
Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chen Fei looked at the bewildering number of people in front of him who desperately practiced boxing to become a master, sighing. "Compete? I don't think so. My motto is never to stand when you can sit." So the panel answered his call. "Extreme Mountain Fist Technique simplification in progress... simplification successful... Extreme Mountain Breathing Technique" "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method simplification in progress... simplification successful... Breathing" Chen Fei took a deep breath. "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method experience +1." "...So I can cultivate by breathing alone?"

Eat More Fish · Eastern
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830 Chs

Wu Guangyin reluctantly exited the cabin, but with each consultation, the time allowed was limited to just one hour.

It wasn't that Chen Fei intentionally inflated the value of those ten thousand contribution points; it was purely the one-on-one guidance that made one hour sufficient for these elders to learn.

If the time were extended, it would instead miss out on many insights. It was better to control the time, allowing these elders to take their insights back, digest them slowly, and fully integrate them into their own strength.

Wu Guangyin walked onto the deck, exchanged pleasantries with other elders, and quickly returned to his own cabin to digest the insights from this session.

Meanwhile, the other elders had already entered the cabins in order and eagerly sought guidance from Chen Fei on the mysteries of martial arts.

Chen Fei's clone was constantly busy, while his true self sat in the lead ship, silently cultivating.