
Cultivation within The Anime World

I have bad grammar

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

A New Start

"w-where am I?" a kid said softly as he slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself within a room he saw before. this was nothing like his room, as he saw that the walls were made out of bricks. where on earth was, he for the inside of someone's house to look like this?

"The young master is awake." a maid who was next to the bed yelled after a moment of shock, a few minutes later the door burst open as a man with long red hair entered, the kid was confused seeing such strange hair, but he was suddenly hit with a powerful headache, new memories which didn't belong to him hit him

the kid gritted his teeth in pain, but when he moved his hands to hold his head, he was hit with another wave of pain. red-haired man seeing this quickly stopped Sora from moving, but he quickly found that he didn't have to, as the kid had fainted.

the kid slowly fused with the new memories, becoming one with the former owner of the memories. and with this, he got to know many things about this strange new world.

it was Year 843 ZKOF, it has been 843 years since Zeus, the King of the Gods stepped forward and became the ruler of the Gods. Gods walked among the humans, as the strongest race they rule this world and demanded absolute respect.

only two races could hope to stand against the Gods, The Devils, and the Dragons, but even that would be huge what if the Devil were cast out of this world into another dimension, and the dragons were too cowardly to breathe too loudly before the gods.

the body the new soul found itself in was known as Sora, a person who was adopted by the current ruler of Dragnof. of the few kingdoms where humans claim that humans and dragons can work and live as one.

Sora had a strange background, but luckily, he had red hair, so he was not questioned too much about where he came from. many people believed that the king had been playing around outside, forcing the king to step forward and tell the world that he had adopted Sora. and no more was known,

anyways, Sora slowly opened his eyes once more and saw that the red-haired man was sitting next to him. he sighed in relief seeing Sora was alive. Sora a 2-year-old was attacked, and almost assassinated, lucky the guards bought enough time for him to save him.

"f-father." the kid said weakly, but the red hair man shook his head as he had Sora remain quiet and rest.

"Sleep, you suffered great injuries. I called for the best healing mages he would be here in a few more minutes." He said softly, to which the kid nodded weakly. So, time went quiet. although this man was not his real father, he treated him better than he treated his other children. which had his many children displaced about this as they thought that Sora might just take the throne from them, so it was not hard to guess who could have tried to kill him

{congregation on a successful Transmigration to a cultivation world, bigging your cultivation journey, please pick your states. 5/5 state points

Luck: 0/10

Charm: 0/10

Cultivation Talent: 0/10

comprehension Talent: 0/10

Note: you would get 1 state point every year if you don't pick any at the moment.}

the kid heard this and saw the screen before he froze, was this not the screen from the cultivation game he was playing back on earth? but there was a huge problem, there was no cultivation within this world

Sora thought for a moment, and after taking a deep breath, he refused to add the statues, he will wait until he is 40 or something. plus, he remembered a glitch within this game, once you say no and go on to add statues, you would still get points each year. so, he answered no in his mind

{you have chosen no.... well, you are a person with big hope and goals for the future, in that case, young you, I will gift you with unique cultivation art... now which one would best suit you.} the system as the voice sounded

Sora remembered that this should be an old man talking to him, an old powerful cultivator he helped him transmigrate. letter in the game, it would be found out it was the player's father, tempering his son to reach greater heights.

{cultivation number 2: the immortal demon cultivation art- a cultivation art of the immortal demon, swallow the blood of others to greatly improve your cultivation speed.

drawbacks- weaker than those of the same level

Cultivation Number 2: The Black Tortoise cultivation art- a cultivation art that would allow you to remember your body to have an unimaginable defense. all attacks shall do nothing before your powerful defense. you can go a step further and form a tortoise's avatar around yourself to greatly increase your defensive power.

Drawbacks- extremely heavy body,

Cultivation Number 3: The White Tiger Cultivation art- a cultivation art that would allow you to gain the body of the white tiger. have unimaginable speed, becoming a powerful Tiger with white lightning which could turn the avatar of a white tiger

Drawback- Bad stamina, ok defense

Cultivation Number 4: The Azure Dragon Cultivation art.....

Cultivation Number 5: The Vermilion Bird Cultivation art.....

Cultivation Number 6: the Grand Qilin Cultivation art....}

these were the 6 cultivation art one can choose from, all being tier 7 cultivation arts, with the strongest cultivation art in the game being tier 12, to say the least one could buy them using real money. to say the least, Sora who played this game for years knew the glitches, and that was to say nothing.

ignoring the options, and simply going on with cultivation would lead to the game thinking you picked a cultivation art after some unknown years. there was a way one could trick the system into giving them a cultivation art they wanted,

type one was to reach a high level within the short 3 years before the game thinks you have picked a cultivation art.

step two, never use the points,

Step three, never spend real-world money within the game.

when these 3 steps come together, the game would give you one of the 5 tiers of 12 cultivation arts, to say the least Sora had overused this glitch in all of the games he had played. with 10 possible accounts one could make, Sora knew this game inside and out.

So, Sora had 3 years to reach Core formation, in a world that's not a cultivation world, plus having average talents in everything since he had yet to put down any of his statues. there was also the fact that he didn't know how to cultivate. luckily the former owner of this body had this knowledge,

this world had energy called Ethernano, but people called it Magical power. Ethernano dwells inside all living organisms, the Earth, and throughout the atmosphere. Nobody knows when Magic began, or how Ethernano originated.

Since humans were new to magic since the gods didn't want them to get their hands on it, luckily for the humans, one of the gods stole the knowledge of magic and passed it down to them. but this only made Zeus angry, his fate is something most humans look at in horror as he was eaten by birds while he recovered from his injures

anyways, since humans gained magic, they had evolved to grow containers within their bodies to allow them to hold magic. as a person grows, their containers grow with them, allowing them to be able to use more magical power.

normally cultivation didn't allow a person to store energy within them until they reached a point, but the physique of these humans allowed Sora to bypass this.

the first step of cultivation was known as Body tempering. as the name says, at this stage a person remembers and refines the body, allowing the body to be stronger, and faster, than a normal human, to the point normal weapons can't injure you. is split into 10 levels, with the 10th level, considered a stage which normal talents can't reach.

Sora wanted to cultivate, but since he was injured all, he could do was wait and tried playing around with the system he seems to have. to his left, he saw a statue's window that showed his current injuries, health points, and so many others. to say the least, he was on 1/10, it seemed like the former owner had died, and at the rate, things are going Sora would die if he isn't healed

that was not everything, Sora saw a measure of strength for the cultivation realms, which was extremely useful in this world as it could allow a person to see things such as a person's power level.

a normal person would have a power level of 1, starting from there, and this is a measure using the average cultivation art, which goes as Body tempering equally Tier 1 cultivation arts, and the realm above that being a tier 2 cultivation art, and so on and so on, the measurement was like this

Level 1 Body Tempering+1 PL

Level 2 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 3 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 4 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 5 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 6 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 7 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 8 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 9 Body Tempering +1 PL

Level 10 Body Tempering +1 PL

a normal tier-one cultivation art would pretty much boost your strength to allow you to become 10 times stronger than a normal person. it's impossible to reach above body tempering without a tier 2 cultivation art,

each tier of a cultivation art is twice as strong as the last, so a tier two cultivation art would make you 20 times stronger than a normal human, a tier 3 cultivation art will make you 40 times stronger than a normal human, and so on and

of course, the game didn't want to have numbers like 2,560 floating around, so they would round things out to make things look smooth.

Tier 1- 10x

Tier 2- 20x

tier 3- 40x

tier 4- 80x

tier 5- 150x

tier 6- 300x

Tier 7- 600x

Tier 8- 1,200x

Tier 9- 2,500x

Tier 10- 5,000x

Tier 11- 10,000x

Tier 12- 20,000x

to say the least, Sora wanted to become 2,000 times stronger than those with tier 1 cultivation art, sure there is more energy, and so on and so on. but the gains are so much better. skipping levels and fighting those with levels far above you is the best.

in the game doing PVP, it was best to crush other players below your feet, to stand above others, and show them just who is better... who wouldn't want that?

Sora checked more stuff, and like most games, there was a reward box for reaching a milestone in leveling up. but in this case, the leveling up was leveling up cultivation realms, since Sora couldn't cultivate at the moment, this was useless.

but there was something next to the reward box that caught Sora's attention, thanks for playing the game gift box. Sora hesitated for a moment, before opening this box, and he was stunned at what he saw.

{Gained Sword King cultivation art

Gained a mid-grade tier 2 sword

Gained a Mid-Grade tier 2 sword art

Gained tier 2 movement art,

Gained 3x low tier 2 Qi refining pills,

Gained 3x low tier 2 Body tempering Pills}

Sora's eyes brightened seeing this, he wanted to jump for joy, normally the game wouldn't give out something like this to people who already played. but to think it was seeing him as a new player, this of course was for the best.

the goal, for now, was to reach the cultivation realm equal to tier 3, that's where the glitch kicked in, but to do something like that in 3 years... was a bit hard in real life. but it was worth the try,

there were more tabs other than statues windows, and storage, there was a forge that allowed one to well... forge things and an academy tab that allowed a person to make pills. but they are all locked until one's level reaches a point where the system gives you a mission that would help you unlock these tabs.

anyways, Sora went on to stop looking at all of this after a moment and simply looked back, in deep thought about his next moves, and how would he complex his goal.

but he was soon focused to open his eyes as he felt someone touching his, looking up he saw a mage standing over him, with closed eyes. her hands were held over his body and were giving off a green glow which was a healing spell.

Sora felt the pain in his body disappearing, looking at his statue's window, his health point which was at one began to increase, and soon reached 10, showing this mage managed to heal him back to full health.

"t-thank you," Sora said as he sat up, the woman who just healed him smiled and nodded slightly, before rubbing his head, His father also thanked her from the bottom of her heart, but the woman simply waved it off and left

with her gone, his father checked him a few times before nodding seeing he was in top condition,

"Stay within the castle form from now on, understood?" He said seriously to which Sora nodded. like hell, he would leave after almost being killed when he went to play. his father said a few more things before leaving, Sora watched him leave for a moment confused why he was treating his stepson so well.

shaking his head, Sora looked at the maid who had been taking care of him, she was about 16 years old, and she was Sora's teacher and personal assassinate throughout his everyday life. she was called Autumn,

She suddenly appeared before Sora, hugging him tightly as she cried, she honestly thought this little kid was a goner. but luckily, he survived. Sora calmed her down, it took some time but after she relaxed Sora asked for some space.

Once she left, Sora took a deep breath before looking at Sword King's Cultivation art, this cultivation art was tier 2, nothing too impressive. you might as the question, what was the point of these tier 1 and so on cultivation arts when one gets a tier 7 cultivation art at the start of the game?

well, it was because, for each realm, one could cultivate more than one cultivation art. each cultivation art would have its own special abilities. So, yes tier 7 cultivation arts were powerful, but you needed more XP, so people just get the maximum number of cultivation arts for each realm.

each realm, a person can cultivate 3 cultivation arts of equal grade to the cultivation realm. So, for the body tempering realm, one can cultivate 3 tier 3 cultivation arts, and above the same thing followers.

there were many types of cultivation arts, some forced on defense, some forced on speed, some on strength, senses, and so on. this meant a person had to be careful and pick the best of the best cultivation arts, sadly Sora didn't know if he could get more cultivation arts.

Sora went on to put all 5 of his statutes into comprehension talent, each talent had its use within the game, some more useful than others, but if some were too low or too high could bring unwanted attention to oneself.

Luck, as the name says, was a measure of your luck, the higher this is the luckier one is, the arriving person would have a lucky state of 1, above that would make one even luckier, to the point treasure have a chance to just fall out of the sky. at 10, you pretty much have absolute luck, things seemly would always go your way. of course, you can still die, although much harder

Charm was a state that measures the aura one gives off, a normal person would have a charm of 1, not handsome, not noticeable without a crowd type of person. that arranged face that disappears once you turn your head away. charm was one of the most important states, as the higher, it was the more handsome you were and the more eye-catching you. it also increased the chances of people being nicer to you.

of course, if it's too high, you would draw unwanted attention to yourself, and some could be jealous, so some wives would fall in love with you, leading to the husband hunting you down.

comprehension talent was a measure of how fast it was for you to learn something again, the arrival person had a measure of 1, and once you reach 10 you would be able to comprehend anything with but a look. creating art and stuff would be but a thought to you, at least that's what the game said

Cultivation of talent was a measure of one speed of growth. a normal person had a state of 1, and the higher the better your body, mind, absorption, and refinement of energy shall improve. this would mean something like gaining the ability to grow stronger through battle and so on.

within the game, so long as you don't set the changes you can keep removing the statues as you wish, Sora didn't set them So his comprehension talent at the moment was a genius a step away from being a prodigy,

what did this mean? Sora could understand all types of fields and be considered a type of jack of all trades, with the only drawback of never truly mastering all of these fields.

6 states would make you a prodigy, meaning you would have the ability to copy other abilities to a limited degree, although what you copy would be weaker. it of course greatly increased a person's ability, to understand a person combat style, improving upon most abilities

Sora only had 5 points, but this was enough for now. as soon as he added these points, he felt his mind suddenly go through new changes, meanwhile, his body seemed to grow weaker, seemly like a cripple, his looks too dive, making him look like an ugly baby which only a mother could love

and his luck turned into nonexistence, after a moment of getting used to the new changes to his body, Sora sighed before going through the Sword king Cultivation art. he quickly began reading it, while blocking the door. he couldn't allow anyone to enter and see him like this.

so, time quickly passed, Sora only needed an hour to comprehend the first part of the cultivation art. which was enough to get him to level 3 Body Tempering. once he reached this point, Sora quickly stopped and removed all his statues, making him return to normal, with all his statues the way she was before he took over the body.

Sora went on to sit down and went on to cultivate following the first part of the Sword King Cultivation art. as he began drawing energy towards himself, he used it to refine his body. he gritted his teeth slightly as he felt like countless swords were stepping into his Muscles.

Body tempering almost split into 10 levels, it went deeper. these 10 levels could be split into 4 parts,

level 1 to level 3 was called Muscles tempering,

level 4 to level 6 was called Tendons tempering

level 7 to level 9 was called bones tempering

lastly, level 10 was an all-rounded improvement, strengthening the muscles, Tendons, Bones, and Flesh to a higher level

level 7 also had more gains as it allowed a person to finally store energy within their body, as they would have formed a Qi Sea.

anyways, Sora didn't put points into his cultivation talent as he wanted to see how this body's natural talent was. So, after a few minutes of cultivating, Sora stopped and began putting points into his cultivation talent and began trying to measure this body grade.

and to his shock, this body was not a one, but a 4 in cultivation talent. that was not bad, but it meant that the body was a genius although not a prodigy. Sora went to search for a mirror and looked at his status window before going on to try and hind his charm. which happened to be 3

'With my look and cultivation talent, this makes me someone who only needs to force on luck and comprehension. I can wear a mask for the next few years, hiding my looks while giving trying my best to look mysterious, this would allow me to change my stats as I wish without catching too much attention.' Sora thought before putting all his points into his cultivation talent and began to cultivate

Since it was already getting dark, no one came to bother him, so he simply stayed up all night cultivating. Sora found that with the increase in his cultivation talent, the pain he felt when cultivating was not as bad.

so, an hour went by before he broke through to level 1 body tempering. which increased his strength which increased his power level which was at 2 to 2.2. Sora stood up in shock at the power he felt running through his body, he was a 2-year-old twice as strong as a normal person,

but he was not just strong, since the sword king's cultivation art was one of the rare few that temper the body, it allowed Sora to forge his body as if forming a sword. which was the reason it was so painful.

Taking a deep breath, Sora went on to remove the points he put into cultivation and went on to put all his statues into luck. after which, he went to the storage where he saw the reward box, the body tempering reward box.

Sora smiled slightly, the game was filled with glitches, reward boxes like these which had chance and luck in them were the most glitches thing about the game.

Sora thought and the box exploded open, 5 items appeared before Sora,

{Gained The Healthy Tree Cultivation art- this tier 1 cultivation art allows one to cultivate the body, allowing one to become as strong and lifeful as a tree. your skin shall be able to withstand all attacks, your lifeforce shall always be protected as you shall be like a dead tree if by chance you're injured, meaning you won't bleed. you would also heal extremely quickly, and leave an extremely long life

Draw Backs- weakness to fire-based attacks, Movement speed drops heavenly

Gained 3x low body tempering pills

Gained 3x mid Body tempering Pills

Gained 3x High Body tempering pills

Gained 300 silver}

Sora's eyes brightened slightly seeing he hit jack's pack on his first try, so how does the glitch work, simply hit the thing you want to keep. Sora wanted to keep the Health Tree Cultivation art, he tapped it and went on to hit more information about this item which told the history of how this cultivation art was made. after which, he ignored the whole thing and went on to put all his points back into cultivation and cultivated

it took more than 5 hours to reach level 2 Body Tempering, but it bought his power level up to 4.2, Sora opened the tab he saw that he had a scroll within his storage, tapping the school it read the Healthy Tree Cultivation art. Sora jumped in joy seeing this, before quickly going over to the body tempering reward box

he opened it after putting all his stats back into luck, and 4 rewards popped open, unlike last time when there were 5, now there were only 4. this time, he got nothing he liked, so he closed the whole thing and reopened it and opened the box once more.

he did this until he found the cultivation art he was seeking. The Grand Mountain Lion cultivation art, this one greatly increased person agility, making them faster and quicker. at the same time, it made all their movement as quiet as quiet can be, this cultivation at only removes the health Tree weakness, but it bought greater senses, with the ability to sense even slight vibrations on the ground,

Sora went on to cultivate, but he didn't cultivate using the Sword King Cultivation art but instead using the Health Tree Cultivation art. it was of course much easier to cultivate a tier 1 cultivation art than a tier 2 cultivation art, it needed less energy and was quicker. at the same time, the higher one cultivation was, the easier it would be to cultivate other cultivation arts.

So, Sora took only 1 hour to reach level 2 body tempering, in the health Tree cultivation art, Sora felt his body fall more like a tree, as it was slower, and his flesh became more durable, his power level increased to 5.2, but Sora was not done cultivating.

He went on to reach level 3 Body tempering in just 4 hours, Sora went on to quickly open the storage and saw that the Grand Mountain Lion Cultivation art was there, which he quickly went on to comprehend, before he opened the reward box once again.

he went on to find the next cultivation art he was seeking, the mighty Tiger Cultivation art, a cultivation art which makes one like a mighty tiger. having unmatched physical strength, attack power, and senses like a tiger. it even came with a sound attack, which made those who here it paralyzed for a limited time.

So, with all of this, Sora accepted the whole gift box, which came with 3x mid-body tempering and 3s high-body tempering pills. Sora went on to throw 1 mid-grade body tempering pill and began cultivating the health tree to level 4, the pill was filled with energy that moved to temper his body refining him and helping him break through faster.

With this breakthrough, Sora found that the sun was out, and he wanted to cultivate the other 4 cultivation art he had to level 4, which would be for the best, but he had to put that aside for the time being.

Sora looked at his palm, feeling the power flowing through them, he smiled slightly, when his father was here, the system allowed him to measure other levels and power levels just like in the game. His father only had a power level of 3,000. that was a big number, but Sora had a power level in the trillions in the game, and even higher when he neared the end of the game