
Cultivation: Starts with Resisting Temptation

Eighteen-year-old Liang Chen died an embarrassing death due to excessive masturbation. However, he gets a second chance at life when he is transmigrated to a Cultivation world along with a system. Liang Chen imagined a life like a protagonist’s, bound as he was to the system. But his life proved completely different from what he had envisioned. It turns out the system Liang Chen was bound to prevents him from indulging in any lustful activities. If he tries to indulge in anything lustful, he would be punished by the system. So Liang Chen desperately tried to keep his distance from women. However, for some strange reason, different types of women flocked to him - like a Yandere Boss Lady who crafted meticulous plans to insert herself into every aspect of his life. Another example was a Demoness Temptress who continually tried to tempt him to the dark side. Thinking of all the women who tried to pursue or tempt him, Liang Chen sighed in frustration rather than delight. “Why do all these women tempt me when I just want to keep my distance from them?” This was like being presented with all kinds of mouth-watering foods while fasting – frustratingly tempting. Just as Liang Chen was contemplating his bitter lot in life, a Young NobleWoman appeared before him. She declared “Liang Chen! Stay by my side and I'll give you everything you want. You can have an entire cultivation mansion and access to my clan's elixirs.... Wait! Why are you running away? Let me finish!”

QONT · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: Cultivation(2)

Liang Chen had not been cultivating for long when he opened his eyes, his brow furrowing in confusion. Seated, he absentmindedly traced lines on his chin, his mind racing.

"According to the description in the Scripture, I am at the peak of the Body Forging Realm. Yet, in the memories, it's clear that the previous 'Liang Chen' was a Soul Forger."

What was the cause of this discrepancy? Were these the consequences of transmigration?

Liang Chen revisited the scripture and muttered aloud, "A Soul Forger builds a core. A core formed from the very essence of body and soul."

Reading up to this point, his eyes lit up with realisation.

"Of course! That's the reason. The previous 'Liang Chen's' soul dispersed upon his death, leaving only the physical body for me to inhabit. That's why the spiritual core vanished, and I find myself back at the peak of Body Refinement."

"Who says reading novels is a waste of time? I solved such a problem because I read a lot of cultivation novels, which gave me inspiration." Liang held his head high in pride.

"Now that I know the reason it's time to cultivate." Liang Chen once again closed his eyes and focused on cultivation.

'There is a specific process through which I have to go in order to reach the SoulForge realm.'

'The process is written in 'Void Ascension', A technique inside the scripture.'

'Let's read that.'

"From mortal clay, a vessel I refine,

Tempered in fire, where strength shall entwine.

From purest essence, a core I shall build,

A sturdy tower, where power will be instilled.

With a focused mind and whispered word of might, A seed of chaos, within my core I ignite.

Resonance sings, a symphony divine,

As mortal and void, their essence shall entwine.

From flesh and bone, a soul ablaze shall rise, The void's embrace, where true potential lies.

Beyond mortal chains, forever I shall roam, Void Ascension, my path, my sacred home."

Liang Chen muttered aloud the content of the void ascension.

First part of the Void Ascension mentions that it's crucial to forge the body once again before forming a spiritual core, to remove as many impurities as possible.

It's done through the Void Refinement technique.

Liang Chen sank into the depths of his mind, his body entering a state of profound stillness. Though it was his first attempt at cultivation, his movement held a practised ease, as if guided by memory. 

Every muscle, every fibre of his being resonated with the rhythm of Void Refinement technique, a knowledge embedded within him like a legacy.

Unlike whats mentioned in novels, no searing pain greeted him while running the technique. Instead of a painful sensation, he felt a tingling warmth, a gentle awakening of his dormant potential. 

It was like dipping his body into a warm bath, each muscle and cell soaking up the invigorating essence.

The void energy scoured through him, not with harsh abrasiveness, but with a gentle precision. It identified and dissolved impurities, not as painful expulsions, but as a natural cleansing process. 

It was like a sculptor carefully removing imperfections, revealing the inherent strength and beauty beneath.

As the impurities were cleared, his body transformed. His bones become denser, not through a painful hardening but with a natural growth, like a tree strengthening its trunk. 

His muscles grew in size and definition, not through a straining exertion, but with a gradual, effortless development. His tendons increased in elasticity, not through agonising stretches, but with a natural pliancy.

Throughout the process, Liang Chen felt a calm focus, a sense of being perfectly attuned to his body and the void energy within it. 

He felt no pain, no fear, only a profound sense of peace and understanding. He was not battling against the energy, but embracing it, allowing it to work its transformative magic.

With each passing moment, he felt himself becoming stronger, faster, and more resilient. The void energy enhanced his senses, sharpening his perception and granting him a deeper awareness of the world around him. 

He felt a newfound clarity, a connection to the very flow of energy that pulsed through the universe.

Finally, after what felt like a timeless period of peaceful transformation, the process reached its completion. 

The void energy within him settled, becoming an integral part of his being. He opened his eyes, his vision clear and bright.

A satisfied grin stretched across Liang Chen's face. "Holy crap! That was incredible! My body feels like it's crammed full of power, like I could go toe-to-toe with a bear!" 

This is cultivation? I have to say, it's exhilarating." He grinned, playfully punching the air. "And to think it was completely painless! The process was smooth and comfortable, almost addictive. I could do that all day."

A pang of regret washed over him, "Unfortunately, Void Body Refinement can only be used once before forming the spiritual core." He shook his head, "Well, on to the next!"

"Next I have to build a spiritual core…. Building a spiritual core huh! Sounds fascinating... but maybe later. I think I earned a little rest. And I have 2 days before the test so yeah I can rest." 

With that Liang Chen laid on the bed lethargically. Although the cultivation was interesting and fascinating, it's not easy to overcome human tendency.

A human tendency which has been practised for years: Laziness and procrastination.

"Umm, what should I do now? There is no Television or video game to play here." Liang rolled on the bed in boredom, "Maybe I should go outside?"

Liang Chen jumped from the bed and stood on the ground, "Yup! That's the best thing I can do. I always wanted to see the legendary cultivation world."

"Then it's settled, Let's go outside, I can cultivate after a little tour." Liang Chen adjusted his clothes and headed toward the door and with a creak he opened the door.

As Liang Chen stepped out of the door, the cool air washed over him.

"Oh? It's night already." Liang Chen raised his head and gazed over the moon, shining in the sky like a radiant orb.

"Strange, Have I cultivated the whole afternoon and evening?" Liang Chen said in amazement, "Time passed too fast during cultivation."

"Well, its more of a reason for me to take a break. Ah! Cultivation world, The air here is so fresh." Liang Chen took a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh cool air as he looked around and froze. 

His breath hitched on his throat as his jaw dropped in disbelief. 

"My god, My brain just short circuited!" 

Before him stretched a vast, boundless sea of clouds. It surged and rolled Luke a white ocean under the moonlight.

And Liang Chen was standing on a small island that floated within this sea. And his house stood on this island.

In his sight, All Liang Chen could see was a sea of clouds devoid of anything.

"What the hell? In the morning everything was normal, so how come I am floating within the clouds now?"

"Is this phenomenon normal in the cultivation world? If so, where are my neighbours?" Liang Chen gripped the door tightly, as his forehead was filled with sweat.

"This can't be real… There must be ground beneath this." In panic, Liang Chen muttered in panic, gripping the door frame with white knuckles, "These fluffy things… they aren't clouds. Just a thick layer of fog obscuring everything."

"This should be a phenomenon in the cultivation world. It's the same as low tide, where sea water recedes and ground appears."

"Its the opposite of that. There must be ground beneath the fogg" Liang Chen gulped and came up with a hypothesis.

But hypothesis is hypothesis until he can prove it real. Thinking of this, Liang Chen gripped his teeth, took a small step forward while still gripping the door handle and picked up a small pebble from the ground.

He gripped the pebble tightly, then with a deep breath. He hurled it into the sea of fog.

He waited, holding his breath, for the sound of rock hitting the solid ground but there was only silence even after a few seconds.

The unnerving. Absolute silence that stretched on and on and all he could hear was the faint rustle of wind.

"Maybe.. The pebble was too small so the sound that it produced was small?" Liang Chen refused to believe the situation in front of him and decided to do it once again but with a bigger rock.

On the right side of the house was a rock that reached his waist. 

With a trembling body, he released the grip on the door and moved toward the rock, with shaky steps.

He bent down, his fingers trembling as he gripped the rough surface of the rock. He raised it with a grunt, muscles protesting the unfamiliar weight. Despite his fear, his determination remained unwavering. With a deep breath, he hurled the rock with all his might into the swirling white abyss.

The rock disappeared into the clouds in an instant, swallowed by the insatiable maw of the unknown. Time seemed to stretch and distort as Liang Chen held his breath, waiting, hoping, for the sound of impact that would confirm his sanity.

But there was nothing.

No resounding thud. No distant rumble. No echo to break the oppressive silence. Only the faint rustle of the wind, mocking his futile attempt to grasp at normalcy.

Liang Chen's eyes widened in horror as the weight of the truth settled upon him. He was not surrounded by white fog. This was a vast, boundless sea of clouds, and he was truly standing alone on a tiny island floating within it.

"Damn it! This must be the work of that drunk woman. How can she be so petty to hold a grudge against me? All I did was call her a drunk chick. And she sends me to the clouds?" Liang Chen's eyes reddened with anger as he felt himself losing rationality.

Normally Laing Chen would not be afraid but he is afraid of heights. Fear of height comes in the top 3 of the list of things he fears the most.

"I'll remember this! I will settle with that drunk woman later. She'll definitely send someone to pick me up for the test. I'll wait until then." Liang Chen took a deep breath, calming himself, realising there was no point in letting anger consume him.

"For now, I'll focus on cultivation." Liang Chen resolved to channel all his anger into motivation for cultivation. With a flick of his sleeve, he turned around and slammed the door shut, determined to use this unexpected situation as an opportunity for personal growth.