
becoming a vigilante

After walking through the portal, Luke appears on the front driveway of his family's mansion outside of Jersey City in New Jersey. Ringing the doorbell it is quickly answered by the butler of the O'Conner family, Alfred. Originally they did not have a butler. Growing up Luke was a huge fan of comic books, especially batman. So once Luke hit 14 he begged his parents to hire a British butler with the name of Alfred so that he can be like his favorite comic book hero.

"Master Luke its you! I thought you were dead its been over a year since you went missing, come in come in I will notify your parents of your return." Alfred says urging Luke into the house before rushing off to get his parents.

Upon his mother looking him in the eyes for the first time in over a year, Sarah sprints towards her son diving into his arms for a hug with tears in her eyes. With his father following suit giving the both of them a massive bear hug lifting them both. Asking what happened to his spelunking buddies he was thankful to find out that his buddies made it out safe.

"So Luke how exactly did you get back?" Mathew asked his son as his wife went to make Luke's favorite meal as a welcome back celebration

"It was a wizard lady. She opened a portal for me to walk through and it led me to our front drive way" Luke replied

"A wizard lady? Son I know you just went through a traumatic experience but magic is not a thing" Mathew said

"I was afraid you would not believe me. While it was not magic I did get a form of super powers if you will follow me" Luke says leading his father to their back yard

"Dad are you a fan of this tree?" Luke asks

"I mean not specifically, but what do you plan to do?" Mathew

"Just to show off a few of my new abilities. Gravity off" Luke says allowed for extra effect

Walking up to the tree, Luke grabs the tree with one hand effortlessly ripping it out of the ground much to the shock of his father. Having his father taking a step back he lightly tosses the tree into the air before using his sky shattering fist to turn the tree into splinters. And to top it all off he used his sky steps to take a few steps into the sky and show off for his father.

"I am afraid I doubted you. So what is your plans with these powers?" Mathew

"I am really durable from what I can tell, as well as ridiculously fast as you saw. I had kinda thought of using my new powers to become a super hero. Comics book totally did not influence me there or anything" Luke says

"Haha I would try my best to convince you to not but I know how you are and that you would just sneak around behind my back. Especially since you can fly. So here is the most important question. You have a costume or name picked out yet?" Mathew

"I do actually. With as strong as I am, I am thinking of Atlas with some kind of red costume with a black mask. I will have to give it some more thought" Luke said as the two headed back in for lunch

After the family ate lunch together, Luke tells his mother about his powers as well as the story of what happened to him in the cave. Just like his father, his mother did not believe him until he gave a demonstration in the back yard again. While originally against her sons idea of becoming a vigilante, however, after much persuasion from both father and son as well as Luke promise to keep them informed and to not hide anything from them she relented.


It has been 1 month since Luke had started his career as a vigilante. With the help of his mother, he dropped out of high school and got his GED early so that he could be out looking for crime at any time of day. And thanks to his parents fortune he did not have to worry about finances in his future.

His costume was one similar to green lanterns, but instead of just a green eye mask he had a ancient Greek style helmet. As well as on his chest was the letter A for Atlas. During his 1 month run as a Atlas, Luke had saved many lives. While the police had not been the most welcoming to his work in the beginning, after saving a squadron from being killed by a member of a local gang their viewpoint on him vastly changed.

Arriving at the harbor a on a tip he received from some of the homeless men he had been sponsoring. He had received a tip from them that one of kingpins gangs where going to ship out of product. The product much to the rage of Luke, the product was children that had gone missing. Sneaking into the harbor he begins methodically taking out the gang members on site. While not against killing, he would rather them suffer so a concussion and most of their bones broken in jail seemed like a fair trade to him.

After clearing out the harbor a rescuing the abducted children, Luke speeds back to the gang members to take away one of the more important gang members to try and pry as much information. Fortunately for him he learned who was purchasing the children. Equally unfortunate the ones buying the children was a name he had never heard before, The Hand.

I If you notice a mistake let me know thanks, and thankyou for enjoying my story so far

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