
Cultivation: Starts with Resisting Temptation

Eighteen-year-old Liang Chen died an embarrassing death due to excessive masturbation. However, he gets a second chance at life when he is transmigrated to a Cultivation world along with a system. Liang Chen imagined a life like a protagonist’s, bound as he was to the system. But his life proved completely different from what he had envisioned. It turns out the system Liang Chen was bound to prevents him from indulging in any lustful activities. If he tries to indulge in anything lustful, he would be punished by the system. So Liang Chen desperately tried to keep his distance from women. However, for some strange reason, different types of women flocked to him - like a Yandere Boss Lady who crafted meticulous plans to insert herself into every aspect of his life. Another example was a Demoness Temptress who continually tried to tempt him to the dark side. Thinking of all the women who tried to pursue or tempt him, Liang Chen sighed in frustration rather than delight. “Why do all these women tempt me when I just want to keep my distance from them?” This was like being presented with all kinds of mouth-watering foods while fasting – frustratingly tempting. Just as Liang Chen was contemplating his bitter lot in life, a Young NobleWoman appeared before him. She declared “Liang Chen! Stay by my side and I'll give you everything you want. You can have an entire cultivation mansion and access to my clan's elixirs.... Wait! Why are you running away? Let me finish!”

QONT · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Feng Yulan(2)

Soon the crane reached the area where Liang Chen's temporary residence was located. Feng Yulan gently patted the crane and the white crane descended gracefully on the grassy ground, wings folding with a gentle rustling.

Feng Yulan jumped from the crane gracefully and landed onto the ground.

Feng Yulan approached the Liang Chen residence with brisk strides. Her porcelain-like hands rapped against the wooden door, the sound echoing through the quiet of the morning. 

"Liang Chen" she announced, her voice clear and melodious, "I am Feng Yulan, a disciple of Divine Blossom Pavilion. The Pavilion Leader has sent me to escort you to the test site."

Just as she finished, a rush of footsteps echoed within the house, and the door swung open, revealing a youthful face in front of Feng Yulan.

The youth, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight, radiated vibrant energy—a lively spirit captured in every step

"This must be Liang Chen," Feng Yulan mused, "His appearance surpassed my expectations... But why are his eyes so red? And why does he look so lethargic?" Feng Yulan eyebrows arched in curiosity as she observed Liang Chen.

'Was he too nervous for the test and was not able to rest properly? That's possible!' Feng Yulan wondered inwardly.

On the other hand, Liang Chen walked out of the door. His cultivation session ended yesterday and he entered the Soul Forger realm successfully and after that he was free and bored out of his mind.

And considering the fact he was high up in the sky he did not have anything to do and so he tossed and turned all night and finally slept at some point.

And he was just awoken with the knock and announcement and he rushed out without tidying himself.

Liang Chen straightened his clothes and posture and took a deep breath of fresh air that eased his mood greatly. And he looked around at his surroundings.

While looking around the corner of his eyes twitched in surprise and delight appeared in his eyes. He is not in the sky anymore!

Liang Chen finally looked at the woman carefully and just a look made him click his tongue in wonder.

Do such enchanting women exist everywhere in the entire cultivation world?' Liang Chen pondered, curious about the origins of their beauty—was it innate or cultivated?"

While entranced by the woman's beauty, Liang Chen admired her appearance, his thoughts remaining respectful and devoid of any impure intentions.

After all he is not some pervert who will get aroused just by looking at a beautiful woman.

While he thought till here, Feng Yulan gave a slight bow and said politely, "Liang Chen, I am Feng Yulan. I am here to escort you to the test ground."

With a nod of gratitude, Liang Chen reciprocated the bow, his tone mirroring the same politeness, 'I appreciate your assistance.

Feng Yulan gestured gracefully, her nod inviting Liang Chen to follow. As they approached the crane, her initial impression of him proved pleasantly surprising.

Considering the information she had received, she half-expected inappropriate behavior. To her satisfaction, Liang Chen demonstrated politeness and appropriate conduct. 

However, Feng Yulan acknowledged that it might be premature to draw a final conclusion about his character.

Gracefully leaping onto the crane, Feng Yulan beckoned Liang Chen to join her.

Liang Chen looked at the crane with hesitation but in the end he jumped on its back too.

Despite his fear of heights, Liang Chen couldn't afford to display cowardice in front of others.

Carrying Feng Yulan and Liang Chen, the crane gracefully spread its wings, lifting them into the air.

The crane soared to such heights that they were soon above the clouds.. Looking at the similar scene Liang Chen couldn't help but ask, "Miss Feng, Can I ask you something?"

"Just call me, Feng Yulan." Feng Yulan adjusted her hair against the blowing wind and continued, "You can ask anything. I'll answer them if I can."

"Okay, why was my island floating above the clouds for the past two days?" Liang Chen asked this question trying to appear non-chalenett about it.

Upon hearing the question, a smile appeared on Feng Yulan's face as she replied, "That's a special treatment every male receives in Divine Blossom Pavilion."

"Special treatment?" Liang Chen darkened and he almost lashed out. Could this be considered as special treatment? It felt more like torture."

"Yes, Special treatment. As you're aware, the Divine Blossom Pavilion is predominantly composed of females. With 90% of disciples being female and only 10% being male." Feng Yulan said in a calm tone and added, "It's related to the cultivation technique here."

"Given the predominance of females, it becomes necessary to implement certain protective measures." Pausing for a moment, Feng Yulan chuckled,"Hence, every male residing here has their house floating above the clouds at night."

"Not many outsiders, Know about this. Because very few males outside the Divine Blossom Pavilion have ever experienced this." Saying this, Feng Yulan gave Liang Chen a meaningful look and continued, "In the past few years, you're the only one who has had this privilege. And because you are not part of the Pavilion, You floated for 2 days."

"How was your experience? Did you enjoy the nighttime scenery?" Feng Yulan asked playfully as a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

However, Liang Chen didn't respond; he was preoccupied with his own thoughts.

'Damn, Divine Blossom Pavilion is female oriented? That's news for me!' 

'No wonder, The drunk woman said previous Liang Chen was eager to join Pavilion.'

'That guy must not have any good Intentions.' Liang Chen felt that everything now made sense.

So that's the reason he was floating above cloud at night. 

And Feng Yulan commented on being privileged, Liang Chen wanted to scoof at it.

But the worst part is, He has to join this Pavilion. This thought alone made him depressed.

And he can't back out; it would seem odd since he himself strongly requested this arrangement. Not him but the previous Liang Chen.

He has to live within these females with this damn system. What's the point of living here if he can't do anything?

It's like being surrounded by food when you're hungry, but you can't even take a bite.

In his situation, he can't even smell the food, let alone eat it.

It's truly disheartening.

"Liang Chen? Is something wrong?" Feng Yulan called him out when he did not respond to her.

"Ohh nothing." Liang Chen snapped out of depression and said, "Yeah, Scenery was pretty good at night. The air was fresh too. It was really refreshing."

"Really? I am glad you like it." Feng Yulan patted her chest, continuing with a smile,, "Since you like it, After joining Divine Blossom Pavilion you can enjoy it everyday."

To hell with enjoyment!

Although Liang Chen did not have any evidence, he felt that this woman was being sarcastic.

Liang Chen managed a forced, polite smile and replied, "I certainly hope so."

Feng Yulan gave a satisfied nod and said,

"We are here. The test ground."

The graceful white crane began its descent through the thick blanket of clouds, its wings slicing through the misty veil with precision. As the crane gilded downward, the air seemed to ripple around its majestic form, creating an ethereal dance of currents.

Beneath the shifting clouds, the landscape gradually revealed itself—a tapestry of lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and winding rivers. A secluded valley, cradled between rolling hills and surrounded by towering peaks, emerged into view. The valley seemed to be a sanctuary of untouched beauty, sheltered from the outside world.

Lush, emerald-green vegetation covered the valley floor, forming a vibrant tapestry of flora. Sprawling cherry blossom trees, their delicate petals gently swaying in the breeze, dotted the landscape, creating a picturesque scene straight out of a dream.

A crystal-clear stream meandered through the heart of the valley, its waters reflecting the golden hues of the sun. 

"Looks like test applicants have gathered already." Feng Yulan pointed near the valley, and sure enough a number of people had gathered at the entrance of the valley.

"We will land here." Feng Yulan pointed at a place quite far away from the gathering place, "You can meet the applicants by yourself, I need to meet up with other examiners."

The crane descended gracefully, its wings folding with a soft rustle as it touched down on the ground.

"And lastly, All the best, I hope you can pass the test so that I can call you my Junior brother." Feng Yulan gave Liang Chen a few words of encouragement. Liang Chen jumped from the Crane and landed on the ground.

"Thank you for your kind words. I'll do my best." Although Liang Chen wanted to drop out of the test more than anything, He still had to give the test.

Feng Yulan nodded, and then she, along with the crane, flew into the depths of the forest

Liang Chen took a deep breath. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous about the test. After all, he knew nothing about it.

And he could not ask as it could appear abnormal if it's common knowledge to all test applicants.

All of these things are happening because of missing memories. 

"Whatever, I will do my best. There is no point being nervous about it." Liang Chen clenched his fist and exhaled softly.

Although this life is not the same as he wanted, Since he was given a second chance to live, He has to live to fullest.

"Now that I remember, I have never attended such a grand event in my previous life, right? I was always coped up in a little room." Liang Chen gave himself a self-deprecating laugh thinking of his previous life.

"But since I have transmigrated, I should live this life differently, right? And this test would be my first step toward it." A smile etched across Liang Chen's face as he walked toward the test ground confidently.

Test ground, Here I Come!

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