
Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chen Fei looked at the bewildering number of people in front of him who desperately practiced boxing to become a master, sighing. "Compete? I don't think so. My motto is never to stand when you can sit." So the panel answered his call. "Extreme Mountain Fist Technique simplification in progress... simplification successful... Extreme Mountain Breathing Technique" "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method simplification in progress... simplification successful... Breathing" Chen Fei took a deep breath. "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method experience +1." "...So I can cultivate by breathing alone?"

Eat More Fish · Eastern
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826 Chs

The Map Revealed

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The piercing roar reverberated through the Thousand Geese Mountain as Wu Renxu occasionally waved the paper fan in his hand, unleashing massive wind blades that ruthlessly sliced through the bodies of the malevolent entity.

With their blood essence depleted, these malevolent entity not only lost their strength but also their speed, becoming no better than ordinary Combined Aperture Tempering realm cultivators.

Tang Shouchang followed behind. Along the hundreds of miles they traveled, they found the sects deserted, their mountain gates broken. Obviously, they had been corrupted by the malevolent entity beforehand.

The destructive power of this malevolent entity exceeded Tang Shouchang's expectations.

If they had discovered this a little later, all the sects in the Thousand Geese Mountain might have been wiped out, and the losses to Thousand Geese City would have been astonishing.