
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 50, Gatekeeper Difficulty

Li Jian woke up before the first rays of sunlight had even appeared in the sky. The air was still and quiet, as if the world itself was still slumbering. But Li Jian knew that this was the perfect time to refine the awakening potions for his sons. These potions held the power to awaken their bloodline and purify their spiritual roots, setting them on a clear path of cultivation.

The schools would be in sections by next week and he wants to make sure that the little ones are not lacking anything. Li Jian entered his space dimension and made his way to the herb garden. The scent of various herbs filled the air. He carefully plucked the necessary ingredients, ensuring that only the freshest and most potent ones were chosen. Each herb had its own unique properties, and Li Jian knew that the right combination was crucial for the success of the potion.

Thanks to the restaurant, he has more high grade spirit stones to increase the spiritual energy in the space dimension. The sprite grass was enriched with spiritual energy.

After taking what he needed, Li Jain went back to the alchemy room. He meticulously washed the herbs, removing any impurities that might hinder their effectiveness. He then placed them into a large cauldron. The cauldron was of a high grade, and most of its materials were still in tight. This made Li Jain wonder how generous the house owner was. Or maybe the owner didn't think that someone from this rural town would be able to break through his formation.

With a deep breath, Li Jain closed his eyes and focused his mind. He summoned his soul force, and directed it towards the cauldron. The fire beneath the cauldron flames rises in intensity. Li Jain's soul force intertwined with the fire, creating a harmonious connection that allowed him to control its every movement.

As the fire grew hotter, the herbs within the cauldron began to release their essence. The Alchemy room was filled with a fragrant aroma. Li Jain's hands moved with precision, stirring the mixture in a circular motion. He could feel the energy within the herbs being unleashed, their power merging together to form a potent elixir.

Minutes turned into hours, but Li Jain remained steadfast. He knew that the refining process required patience and unwavering focus. Also this potion is different from the previous ones. He needed to awaken whatever it is, that is sealed in Li Yujian.

The flames danced under his control, their intensity rising and falling in perfect harmony with the herbs. The room was filled with an ethereal glow, as if the very air was charged with spiritual energy.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the refining process came to an end. Li Jian carefully removed the cauldron from the fire, its contents now transformed into a high-level potion. The liquid shimmered with a golden hue. Li Jain's heart swelled with pride, knowing that he was not exhausted as the last time. Which means, both his soul force and cultivation has increased significantly.

With a gentle smile, Li Jain poured the potion into small vials, each one carefully sealed to preserve its potency. This potion held the key to unlocking their true potential. As the first rays of sunlight began to peek through the window, Li Jain felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

He decided to open the restaurant late today. He doesn't want the customers to interrupt their process. When all was said and done, he went to prepare breakfast.


Zhou Lifen stood at the gate of the restaurant as usual, his eyes scanning the horizon as more carriages approached. It was a usual sight for him, but today was different. The master had made an announcement yesterday that the restaurant would open at 10:00 am, yet here it was only 7:00 am and more customers were already gathering outside.

As the first carriage came to a halt, Zhou Lifen approached the customers with a polite smile. "I'm sorry, but the restaurant will open later than usual today," he informed them. "Please come back at 10:00 am."

Some customers nodded understandingly and left, while others seemed disappointed but willing to compromise. However, there were a few who were unreasonable, refusing to accept the delay and demanding to be let in.

"What? I have some important things to do, I can't wait for three hours!" Said one customer.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, sir. The master made an announcement yesterday about the delayed opening time." Zhou Lifen said, pointing to the sign on the gate. The announcement was written in bold letters, clear enough for everyone to see.

It read: 'Due to unforeseen circumstances, the restaurant opening will be delayed today. Please come back at 10:00am.' "You should probably come back later." His tone was apologetic as he spoke.

The man opened his mouth to retort, but closed it after a second, looking down dejectedly. He then turned around and walked away without another word.

Customer 4: "This is ridiculous! I have things to do, and I can't waste my time waiting around!"

Zhou Lifen: "I understand your frustration, ma'am. However, the master has his reasons for the delayed opening. Perhaps you could come back later?"

Customer 5: "I demand to speak to the master! This is unacceptable!"

Zhou Lifen: "I'm sorry, sir, but the master is currently busy preparing for the day. He won't be able to see anyone until the restaurant opens."

Customer 6: "Well, this is just great! What am I supposed to do now?"

Zhou Lifen tried his best to reason with them, explaining that it was inconvenient for the restaurant to open now and they should leave and come back later or order a take out. But his words fell on deaf ears as some customers grew impatient and even aggressive.

One particularly irate customer, a burly man with a scowl on his face, stepped forward. "I don't care about your excuses! I've been waiting for this meal for weeks, and I won't be denied!" he bellowed, attempting to force his way past Zhou Lifen.

Zhou Lifen was getting impatient with how unreasonable some humans are. Why insist on forcing your way in when in the end, you won't make it through?

With a swift movement, Zhou Lifen blocked the man's path, his hand gently resting on the hilt of a hidden sword. "I understand your eagerness, sir, but I cannot allow you to enter before the designated time," he said firmly. His aura flared up briefly, emitting an icy chill which made those standing near him take several steps backwards. "If you want to eat now, please leave a note, and I'll deliver it later."

The burly man's eyes widened in surprise, realizing that Zhou Lifen was not an ordinary gatekeeper. He hesitated for a moment, weighing his options, before finally stepping back. "Fine, I'll wait," he grumbled, his anger subsiding.

As the morning progressed, more customers arrived, each with their own level of patience. Some were understanding, while others grew frustrated. Zhou Lifen handled each situation with grace and composure, never losing his temper or resorting to violence. If there's one thing that Zhou Lifen learned this morning, then it's; How difficult it is to be a gatekeeper.

Thanks for your patience and continuous support to "Cultivation Daddy". To be honest, I was very busy and almost drop this book; but whenever I came back to check every week, there was always few people waiting. You guys give me the strength to reach 50 chapters today. As I will be proceeding with volume 2, I hope you'll appreciate my efforts and continue to bear with me. Once again, congratulations everyone, we've reached the end of volume 1.

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