

Our story first starts at godsville a small village hidden within the 4 sacred mountains of the north, rumored to have gods residing on the peaks.

The village of godsville had a population of less than 200 residents and almost 70% consisted of the elderly which was why the young kids were heavily doted upon.

One early morning a young woman carrying a baby stumbled upon the small village, the woman was riddled with scars so deep you could see her bones. When the elders found her she was already unconscious, even though the villagers did their best to help the young woman she passed away a day later, before she passed away she gave the elders a piece of jade with the character "Yin" carved on it and told the elders "his name is Yin Zheng he shall one day rule thy heavens and take revenge for all who has caused harm upon his family."


12 years later

A group of kids were playing in the center of the village while a young boy watched the carefree kids play. The young boy's face looked as if it was carved out of pure jade and his hair as if silk, unlike the other kids he was frowning while thinking hard about something.

"Yin Zheng time for lunch" shouted a young girl from the house, as if awoken from a daze the young boy quickly stood up dusted the grass off his pants and ran back.

However just as he was about to reach the house his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Super short prologue just to get started

LemonAid0708creators' thoughts