
Cultivation: Starts with Resisting Temptation

Eighteen-year-old Liang Chen died an embarrassing death due to excessive masturbation. However, he gets a second chance at life when he is transmigrated to a Cultivation world along with a system. Liang Chen imagined a life like a protagonist’s, bound as he was to the system. But his life proved completely different from what he had envisioned. It turns out the system Liang Chen was bound to prevents him from indulging in any lustful activities. If he tries to indulge in anything lustful, he would be punished by the system. So Liang Chen desperately tried to keep his distance from women. However, for some strange reason, different types of women flocked to him - like a Yandere Boss Lady who crafted meticulous plans to insert herself into every aspect of his life. Another example was a Demoness Temptress who continually tried to tempt him to the dark side. Thinking of all the women who tried to pursue or tempt him, Liang Chen sighed in frustration rather than delight. “Why do all these women tempt me when I just want to keep my distance from them?” This was like being presented with all kinds of mouth-watering foods while fasting – frustratingly tempting. Just as Liang Chen was contemplating his bitter lot in life, a Young NobleWoman appeared before him. She declared “Liang Chen! Stay by my side and I'll give you everything you want. You can have an entire cultivation mansion and access to my clan's elixirs.... Wait! Why are you running away? Let me finish!”

QONT · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 8: Test(2)

As Liang Chen entered the valley along with others, his vision blurred, the landscape around him fading away. An odd tingling sensation washed over his body and a feeling of weightlessness overcame his senses, as if he was floating in the air.

Just as abruptly, his vision cleared. Liang Chen found himself standing amidst a lush, verdant forest, sunlight filtering through the leafy canopy above. He glanced around in confusion — there was no sign of the valley or any other disciples. Behind him loomed a sheer mountain face, covered in vines and lush vegetation.

Before him extended a winding dirt path, seemingly carved through the dense undergrowth. It stretched on as far as he could see, disappearing into the shadows of the ancient trees.

"Is this the first illusion? So the test has already started…" Liang Chen muttered to himself as he looked at the path, "Since a path exists here then it means I have to walk on it."

"Man but I have to say, this illusion appears so real! It's as if I am standing in the real world." Liang Chen touched the ground and could feel every granule of soil with just a touch.

"Is this really an illusion? That's the cultivation world for you." Liang Chen stood up and said in amazement.

"Dear, Test participants. Please follow the path, to reach the end of the valley." 

At this moment, there was an announcement that echoed within the forest.

"Just as I expected. Let's start, I wonder what type of test I would encounter here."

With that Liang Chen started walking on the path.


Just as Liang Chen started the test. Outside the valley, Near the entrance.

Feng Yulan stood while gazing at the entrance of the valley with a satisfied smile on her crimson lips. In her hand was a transmission talisman, azure light glinting off its surface.

"Ladies, all the lambs have entered the valley." She declared, her melodic voice carrying a hint of amusement, "The stage is set, so get into your position."

"And remember to show proper hospitality to test takers. Don't disgrace the name of our pavilion." 

The talisman disintegrated in a flash of light, her message relayed to her female compatriots scattered throughout the valley. 

Feng Yulan stretched lazily after finishing all of her work. 

"Now then, I should get into position too. After all, the game has already started." A cunning grin spread across her red lips, "It's rare to get chances like this. I should enjoy myself to the fullest."

Saying this she flew in the air and entered the valley too.


Liang Chen continued along the forest path, focused on reaching the end of the valley. An odd silence pervaded the woods. He had expected beasts or enemies as described in novels, yet encountered nothing.

His senses suddenly pricked up at a faint sound - hushed voices in the distance. Liang Chen halted, straining to make it out. Was it other test takers?

With a face full of suspicion, Liang Chen continued walking as he finally arrived near the source of sound. Not far away from him the path curved to the right, and near the curve was a thick bush. The sound was coming from the other side of the bush.

As he crept forward, the sounds grew louder -He could hear voices, laughter along with the sound of ….. Water splashing?

"Could it be female disciples bathing?" Liang Chen wondered. He scoffed internally, "No way I'd be that lucky." Still, curiosity quickened his steps to investigate

Yes, he wants to investigate. What's so strange about this place? 

Liang Chen finally stood in front of a thick bush and could hear the conversations on the other side loud and clear now.

"Ah, Hua Jiao! Must you always show off your perfect figure? You make the rest of us far too conscious of our own flaws. No wonder, You are so popular. Even I salivate at your figure." It was the sound of a female, which was filled with envy.

'Holt shit! I encountered this type of scenario?' Liang Chen eyes widened, his ear reddening at the speed visible to naked eyes. 

'And why does this name sound familiar? Ah! I remember, Wasn't she discussed by a group of perverts outside?'

While Liang Chen was thinking the conversation inside continued.

"Why are you selling yourself short- My dear Xia Yue. Come here, Let me see how much you have grown." Another voice which was filled with giggles said mischievously, "Wow! Your skin is so smooth! It's even smoother than the silk dress I have."

Hearing this, Liang Chen could already imagine two beautiful ladies touching each other playfully.

Liang Chen gulped, one hand covering his nose while the other waved fruitlessly, trying to dispel the sudden influx of fantasy.

'This must be an illusion, right? This should be part of the test, right?' 

'So I should leave as soon as possible. After all, the examiner could possibly be watching me.' 

Liang Chen wanted to leave right away, but the conversation behind the bushes took an unexpected turn.

"Sisters, Shouldn't we be performing our duties as examiners? It's not good to enjoy ourselves while abandoning our duty." A worried voice sounded and Liang Chen's eyes widened as if he heard something incredible.

And a conjecture appeared in Liang Chen's mind, 'Perhaps… This is not an illusion?'

"No need for concern," another reassured. "No test-takers come here. Even if someone, Comes here they would think we are part of an illusion."

"And you didn't forget the information Pavilion Leader sold to test-takers right? That every test taker would be observed by the Examiner."

"Pufff! That was such a splendid lie. The Pavilion Master made a killing by fooling these groups of silly men." A melodic laughter echoed as everyone laughed at this.

But Liang Chen couldn't not laugh at all. So everything in front of him is real?

Is the information given by Cao Ming fake?

And that Drunk Chick is behind this spread of misinformation?

So no one is watching him? There is no Examiner? 

Liang Chen gulped thinking till here and his heartbeat started to quicken. As he stood there, he continued to hear the sound of water splashing, melodic laughter and the sound of teasing.

And a thought couldn't help appear in his mind- A little peek won't hurt right? 

Once this thought appeared, it was difficult to remove it. Liang Chen wanted to leave this place immediately but he stood rooted on ground and gaze fixated at the thick bush that obstructed his vision.

His mind was filled with scenarios on the other side giving rise to ridiculous desires while heart struggled to cope up with these desires.

'Since I have transmigrated, It won't hurt to have a little change in my lifestyle to experience some excitement, right?'

'And a little peek won't hurt right?'

Thoughts that never occurred to him started appearing in his mind.

It was as if he was stuck within a Whirlpool of desire finding it difficult to get outside.

'No, I should leave now. There is something strange here. I am not like this.' Liang Chen held little clarity left in his mind as he realised that the situation seemed a little strange. 

Although he is a lustful individual it's only limited to himself. He has never done or had thought of doing something like this before.

It's as If he is not his usual self. Like he was influenced by something.

Thinking till here, Liang Chen resolutely bit the tip of his tongue and pain helped him awaken a bit as he walked to the cured path wanting to leave this strange place.

As Liang Chen hurried away, heart pounding, he struggled to calm his chaotic thoughts. He had barely regained some clarity when suddenly, a silken fabric brushed his face.

Inhaling reflexively, an intoxicating floral fragrance overwhelmed his senses. It was a scent that evoked vivid imagination and tantalising possibilities.

"Ah! My clothes got blown away by the wind." An alarmed cry echoed from the pond area.

Liang Chen froze, eyes widening. The delicate fabric still clung to his face, the lingering fragrance fogging his mind. He grasped at the last strands of restraint even as his pulse raced out of control.

Just then, there was a deafening sounding in his mind as a line of text appeared in front of his vision.

[Lust Bar Activated]


[Indulgence in lust will result in penalties, ranging from loss of cultivation to lifespan. In extreme cases, death!]

[You are advised to exit the situation promptly.]

Crimson letters branded themselves across his vision. It was similar to last time but this time it was followed by something else.

 Beneath the warning, a smaller script appeared.

"Momentary pleasure carries lasting regret. Master desire before it masters you."

The warning echoed like a bell, the sheer volume shocking Liang Chen out of his spiralling thoughts. The arousal threatening to overwhelm him receded as clarity returned.

Stumbling back in surprise, he tore the fabric from his face. It was a flimsy silk chemise, Cheeks flaming, he flung it away.

Heart still hammering, Liang Chen fled down the path, desperate to escape this damned place.

As Liang Chen fled down the forest path, several feminine heads peeked out from the thick bushes he had recently departed. Their eyes followed his retreating figure, expressions morphing into surprise and then reluctant admiration.

"Well, well, it seems we have an unusual one," mused alluring beauty Hua Jiao, strands of ebony hair clinging alluringly to her neck.

Unlike Liang Chen's imagination, the women were fully clothed in colourful robes rather than nude. Xia Yue stood beside her, absently coiling a silken rope around her arm.

"To think he actually resisted Sister Mei's Enchantment technique! His willpower is astonishing," she remarked.

The other woman nodded, gazing at Liang Chen's fading silhouette. By concentrating their cultivation techniques, they had woven an invisible web of seduction, hoping to ensnare him. Yet somehow he had broken free.

"Hmm...let's inspect our earlier catches while we await the next one," suggested Chen Xue with an impish grin. Her companions laughed in agreement.

As the women retreated into the bushes, the scene behind was revealed. Several embarrassed male disciples lay bound with ropes, dressed only in undergarments. Their discarded robes and belongings were piled haphazardly around them.

The men averted their gazes, red-faced, as the giggling women surrounded them.

"Now, don't be shy. We'll release you… eventually," teased Hua Jiao, trailing a finger down one man's bare chest. His face burned brighter but he remained silent.

"I must say, it's been an abundant harvest today!" exclaimed Xia Yue cheerfully, picking up an ornate bracelet from the pile of belongings. The captives said nothing, as tears streamed down on their faces as they complained inwardly. 

'Lies! They said Senior Sister's are sweet. They said meeting them would be fun!'

'A bunch of liars! How can this be considered fun?'

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