
Cultivation Online

Yuan was born with an incurable illness that left him blind at a young age and crippled a few years later, rendering everything below his head useless. Deemed hopeless and irredeemable, his parents quickly gave up on him, and the world ignored him. In this dark and still world, his younger sister became his sole reason for living. Watch as this young man reaches for the apex as a genius in Cultivation Online, the newest VRMMORPG, becoming a legendary figure in both worlds. --------------------- My other novels: Dual Cultivation

MyLittleBrother · Games
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Immortal Monarch

After coming out of his daze, the Lord took a long and deep breath before speaking, "The Immortal Monarch is a prominent figure from after the Primordial Era. He has another nickname, but I will get to that later."

"First, you should probably learn more about the Nine Heavens and its history."

"The Primordial Era is the first known era. It's what some people call the 'beginning of time', as this is the furthest history goes."

"The Primordial Era lasted for countless millions of years. During this time, many legends were created."

"However, towards the end of the Primordial Era, a massive war between the first Celestial Emperor and the cultivators living in that world occurred. It was known as the Heavenly War of Immortals and Gods. I won't get into the details since it's really long and has nothing to do with our topic, but many powerful figures died after that war."