
Cultivation Start with Being the Creator of the World

MC found a wonderful door during the eve of the spirit energy revival. This door connected him to an endless miniature world and he realized that the living creatures in this world were smaller than even ants. He could create an endless tempest with a breath, cause a torrential downpour with a sneeze, shatter city walls with a punch, and level mountains with a footstep. Themany dwarves revered him and regarded him as the creator of their world. They prayed fervently to him and offered him sacrifices . "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Book of Wisdom, to you. You have obtained the ability to know everything." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a worlid item, Gravity Ball, to you. You have obtained the ability to control boundless gravity." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Lightning God's Hammer, to you. You have obtained the almighty power of lightning." With the help of what he gained in the alternate dimension, MC obtained almighty power on Earth. He looked down on humanity and became an omnipotent God, to the fervent prayers of millions of followers! All profit (powerstone) goes to webnovel. Part time Editor and Translator.

MyumaraOri · Eastern
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158 Chs

Chapter 9

To be completely honest, he had mastery over the world's gravity ball, to a certain extent, making him godlike, far beyond the capabilities of mere mortals. Therefore, the so-called Primordial Gods did not faze him in the least.

If an ancient god indeed existed in the world, he could employ the world prop, the gravity ball, to utterly defeat the adversary and accomplish the extraordinary feat of slaying a god.

"As expected of the Lord of the country, possessing a courage far surpassing that of ordinary individuals."

"What nonsense about ancient gods? It might just be a colossal monster, hardly worth mentioning."

"That's right, my Chen army numbers in the millions, occupying territories spanning hundreds of millions of miles. What could a mere Primordial God possibly do?"

"Indeed, if the Primordial God doesn't show up, that would be fine. If the other party dares to appear, they will surely meet their demise."

"Haha, if that god truly emerges, perhaps we have a chance to vanquish a god."

To be entirely frank, I've slain countless people and creatures in my lifetime, but I've never confronted gods. I'm quite curious to see what gods are like."

"What kind of god nonsense! It's just the prattle of commoners."

Many of Chen Guozhong's ministers and generals engaged in such discussions, displaying their lack of concern for the so-called ancient gods. After all, they were not ordinary individuals and were not easily swayed by rumors.

It could be said that over thousands of years of this land's existence, no god had ever been witnessed, and gods had seemingly vanished from this realm. Therefore, they found it difficult to believe that any ancient gods would emerge from the forbidden land of the gods.

"Well, Lord of the Country," at that moment, a soldier burst into the room in a state of panic, his face wrought with anxiety as he shouted, "A Primordial God is outside!"

"Primordial gods?!"

The moment this was uttered, the expressions of everyone in the room underwent a drastic transformation. Just moments ago, they were engaged in spirited discussions, speaking brazenly about ancient gods and dismissing them as mere legends.

However, now, an ancient god had materialized before them, and its arrival was astonishingly swift.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Without a moment's hesitation, they immediately rushed out of the palace and into the open.

As they gazed upward, a terrifying ancient giant loomed before them.

"This... this..."

In this instant, everyone, including Guozhu Chen, felt their legs quaking, their bodies trembling, and the depths of their pupils betraying unparalleled panic. This was an existence of terrifying proportions.

The very first impression they had upon witnessing this giant was its sheer enormity, unparalleled in size. It was quite possibly the largest creature they had ever encountered in their entire lives.

The giant's toe could easily compare to the majestic walls they had erected. Its knees appeared to vanish into the clouds, obscuring their view of the ancient giant's face.

The giant's height was so immense that even describing it as being ten thousand feet tall would not suffice. The giant could seemingly obliterate the entire capital city with a single palm strike.

The power, strength, and even the entire army paled into insignificance when confronted with such a colossal figure.

Primordial gods!

This was undoubtedly an ancient god emerging from the forbidden land of the gods!

Guozhu Chen and the others trembled incessantly. Even though the ancient god had not uttered a word and merely stood before them, they had all lost the courage to confront this primordial god.

At that moment, not a soul dared to utter a word. Those who had previously clamored to challenge this god now stood in stunned silence. They had gained a profound understanding of what a god truly represented—a gaping chasm they could never hope to bridge, even if they dedicated their entire lifetimes and countless lives of their fellow beings to the effort.

"Country road, take me home!"

In that moment, a resounding voice abruptly erupted, akin to a thunderous declaration from the heavens themselves, echoing in the ears of all those present, deafening and powerful. It was as though a divine judgment had been pronounced, granting no opportunity for debate.

In the following second, to the horrified gaze of Guozhu Chen and the others, the ancient god produced a formidable artifact from their person. It appeared as though they had unleashed something significant.


In an instant, an unending veil of white mist surged forth, sweeping across the vast capital city. However, this wasn't ordinary mist but rather ice mist—liquid nitrogen, a product of modern industrial civilization.

While liquid nitrogen was a standard component in the creation of ice cream for the inhabitants of Xuanhuangxing, in this miniature world, it posed a dire threat to the populace.

As the liquid nitrogen broke loose, it felt as if an extreme cold snap had suddenly descended, reducing the temperature to absolute zero, freezing everything in its path.

First, the land of Chen Guocheng was encased in ice. The frost then extended to the villages, followed by the city walls, every dwelling along the streets, every living creature, and every tree, all frozen instantaneously and rendered lifeless.

The freezing occurred at an astonishing pace, akin to a blinding dust storm, spreading so swiftly that no one had time to react. Within moments, the entire city was engulfed by the frost.