

In the martial arts world 80 percent of people are martial artists. There are 10 different levels of martial arts. In each of the level there is 9 layers, and every layer is hard to breakthrough.

Yue Feng is a slave of the Feng Zen family, and gets beat up everyday by the young masters of the Feng Zen family. One day when Yue Feng was at his jail call, the servants took him to get beaten by one of the young masters. When he came there he saw the young master. After the young master beat him he became unconcious, and the servants took him back to his jail cell. In Yue Fengs mind he saw darkness all around him. Then a faded voice said, do you want power. He couldn't see Where the voice came from, then the voice said, do you want revenge for everything that everyone did to you and your family. In that instant Yue Feng remember his family crying for help, he remembered a group that invaded his village and slaughtered everyone, but he couldn't remember anything else. He was full of anger and wanted revenge on the group that killed his village. So he said yes. After a while, he became conscious, and every wound, and cuts on his body healed, and he was full of energy.

That gonna be it for this chapter because my phone is almost out of charge. Hoped you liked it because I don't think you will because this is my first ever time writing a story/manga. Plzzz give tips on how to get better. Byyyyyyyyyyye