
Cultivation within The Anime World

I have bad grammar

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


'I missed my chance to get 2 other Tier 2 abilities of my living, I guess I have to use the other glitch.' Sora thought while looking at the gift box for Qi refining. in the game, the only way to have unstable cultivation was to keep eating pills none stop. the game would even warn you that your cultivation is unstable and need to take a step back a make it stronger

the more unstable a cultivation is, the less powerful it would become with each breakthrough, plus each breakthrough would need more energy. if a breakthrough would give you +10 to your power level, that could drop to 9 to zero point 0.1.

meanwhile, breakthrough fast in a normal sense of the way wasn't going to make your cultivation unstable. it only had the risk of making one reach level 10 too fast, leading them to miss out on the chance to use the glitch and get good rewards.

Luckily, Sora knew a second glitch, which was to break through into core formations without opening the glitch box. this would make the game confused, leading to something far better than the simple glitch happening. but since it was harder, Sora didn't do this when he was at body tempering.

Sora opened the gift box and went on to keep closing it, and opening it, up until he found the tier 2 cultivation art he was seeking. after which, Sora turned his attention to his next move, what should be the best move right now? it was of course to start what his mother started and save his father... but that last part can wait, since Titans are hard to kill, he would simply be tortured.

going through the knowledge his mother had gathered, she had sought ways to save her life and even ways for her to come back to life if the illness were to her. but she through all of this to the side after she turned her attention to the gods. the gods were just too hateful,

'I guess I should finish up her research... if I can bring back to life the strongest humans of the past, we would have a better chance to take down the gods... yes, I should start a business first and start bringing in a lot of money. I will build my research lab, along with starting training my focus.' Sora thought as he quickly turned and left to see his father. but he happened to run into Autumn who was coming to get him

"Young master, the king wishes to see you once more." She said with a bow, Sora nodded slightly, and along with Autumn, they went to see the king.

"Sora, this is Merlin. he will be your new teacher." the king said as he looked towards an old man with a long white beard who was looking at Sora, with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Uncle?" Sora said in shock, Merlin whose eyes slightly narrowed, even more, frowned deeply, making Sora feel a chill. Sora quickly realized he made a mistake and bowed.

"Greet Sir Merlin," Sora said softly, Merlin nodded slightly, and simply looked at Sora. to say the least, he knew who Sora was. he was there when his sister returned that day, but he left after getting into another fight with her. he knew Sora was his nephew,

"Well, Sir Merlin offer... I mean I asked him to train you, so take this chance to become the best Mage you can be." the King said, awkward after Merlin through him a look, Merlin opened his mouth, but he saw Sora raise his hands. the king nodded for him to speak, what a respectful boy this was, knowing when to hold his tongue, and not speak... he was not like his mother.

"Well, I was hoping I can start a business to start making some morning, I was wondering if I could get some help with that," Sora said softly

"Why do you want to start a business," Merlin asked with a frown, his voice was that of an old wise man, but he had already destroyed his image for Sora

"Well... I want to start mother research, and maybe find a cure for her illness so that others who have it wouldn't have to suffer." Sora said softly, Merlin froze slightly at Sora's words, and as he was about to speak the king beat him to it.

"Well, of course, my son. Autumn, help him to the best of your capability, if you need help just come ask me." The King said with a bright smile, Sora nodded gratefully, while Autumn simply bowed.

"Snort, let's go," Merlin said as he stepped forward, grabbed Sora, and with a spell, they teleported out of the kingdom, the king was calm seeing this, meanwhile Autumn panicked

"Worry not about Sora, Merlin although has a cold act, he stepped forward to land a hand to teach Sora... he also has been the one working the hardest to find who sent the assassin after Sora." The King said with a smile, stunning Autumn for a moment before she nodded. she thought for a moment, before excusing herself, and leaving to prepare some things for Sora

"Where are we?" Sora asked while looking around the forest Merlin suddenly bought him too,

"The black forest... your mother should have told you who your father is... tell me," Merlin said coldly, his sister runs away for years, only to come back to give birth, who would accept this? he had to find this person and teach him a lesson,

"... Prometheus," Sora said after some thought, Merlin's eyebrow raised hearing Sora's words.

"The titan?" He asked with a deep frown, to which Sora nodded slightly. Merlin went quiet, too stunned by what he just heard. He year about 5 years ago, news spread that someone had freed Prometheus, was that his sister? many humans had tried to free Prometheus, but many had failed, his sister was one of the few people capable of breaking that seal and freeing him

"... that stupid, dumb ass, no good idiot." Merlin gritted his teeth in rage he was not happy with the news he got. now everything cleared up for him. 3 years ago, when she returned with such injuries, it was the gods doing.

They fought a lot, but Sora's mother was still able to call him to say goodbye, which showed that their relationship was not as bad as it seemed. which is why Sora takes the risk to tell this old man.

"... if I may ask, why do you and mother fight so much?" Sora asked in confusion, throwing a look at Sora, before snorting. He was Sora's mother's elder brother, eh pretty much raised her after their parent's death, and he taught her magic and so many things. but she came down with an illness, they both worked together to find a cure.

but 15 years ago, she leaves the kingdom when he was away, leaving a letter that told him not to waste his life away on her matter, she was old enough to take care of herself.

he managed to find her, and they got into a huge fight over this matter, they even began clashing, one fighting to leave, while the other fought to cripple the other so he could luck her away. but Sora's mother managed to get away, only to return on death's door... with a child.

Merlin wanted her to get rid of the child, at least then she would have a few years to live, but she refused, so he just left. something he regretted, he loved his sister, and he would pick her over Sora any day without a second thought. but his sister left another letter begging him to be Sora's teacher, which is why he was here.

"... Uncle, I will tell you the real reason I want a lab. Mother had made some progress in bringing stuff back to life. I want to finish her research, and finish what she started." Sora said seriously while looking at Merlin, after hearing such a story, he was sure he could trust Merlin.

"Bring the dead to life?" Merlin was shocked hearing this, to which Sora nodded, and explained how his mother thought there might not be a cure, and spent some time researching to bring the dead to life before she gave up and turned her attention to seeking The Essence of Magic, but had to stop as she meant Prometheus

He then went on to tell her everything that lead to his mother arriving here, and how she put her last hopes in him to finish this battle she lost.

Merlin was frozen still hearing such a thing had happened n only 15 years, he closed his eyes, and just stood there, lost within his thoughts.

"It seems like the gods are my enemy..." he said in a soft voice as killing intent filled the air around them. Sora's heart dropped as he saw his life flashing before his own eyes, Merlin was someone with a power level over 10 thousand, he is considered the strongest human alive,

his killing intent made Sora's body start thinking it already died, but he snapped back to reality when Merlin touched his shoulder.

"let's start your training... firstly, what type of magic do you want to learn?" Merlin said once Sora caught his breath from that experience he just when through. Sora thought for a moment hearing Merlin's words

"... Enchantment Magic," Sora said softly, stunning Merlin. people who can use enchantment magic were real, that was hard magic to learn and need nearly perfect magic control, high talent, and strong focus. it was one of the hardest magic not to just learn, but to master was even harder than 99% of the most magic

So yes, he was shocked after hearing Sora wanted to learn something so complex. but Sora's talent shouldn't be bad, his father was a titan, and his mother was also talented. So, with this in mind, he began to teach Sora the basics of magic.

simple control of magical energy, how to draw it out, and how to use it, Sora had so much energy that he could train for a whole day without going through even half of his energy, something which was shocking for Merlin,

Sora found that while training with Merlin, his talent in deep seemed to have improved, maybe it was because he hit the age of 3 and formed his container, but he found his charm, cultivation talent, and comprehension talent were all around 7

this was great, as Sora no longer needed to change his statue, he was a prodigy, and he can now use many abilities several times and they might improve. with such talent, he indeed improved greatly.

and so, the day went on with the basics before Sora returned home. there he went on to go home, where he eats as he hasn't eaten all day before Autumn went on and start helping him build a basis for his businesses.

he first did the basic, a restaurant, this restaurant would sell food from earth. Ice cream would be one of the few things, along with stuff like Cake, chocolate, and a few others stuff. he knew how to make them, back in his past life he was smart enough to start learning these things because he hopped one day, he would be reborn into another world, where he would use this knowledge to its fullest

Sora went on to teach Autumn how to teach this stuff, he blamed how he knew this stuff on his mother's knowledge. anyways, Sora had his father give him a few more loyal maids, who would be in charge of running the restaurant.

so, with this, Sora fell into debt as his father gave him a store for him to manage along with some people to work for him. Autumn was in charge of it, but to make sure none of his siblings caused trouble, she was to act in trouble.

Using some of his knowledge from the earth, his store gave out free samples, within a day his store ran out of food, forcing it to close down. even the many royal families' attention was caught, claiming this food to be for only the nobility.

Sora was not shaken seeing this, earth food was better than this world which still lived in a stage of wooden houses and stuff like that. he still remembered something back on earth about how someone kept all the cake to herself or something, leading to her death... maybe he was remembering it wrong, but he didn't care much.

anyways, days went by. Sora spent most of his time with merlin who taught him all kinds of stuff, thanks to his mastery over magic increasing, along with his learning some spells, his mastery, and his power level increased.

Merlin also began to help Sora out with his goals, helping Sora gather talents from around the kingdom. and slowly building an army, although he helped, Sora was forced to do most of this, leading to learning how to train an army, making them loyal, and so on.

Sora's training led him to become a mage knight, a type of knight who knew magic. Since Sora has skilled with the sword thanks to the Sword King Cultivation art, everything he touched was a sword, this path allowed him to bring out his talent to the fullest.

well, in a blink of an eye, 3 months went by, and fully the war broke out.