

When Damian a 24 year old office worker was stabbed by a knife, trying to stop a thief,on his way returning from work.He did not die but was given a second chance to live. The Goddess blesses with him a system [Cultivation System] to resolve her problems. He was transmigrated to the World Arvandor.When he opened his eyes,he found himself lying on the floor of a old hut with a woman beside him. Who is that woman? What are the challenges he needs to face to resolve the problems?How will the system help in his quest ? Join together with Damian in his journey around the fantasy world of Arvandor. Disclaimer: The cover art is not mine.

MK_HUNTER7 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ch 0 - Prologue

Blue Star, a planet slightly different from the one, we live in.

A world with limitless peaks and endless oceans filled with mystery and adventures.

A world that is not scientifically developed. But is developed in its unique way.

A world where people are able to harness the spiritual energy called Qi to absorb and refine it into their bodies.

A land where myths and legends can be real.

For a normal person from Earth, it can be typically called a Cultivation world.


Green Spring City, Stardust Kingdom.

It was a beautiful night, the entire city was decorated with lamps. Many stalls can be seen filling both sides of the street.

That night was the eve of the Star Lantern Festival.

It was celebrated to remember the person who saved them from the slavery of Dunespire. Also the founder of Stardust Kingdom, Leonidas Stardust.

The whole kingdom will be celebrating.

The streets were guarded by soldiers to dissolve any mischief that may occur.

All the people were happily enjoying the festival eve, some with their friends, some with lovers and some by themselves sitting alone with drinks to accompany them.

Just like me.

In a lone courtyard of an ancient mansion, a boy was standing near the window and gazing at the moon.

He wore a simple grey robe. He had a handsome face with midnight black hair and golden eyes. He had a slim physique.

His name is Damien of the Strombringer family. One of the top families in Green Spring City.

He is the second son and the third child of Edward Strombringer. His father is the current leader of the Strombringer family.

Tomorrow was not only the day of the Star Lantern Festival, but also my birthday and the day I lost my mother.

My mother, Livia was a beautiful woman. She was a commoner.

My father, enchanted by my mother's beauty, decided to take her as his concubine. I was born in the later years.

But my mother died after giving birth to me. But my father still cared about me.

That's what I thought until I was 10. During the awakening ceremony, I was identified as a person with no talent in cultivation.

In a world where everything is based upon cultivation. I was completely worthless and cast aside.

After the ceremony, my residence was moved to a lone house that was just better than the house the servants live in.

After that, my father never came to visit me.


Now, I'm alone enjoying my loneliness with the beautiful moon as my only friend.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned around to see my elder brother behind me.

Luke was talented in cultivation. Last year, he joined the Azure Academy.

Before going to the Academy, Luke always bullied me.

" Brother!!!! When did you return home?"

" Just now. Why are you not happy to see your big brother ?" Luke asked.

"No, not at all," I said, shaking my head.

"Good, how can you simply sit and drink alone on your 15th birthday? "

Luke placed his hand around Damien's shoulder.

"Tomorrow you're finally an adult. Now as a dutiful brother, let me take you to a place where you will finally become a man."

Luke dragged Damian and went to the inn. They went directly to the second floor.

A woman in a purple dress was seen waiting for them.

The woman greeted them. She secretly gestured towards Luke pointing to a room.

" Welcome, Respected Sirs. "

" Everything has been prepared. Hope you both have a blissful night. " She said in a seductive tone while winking at them.

" Okay, I will enter this room and you enter that room. "Luke said.

He pointed to the room behind him, while pointing towards the room, which the woman secretly gestured to Damian.

"About this brother, I don't feel okay with this "

"Don't worry. Tonight is definitely going to be a memorable night. Just try to enjoy it", Luke said.

"Oh! And here have this" Luke forcefully put a pill in Damian's hand.

" Don't panic. It is just a stamina pill. "

After pointing Damian towards his room, Luke waited till he entered and closed the door.


Inside the room.

On the bed was a beautiful woman in a red dress. She seemed to be in a half-drunken state.

Damian approached her.

Feeling the presence near her, she suddenly opened her eyes.

What she saw was a man in a grey robe and he was holding onto something.

' Who are you? '

' What is in your hand ?' she tried to ask in an intimidating tone.

But in her drunkenness, it came as a flirting tone.

" Nothing " Damen tried to hide the pill. Embarrassed.

He was enchanted by the woman's beauty and continued to walk towards her.

The woman took the sword beside her and pointed it towards Damian.

"You, don't take a step forward. Show me the thing you're hiding.", the woman coldly said.

Feeling confused, Damian stopped in his tracks and showed her the pill.

After seeing the pill, The woman became furious and stabbed his chest with her sword.

He tried to dodge but was pierced in his shoulders and screamed in pain.

Damian did not understand anything. Why did she attack him?

The door opened as two people entered. Luke and the purple dress woman.

" Sister Ruby, what happened?"

"He tried to drug me with the Yin Ecstasy Pill."

"Damian, How dare you do this?" Luke asked angrily.


Before he could answer, Luke punched him in the chest. And continued to punch again if he tried to speak.

Damian was beaten mercilessly.

His blood covered his entire body. Even a few bones were broken.

After seeing his horrible condition, she stopped Luke from killing him.

" Leave. I will forgive you", the woman said.

" Thank you Miss Ruby for being merciful to my brother," Luke thanked.

He took Damian's unconscious body and left them.


Instead of going to the family's residence to treat the injured. Luke carried Damian outside the town and walked towards the Thornwood forest.

After coming slightly far from the city walls. Luke dropped Damian to the ground.

Damian's eyes opened from the pain and looked at the surrounding trees with Luke standing a few metres away from him. Luke had a sarcastic smile on his face.

"How was my birthday gift?"Luke mockingly asked.

" Brother, why did you do this?"

Luke was angered hearing Damian's word, he kicked Damian towards a tree.

Damian coughed blood from the impact with the tree.

" Don't call me brother you piece of worthless trash "

" You are a complete disgrace to Father and the family. A son of one of the strongest in the kingdom is unable to cultivate. How pathetic is that? "

"Leave now and never return. Live the remaining days of your worthless life somewhere else. "

After saying the things he wanted to say, he left without waiting for Damian's reply.

Damian, after hearing his words, had a cold look in eyes, that showed his anger.

" What have I done to deserve this "

" Is it my fault that I was born with no talent in Cultivation? ", Damian thought.

"Mother I will finally be able to see again " , as a small drop of tears left his eyes and fell to the ground.

After few moments, Damian Von Strombringer died, and a new soul, a traveller from another plane existence, where the concept of Cultivation, only exists in tales and legends, gained a new body to live.

This is my first novel. Hope you all leave your ideas and opinions in comments. I am ready to listen to all your ideas.

Hope we all have a memorable experience.

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