
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 19, Buying A Resident

Shen Yuan taught Jing Xuan a set of boxing techniques so he could spar with Xiao Yang and was surprised at how quickly Jing Xuan learned. 

Once Jing Xuan learned the technique, he and Xiao Yang began to spar. The two exchanged moves as if their life depended on it. Jing Xuan could predict the outcome, predicting where Xiao Yang would throw his punch and predicting where he'd dodge it based on the timing. Jing Xuan had only one strike, but his speed was astonishing. 

Even though Xiao Yang was not particularly fast in terms of movement, he had incredible strength. There was still a noticeable amount of difference between the two of them. This is because when they spar, Jing Xuan moves are controlled and calculated, while Xiao Yang has no such control. His attacks are rough and forceful.  Although Xiao Yang won in the end, Shen Yuan was amazed by Jing Xuan.

Shen Yuan had been teaching his younger brother for three months, and his skills had improved tremendously in the time that they've spent together. But Jing Xuan looked like a total newbie, and hadn't learned any skills, yet, he was able to put up such an incredible fight.

"Although you haven't mastered the boxing technique yet, your speed and reflex are amazing. It seems as though you could predict Xiao Yang every move before he did it. What an incredible timing!" Shen Yuan praised Jing Xuan seriously.

"Haha, it's not that amazing." Jing Xuan rubbed the back of his head; "The most amazing one is Sheng Sheng. He had mastered three of the obstacle courses that specialized in timing, accuracy, speed, and reflex."

"Sheng? Is it your brother that I met yesterday?" Xiao Yang asked. Although the boy he met yesterday wasn't that much older than him, he had an intermediating presence.

"Nope, that was brother Cheng. My dad is a lucky man. He has two sets of twins and one set of triplets. Sheng Sheng is the oldest of the triplets and I am the second. I am the sixth son of my father." Jing Xuan explained

Shen Yuan's mouth twisted and he thought 'Yeah, your father is indeed a lucky man.' What will take other men a long time, took him three tries to get seven.

Jing Xuan wipes the sweat off with a towel and sits down as he opens the bag he brought with him. "I would have invited you to my house, but my dad has gone out with Sheng Sheng and left brother Cheng in charge. Brother Cheng is super straight, so I decided to visit you instead." He took out the dishes from his bag and placed them on the table. "Come on, let's eat, I brought food from home. You can have this." He passed a small jar filled with jam to Shen Yuan.

"Thank you." Shen Yuan accepted it. "Do you have more jam? I want to buy some." 

"Sheng is the one in charge of the jam business. I'll ask him when he gets back."

They all couldn't resist the fragrance of the rice and sat on the table to eat. The Shen brothers were surprised at how good the food was.


At the Everlasting Herbs Shop:

"Old man Lan, what breeze blow you here?" Boss Wu asks as he welcomes his guest. Today is the day he promised to take Li Jain to buy his new shop. He didn't expect for Boss Lan to also show up.

"This old man is just taking a walk, no need to be on alert. Just pretend I'm not here." 

"Hump!" Slinky old man.

"How have you been, boss Wu?" Li Jain cut in between trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Good, I see you brought your mini version of yourself." Boss Wu ignores old Lan and reaches out to Jing Sheng, "What's your name little Xiao Jain?"

Jing Sheng wasn't angry that the man took him as a younger version of his father, on the contrary, he was very happy. "My name is Li Jingsheng, you can call me Jing Sheng."

"Nice to meet you Jing Sheng, I am the boss Wu of this shop and pharmacy. You can be my uncle Wu."

"Uncle Wu." Jing Sheng nodded. 

"Boss Wu, I'm here for the thing we discussed last time."

"I've talked to the current owner. He should be waiting for us. Although no one wants to spend on that house, it is very expensive. Given the fact that many people believe that the house has treasure inside." Said Boss Wu

Five years ago, A family of twelve suddenly moved to Qingyang Town and bought a land in the town center. No one knew where they came from, there was no track of them passing through the city gate. After they bought the land, their house was build mysteriously over the night. Since then, no had seen them come out of the house. 

Day in day out, the town security would watch over the place for any suspension but they weren't able to enter, like an invisible wall surrounding the entire building. Four years later, the mysterious family came out and sold the house to old man Guo, who  they bought the land form and disappeared from Qingyang Town. 

Up till now, no one knows what they were doing in that house for four years.

After listening to the story, Li Jain nodded: "When I see the place, I will decide. If it is to my liking, I don't mind the price."

"Good, let's get going." 

Li Jain held Jing Sheng's hands and followed behind Boss Wu. 

Li Jain held Jing Sheng's hand and followed Boss Wu into the carriage. The horse carriage  was a long black lacquer affair with silver embellishments around the edges. It  lurched forward as its four wheels turned in unison and pulled it slowly through the city streets, away from the bustle of the bustling marketplace where crowds were already gathering to enjoy the day's warmth. 

In the evening sunlight, the buildings cast long shadows on the ground below.  After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination, A large house located in a remote place outside the market. It alone took over a large area of land and there weren't a lot of houses around it. 

In the shop in the distance, you could see a middle man sitting on the stone with a worried yet excited expression.  He was busy polishing his sword which hung on a stand next to him, so he didn't notice when the coach had drawn up near the entrance of the shop. When the door opened, however, he looked up and his mouth fell open.  With an expression of shock that quickly turned into delight, he stood up and hurried towards them. This person is Chen Qiu, the current owner of the shop.

"Boss Wu is here, I thought you wouldn't make it.  I have a high quality tea ready," he said cheerfully while wiping his hands together.  "You must be thirsty after such a hard ride. Come, come inside!"

Boss Wu stepped out of the carriage and gave a slight nod. Then he walked   and entered the building with the others following closely behind.

"That won't be necessary, here is the person who's interested in the house." He pointed to Li Jain  who stood next to him.

"I will pay good money for it if it meets my requirements. After all, I need it for a restaurant. Do you mind showing us around?" Li Jain smiled as he stepped forward.

 Chen Qiu hesitated briefly before saying, "Oh, okay then." 

The shop area was very large, which made Li Jain very pleased. The shop and two rooms were on the first floor which include the kitchen. The second floor has only three small rooms which was suspicious considering how big the house was. Li Jain noticed some formations along the way but didn't make a sound. He didn't know what the formations were hiding, but curiosity made him want the house even more.

They were escorted by Chen Qiu back downstairs. Along the way, Chen Qiu was very nervous. Although the house was said to be mysterious, rumors are only rumors after all. When he bought the house, he'd called experts in Qingyuan town to look at it. But those people didn't find anything unusual. Since then, lots of people have lost interest, causing him to lose money.

They all sat to consider the price. 

Chen Qiu had been waiting since yesterday afternoon when a servant delivered a letter from Boss Wu, stating that he would meet Li Jain today to talk about buying the residence. He can't wait to get his money back.

"One thousand gold coins. This seems reasonable, right? How much do you have?" Chen Qiu asks with expectations mixed with nervousness.

But Li Jain's quick answer left him speechless.

"Sure, I'll take it." Li Jain answered  immediately while reaching inside the inner pocket of his robe. He pulled out a large bag of gold coins, which is the exact amount of what the house cost and handed it to him. This made Chen Qiu wonder whether the price he named wasn't high, but it was too late to increase the price.

After signing the necessary documents, Li Jain took out his contract sheet and placed it on the table. "I've bought this house from you and it's now my property. I won't come to get my money back and you won't come to disturbed me in the future. Anyone who doesn't abide by the rules will be punished accordingly. Do you have any complaints?"

"Fine with me. "

Chen Qiu was actually worried that Li Jain would come to get his money in less than two weeks like previous owners did. So this contract helps to ease his worries. 

Li Jain dropped his blood on the contract, and Chen Qiu did the same. A bright light shone out, turning the paper into dust before their eyes. 

"What type of contract is that?" Boss Lan asks in amazement.

"A blood contract."