
Cultivation Online

Yuan was born with an incurable illness that left him blind at a young age and crippled a few years later, rendering everything below his head useless. Deemed hopeless and irredeemable, his parents quickly gave up on him, and the world ignored him. In this dark and still world, his younger sister became his sole reason for living. Watch as this young man reaches for the apex as a genius in Cultivation Online, the newest VRMMORPG, becoming a legendary figure in both worlds. --------------------- My other novels: Dual Cultivation

MyLittleBrother · Games
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1558 Chs

Celestial Emperor’s Curse

"Huh?" Yuan had a dumbfounded look on his face after seeing the effects of Celestial Emperor's Curse.

However, before he could even comprehend the situation, he received a notification.

<As you have been marked by the Celestial Emperor, cursed with 'Great Misfortune'!>

[Great Misfortune]

[Curse Grade: Divine]

[Description: A curse that lowers your Luck by 5,000]

"Huh?!?!" Yuan could no longer contain his surprise and cried out loud.

"W-what? What happened?!" Everyone in the room looked at him with wide eyes. 

"I don't know, but I've been cursed… by the Celestial Emperor himself," he said in a dazed voice.

"What?!" Xiao Hua's shocked voice resounded, and she appeared before him the very next moment.

"Why would the Celestial Emperor curse you, Brother Yuan, when you've never met him before?!" she asked in a panicked voice.