showing affection and fails at getting any sort of reaction, this makes them feel like they were being undervalued. Could it be that my looks aren't enough to attract the young master's attention, am I so lacking? She felt... sad. Her heart even loosed a bit of momentum as she felt like it was bleeding.

"Yes... thanks for lending me your tights..." A smile filled with gratitude appeared before Liz's eyes, making her even sadder although she didn't let it appear on her face.

Leylin's years of training had changed him quite a lot, it wasn't just his strength, his temperament improved quite a lot, it could even be said to have undergone a qualitative leap.

After all, although he was a normal person - by the standards of an Earthling - with a real-life hack back then, he was now a seasoned Martial Artist, someone who had gone through years of refinement of the body, mind, and arts. His heart was one for the Martial Arts, it couldn't be shaken anymore by such trifling matters like the ones between men and women. He was by no means an emotionless cold stone, but no amount of seduction or shows of affection would change his mindset, he appreciated how she behaved towards him, but as of that moment, it could be said that in his heart, her status was only that of someone really close, almost like a big sister.

Seating down properly on the stuffed couch, he looked through the windows of the carriage. Despite being just a few minutes past nine in the morning, the streets of the city were already bustling with activity all around.

There were hunters, warriors, store owners, little kids... all kinds of people would come and go with the crowd, making the scene look very lively.

"This is young master's third time participating in the count's son's birthday, right?"

"Yeah..." Leylin rubbed his thick eyebrow with the corner of his mouth slightly curved downwards. "It has been a few years already since I last saw George, but honestly, I'm curious as to why he invited me this time. We can only be considered acquaintances, and it's not like there are any benefits in befriending someone of my status."

Liz's eyes were focused on Leylin's. In her heart, she felt somewhat privileged for being so close to her young master, just like now, he had no problems sharing his thoughts, asking for advice, and other similar things. Even if her feelings weren't mutual, the fact that he trusted her that much was proof of how close they were.

"Does young master think that it's a trap?"

Leylin shook his head. George might have some of the qualities of a cunning bastard, but he was sure that he wouldn't step this low for a possible grudge, and even then, he felt that he never offended the boy, so that couldn't be the case anyway.

Liz sighed and caressed her young master's hair as she pulled him closer in her embrace. "Young master shouldn't worry too much about these matters, with your ability, who could possibly harm you anyway? Maybe George was just impressed by the friendly spar you two had three years ago and wish to make you his ally."

Leylin nodded, it made sense. Given the difference in status and resources, you would think that the son of a count would be stronger than the son of a viscount, but Leylin crushed this idea three years ago during the second birthday party of George that he had participated in.

Every person watching the match that day was probably dumbstruck by his skillful display of sword arts. He might have started with a focus on the cross blade technique but, swordsmanship was in no way limited to a single style. This mindset and approach of Martial Arts caused a small shock in the hearts of the audience watching the friendly spar between the noble young masters as Leylin was always quick to counter any of his enemies' techniques.

Had he overpowered them in strength as well, people would have surely gone crazy, unfortunately, Leylin's growth was for some reason very closely attached to his age, no matter how much he trained, he would eventually face a barrier that couldn't be crossed.

Even now, his strength is only a few times stronger than that of a normal adult despite diligently cultivating day and night.

After studying many things and subjects, the only answer he found for this problem was that because of his age, there was a limit on how much power his muscles and bone could sustain, and every little bit of training beyond that was merely adding to his potential, this would explain why his strength was stagnant most of the time but the rate at which he collected Yuan Qi of Heavens and Earth was slowly increasing.

Unfortunately, he only managed to increase his proficiency in biology by a mere 20% using the books he had available, to truly go beyond that and better understand the situation, he might have to enroll in a Magus Academy.

The carriage shook slightly and slowly stopped moving.

"Young master, we've arrived." The driver's voice reached the inside of the carriage, prompting him and Liz to leave.

The moment he stepped outside he took a deep breath and smiled in satisfaction, the trees surrounding the mansion of the count of Vlastimir were especially fragrant, they had a sweet and cold smell that reminded him slightly of mint.

Following the path of small pebbles was a big residence, the Borunin called it a mansion but it was, by all means, a luxurious castle filled with guards.

No matter if it was along the way or right here, there were many knights patrolling the surrounding area, that coupled with the two layers of hexagon-shaped walls connected by watchtowers that surrounded the castle made it in many ways a fort that could resist a war of attrition by no less than a few months to even a year depending on how much food they had stored.

In order to invade the count's castle, they would probably need quite a few Grand Knights and a very well-thought siege tactic as their territory was on the top of a big hill, they simply had too many advantages in a war...

Leylin couldn't help but sigh, with so many strategically advantageous territories under their grips, even if they weren't strong enough to start a war, they also couldn't be defeated in a mere war.

Soon a few guards approached and led them inside the castle.

After crossing a bridge-gate they walked through the giant double-doors at the entrance and directly entered the entrance hall, unlike the residences under Jonh Farlier, this castle was built with the most expensive materials, the walls were sturdy and easily blocked the cold wind outside, the floor was made of polished marble and the little bit of wood that a person could find here was of the highest quality and used to create the furniture, tables, chairs, handrails, etc.

The most interesting part though was the stained glass at the 10 meters high walls of the hall depicting images of powerful men wearing a crow on their head, armor covering their body, and a shining silver sword in hand raised towards the sun.

"Haha! Leylin, you finally arrived, I thought my message had been stolen by someone and never got to you!" George came from a hallway at the left accompanied by a butler wearing a formal suit that matched his subservient complexion.

"George, it's been a while." Leylin reached out his hand for a handshake and George gladly accepted the gesture.

"Come! I believe you and your maidservant are starving after traveling so many days, you guys arrived right in time for breakfast! Do you like sweet rolls? They look like buns but the texture and the dough are similar to a cake and it's stuffed with a creamy sweety thing they invented in the capital recently called chocolate cream! You won't believe how many girls have climbed into my bed just because they got to taste this heavenly candy!"

"Cough... you're getting more lecherous every time I visit you..." Leylin shook his head with a helpless smile and followed the always friendly George towards the dining hall.

Liz was closely behind but kept quiet all the way, with other nobles, she wouldn't speak unless directly asked to do so.