
Cultivation Start with Being the Creator of the World

MC found a wonderful door during the eve of the spirit energy revival. This door connected him to an endless miniature world and he realized that the living creatures in this world were smaller than even ants. He could create an endless tempest with a breath, cause a torrential downpour with a sneeze, shatter city walls with a punch, and level mountains with a footstep. Themany dwarves revered him and regarded him as the creator of their world. They prayed fervently to him and offered him sacrifices . "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Book of Wisdom, to you. You have obtained the ability to know everything." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a worlid item, Gravity Ball, to you. You have obtained the ability to control boundless gravity." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Lightning God's Hammer, to you. You have obtained the almighty power of lightning." With the help of what he gained in the alternate dimension, MC obtained almighty power on Earth. He looked down on humanity and became an omnipotent God, to the fervent prayers of millions of followers! All profit (powerstone) goes to webnovel. Part time Editor and Translator.

MyumaraOri · Eastern
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158 Chs

Chapter 18

at this time, the capital of the tang dynasty was chang'an.

at this moment, li xiao, the lord of the tang kingdom, and others already knew the news that the giant kingdom was planning to invade the tang kingdom, after all, as one of the overlords of this region, it was naturally impossible not to know the famous giant kingdom.

moreover, the giant kingdom often burns and plunders other countries, which has always been a major problem for other countries, so the tang kingdom naturally monitors the dynamics of the giant kingdom all the time.

as soon as the giant nation's actions were discovered, there were spies who reported the news through the thought worm, and basically no matter what happened, they could react instantaneously.

"your majesty, the giants' kingdom is not a good person this time, and actually sent tens of millions of giant warriors to come, almost out of the nest, and they did not want to burn and plunder this time, but to destroy our tang kingdom." one of the ministers' faces was very dignified.

if the giant kingdom only wanted to rob it, it would definitely not send so many giant warriors to attack, let alone let the giant kingdom lords personally dispatch.

there was no doubt that the giant kingdom had already laid an iron heart and wanted to invade the tang kingdom, and this battle could not be avoided at all.

"your majesty, although our tang kingdom's national strength has increased a lot, but the giant kingdom is a 05-old empire, almost all of them are giants ten meters tall, and their combat strength is really too strong, if we confront each other head-on, i am afraid that we will be defeated in an instant." another minister said worriedly.

to tell the truth, there are almost no armies on this land that can compete with the legion of giants, because a ten-meter-tall giant can easily crush the elite troops of hundreds of people.

tens of millions of giant warriors poured in together, and i am afraid that no army could resist it.

the only thing that can resist these legions of giants is the world props.

there is no doubt that if tang guo's army really moves, it will only be beaten to the ground, which is not that tang guo's soldiers are not brave enough, but just a pure gap in strength.

"rest assured, our army will not fight head-on with the giant kingdom, nor will it need to confront those reckless men, and this is a great opportunity for us tang kingdoms to dare to come out of the nest, is this not a way to seek their own death?" there is no doubt that this is an opportunity to destroy the giant kingdom in one fell swoop. "

li xiao smiled, and his eyes showed a glint of excitement.

to tell the truth, tang guo has been silent for ten years, and the purpose is to digest the population and territory with peace of mind, so that the basic disk of tang guo is completely solid.

but that doesn't mean he has no ambitions, he still has an appetite for annexing the territories and populations of other countries.

for tang guo, it was impossible to dislike the small territory of his own country, he just wanted the area of tang guo to expand, expand, and continue to expand until the end of the sky.

his appetite is never-ending.

"of course, you don't need to worry about the threat of the giant kingdom, after all, we are a country with the protection of the gods, and the giant nation has gained something." li xiao said dismissively.

although they didn't have any powerful world props now, the ancient gods behind them were more powerful and incredible than any world props.

as long as the ancient gods stand behind them for a day, then they can't find a reason why they will lose. "do you want to ask the ancient gods to help?"

"the problem is that now is not the destruction of the tang kingdom, and we have no reason to ask lord shenming to intervene."

"yes, if we have to ask the gods for everything, then we are afraid that we will be spurned by the gods and lose our grace."

many ministers talked about it.

of course, they knew that if the ancient gods behind them intervened, the giant kingdom would be nothing at all, and they were afraid that the giant kingdom would be destroyed with a wave of their hands.

the problem is that it is the ancient gods, and it is impossible to have any problems on their own, so they all seek out the ancient gods to solve them.

if they go on for a long time, they will become insatiable believers, and then they will be spurned by the gods, so that they will really lose more than they lose.

they would rather let tang guo suffer heavy losses than lose the gifts of the gods.

"haha, you don't need to worry, since you want to ask the gods to help, then we naturally have to prepare the corresponding sacrifices, as long as there are enough valuable sacrifices, i believe that the gods will not refuse our request to destroy the giant kingdom."

li xiao smiled slightly.

"worth enough sacrifices?"

"if it is a sacrifice that can be worth the same as the destruction of the giant kingdom, i am afraid that it will only be a world prop."

"could it be that your majesty has found a new world prop?"

everyone was taken aback and couldn't help but look at li xiao, if li xiao got a world prop, then using this world prop as a price could indeed ask the gods to help.

"that's right."

li xiao nodded, "in the past ten years, the tang kingdom has continued to develop, and shuo has also sent people to continuously search for treasures everywhere, and finally the emperor tian has paid off, and i have found a world prop." "

to tell the truth, the land area of the tang kingdom is really too large, and it is actually quite normal to hide one or two world props in such a huge land.

after all, people who have world props can build countries, which does not mean that all people who hold world props will establish countries, some of them will be hidden in the crowd, and there is no difference between them and ordinary people.

even some of the world props lie quietly on the ground, or in the middle of some ruins, waiting for someone to dig.

"your majesty, what kind of world prop is it?"

someone asked curiously.

"the name of this world 820 prop is called the space bag."

li xiao said in a deep voice, "its role is actually very simple, that is, there is a dimensional space inside, and the size of the dimensional space is closely related to the strength of the holder, if it is controlled by me, then the volume of the dimensional space will be a thousand cubic meters, which can hold a large number of items." "


hearing this, everyone was silent, to be honest, this world prop has no special power, it is purely an auxiliary type of equipment.

although it was possible to carry a space with it, it did not have great significance for tang guo at all.

of course, some people say that it can be used as a means of supporting logistics.

the problem is that after the fire horse and the sky bird, what is a space bag.

in short, this world prop is a chicken rib, a pity to lose, tasteless.

"your majesty is wise, if you exchange this world prop for the demise of the giant kingdom, then it is simply a million profits." a minister said excitedly.

to be honest, this kind of world prop can only be used as an auxiliary, can not attack, can not be defended.

but if the sacrifice was made to the ancient gods in exchange for the demise of the giant kingdom, then it would be a great good thing, no matter which emperor was willing to make such a deal.