
cultivation talent.

cultivation was never a happy memory in my life.as I had no talent for it.in weather it be primary school,middle school or high school I was always the best in my grade for getting highmarks on my tests.i always did my best because i had my mum at my side.she was the only one who ever really cared for what I had accomplished while the rest of my family would distane my petty antics.thats because I was the only one in history in my family to not be able to cultivate.


lacation:large mansion

population:21.54 million


it was bo chengs fith birthday.in every child's life there's an important moment in the new age where it really matters. it would proberly be this day,as on every 5 year olds birthday you are tested to see if you have the aptitude for cultivation.as any younger and the body would not be able to take in the energy or qi and you would die a misirible death.in the new age after years of research and in the alliance working together,they were able to create a machine that would calculate one talent by how many medians will respond to the qi probing your body.the talent ranking goes from 1 being the worst,a non cultivate and 9 being capable to reach god spirit.tallent would be,1-2 no cultivation talent,2-3 initual cultivation talent,3-5 medium cultivation talent,5-8 high cultivation talent and 8-9 being saint cultication talent.

Cheng family's ancestral hall,bo cheng was nervous as he never been in the ancestral hall before and as he will be testing himself for cultivation he was trying to calm himself while holding his mother su chengs hand tightly.


(su chengs pov)

as su looked at her child she couldn't help but feel nervous for him.as much I as she would like to express her emotions she knew if she did that would make her little changer even more nervous.as his father was out carrying out missions for the clan she was the only one by his side. at the same time she was thinking of ways to calm her little changer, she felt her left hand being squeezed by a small hand held,the only thing she could do is to pray that things go well.and even if they did not,he would still be her little chenge and that would never change.


(back to present)

as both mother and son were thinking the doors in front of them opened and once the walked in side the could see a massive deep blue hall with deep blue walls and and floors with esquiste acting on them.if an expert formation master were to see theses they would be shocked that shuch a powerful formation exist.in the Cheng ansestreal hall.

As the walked in the could see 10 chairs liffted up high on the podiumm.As they come closer the could see 10 old men sitting on these chairs they were the 10 ancestres of the Cheng family. most of their cultivation being Houtian stage or higher.there are 9 ranks in cultivation just like the spirit beast and talent rank.

fist it would be Qi System then body foundation.these two stages are easy as body foundation only needs to prepare body tempering elixer.Body Tempering Liquid is an elixir used to prepare a potential cultivator's body for the rigors of cultivation,and begin the hundred days foundation building process.Each dose of the liquid will provide the user with a great deal of energy, which is then used with the proper foundational techniques to strengthen it, and develop strands of qi and blood.the next stage would be QiRefining stag,Houtian stage,Xiantian and heavenly dan.once at that stage then you have to go to the world lands and hunt a spirit beast rank 6 or 7 and cultivate it.it has to be a beast that is a similar attribute to you.for example a fire cultivation teqniqe will not work well with a ice spirit beast.once you get a spirit to cultivate then the next stages would be Nascent Spirit,Saint spirit then the peak of humanity rank 9 spirit god.there are only 3 known people who were able to ever reach that realm sadly 50 years ago there was a beast horde with 2 rank 9 spirit beast leading 5 000 rank 4 to 8 spirit.sadly all the spirit gods sacrificed them selves to kill the the two rank 9 spirit gods and the 5 000 spirit beast.