
Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chen Fei looked at the bewildering number of people in front of him who desperately practiced boxing to become a master, sighing. "Compete? I don't think so. My motto is never to stand when you can sit." So the panel answered his call. "Extreme Mountain Fist Technique simplification in progress... simplification successful... Extreme Mountain Breathing Technique" "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method simplification in progress... simplification successful... Breathing" Chen Fei took a deep breath. "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method experience +1." "...So I can cultivate by breathing alone?"

Eat More Fish · Eastern
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831 Chs

"In this period, that person won't come looking for us again, and the other assassins from Rain Tower should be the same," Chen Fei explained when he noticed the curious gazes of Ruan Qiaojun and the others.

Although Dai Fangxuan managed to escape in the end and save his life, he lost an arm, and Chen Fei's final strike pierced through his chest.

The sword's force exploded within Dai Fangxuan's body, and although he managed to suppress it with sheer willpower, it was inevitable that his internal organs were damaged.

Even with the vitality of a Aperture Tempering realm cultivator, a severe injury like this would take a long time to fully recover from, especially since Dai Fangxuan had burned his own blood essence to escape.

This additional injury meant that Dai Fangxuan might not fully recover for several years, even with top-tier healing elixirs like the Origin Awakening Pill, which would still take several months at the quickest.